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Introduction Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) Concept, Clinical features and classification Pathogenesis Precipitating factors of HE Principles of treatment for HE Hepatorenal Syndrome (HRS) Concept Pathogenesis
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Chapter 7 Translation Translation is the conversion of the information in the nucleic acid sequence to polypeptides of a specific amino acid sequence
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概述: 一、了解环境,“感觉”网络 二、为课程内容进行铺垫
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一、什么是安全性? 1 密码术 2 报文鉴别
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实时协议(Real -Time- Protocol,RTP) 一、为实时应用程序提供标准化格式的分组 二。一般在UDP之上运行
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一、了解多媒体网络的应用要求 延迟
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TP数据报格式 一、IP协议版本号
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本讲概述: 一、 Internet传输层的实现和实例
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一、应用程序和应用层协议 二、应用程序:沟通,分布式的进
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