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Short-Term Forecasting Objective and Users Main objective is analysis of liquidity Sufficient cash to effectively operate Ability to service short-term debt Liquidity is of interest to both internal and external users Managers(cash for operations) Creditors (loan safeguards) Investors(return implications) Auditors( going concern analysis) Numerous others
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Return on Invested Capital Importance of Joint Analysis Joint analysis is where one measure is assessed relative to another Return on invested capital (ROI) is an important joint analysis
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Income Measurement Concepts Illustration Facts: Company with$100,000 in cash Buys condo for$100,000 Rents condo for $12,000 per year End of the first year: Condo valued at
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Current Asset Introduction Classification Current (short- Noncurrent term)Assets (Long-Term) Assets Resources or claims to resources that are Resources or claims expected to be sold
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Financial Reporting Environment Regulators Industry Alternative Information Practices Sources Economy and Industry Information
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引言 第一节家畜遗传多样性概述 第二节遗传多样性保护理论和方法 第三节新技术在遗传多样性保护中的应用 第四节家畜遗传资源的管理与利
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8.1复制概述/ 8.2配置服务器 8.3创建发布出版物/ 8.4/订购出版物、 8.5/管理复制选项 8.6/复制代理程序和监视器
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4.1数据库的存储结构 4.2创建、修改和删除数据库 4.3数据库备份 4.4恢复数据库 4.5数据库的维护
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3.1创建服务器组 3.2服务器注册 3.3服务器启动、暂停和停止
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一、行政行为 1、行政行为概述:是指行政主体运用行政职权,管理行政事务时作出的能够产生法律效力的行为
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