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(1)1/0方程:D(p)r(t)=N(p)e(t) (2)系统函数H(s)=(s) (3)框图/流图 (4)状态方程
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We are going to consider the forces exerted on a material. These can be external or internal. External forces come in two flavors: body forces(given per unit mass or volume) and surface forces(given per unit area). If we cut a body of material in equilibrium under a set of external forces along a plane as shown in fig. 1. and consider one side of it we draw two conclusions: 1 the equilibrium provided by the loads from the side taken out is provided by a set of forces that are distributed among the material particles adjacent to
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第一节时间数列 一、意义 二、种类:总量、相对、平均数列 三、编制时间数列的原则: 1、指标所属的时间的可比性; 2、总体范围的前后一致; 3、计算的口径方法的可比性; 4、经济内容的可比性
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7-1锁相环路概述 7-2锁相环路基本工作原理 7-3锁相环路分析 7-4锁相环路的应用 7-5频率合成
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1、学习投影法的基本理论及国家标准制图的基本规定 2、能够绘制和看懂简单的零件图和装配图 3、培养空间想象和空间分析的初步能力 4、了解计算机绘图软件绘图的基本方法
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§2-1 系统的概念 §2-2 生态系统的概念 §2-3 生态系统类型的划分和自然生态系统的生态效应 §2-4 农业生态系统的特点
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Why is the element stiffness matrix singular in a finite element formulation? 1. So that it can accomodate rigid element dis- placements without introducing spurious nodal 2 Because we made a mistake in the formula- tion the stiffness matrix should not be sin- g 3. Because we havent enforced any displace ment boundary conditions(it's a variational approach after all) Statement(1)
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A Cauchy stress component at a given(fixed) point P of a structure in equilibrium under the action of external loads is defined when 1. the direction of the face on which the stress component acts is specified 2 the direction of the force from which the stress component is derived is specified None of the above statements
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9.1静态查找表 9.1.1顺序表的查找 9.1.2有序表的查找 9.2动态查找表 9.2.1二叉排序树和平衡二叉树 9.2.2B_树和B+树 9.3哈希表 9.3.1什么是哈希表 9.3.2哈希函数的构造方法 9.3.3处理冲突的方法 9.3.4哈希表的查找及其分析
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原子吸收光谱仪主要部件 原子吸收分光光度计与紫外可见分光光度计在仪器结构上的不同点: (1)采用锐线光源。 (2)分光系统在火焰与检测器之间
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