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消化管 Digestive Tract、泌尿系统 Urinary system、生殖系统的发生
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Managing Organizational Change Change is an inevitable, pervasive, persistent, and permanent condition for all organizations Organizations' futures depend on their ability to master change Effective managers must view managing planned
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Types of Decisions Programmed Nonprogrammed Repetitive and routine Novel and unstructured decisions and where a decisions required for definitive procedure is unique and complex developed to handle them management problems. McGraw-HillInwin
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Communication Defined The transmission of information and understanding through the use of common symbols from one person to another Common symbols may be
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中国医科大学:《组织胚胎学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第五章 软骨与骨
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一、人际关系 二、沟通
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Vroom-Jago Leadership Model Based on the Vroom-Yetton Model Normative model or set guidelines Situations determine appropriateness of degrees of participative decision-making No one single leadership style was appropriate Leader needs to be flexible to change styles to fit specific situations
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一、冲突的定义及种类 二、冲突的作用 三、冲突产生的原因 四、解决冲突的一般方法 五、如何有效地解决冲突
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The Concept of Power POWER INFLUENCE e Relationship between two Relationship between people two people o The potential to influence Induce someone to e capability to get someone behave in a certain to do something
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一、群体 二、团队建设
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