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法定代表人: 职务: 地 址: 邮码: 电话: 贷 款 方: 法定代表人: 职务: 地 址: 邮码: 电话: 甲方为引进国外先进技术设备进行技术改造,其项目已经由 批准
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借 款 方:____________ 地 址: 电话:____________ 代 理 方:____________ 地 址: 电话:____________ 出 借 行:____________
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贷 款 方:______________________ 地 址: 邮码:____________ 电话:____________ 法定代表人:____________ 职务:____________ 借 款 方:_________________________ 担 保 方: 邮码:____________ 电话: ____________
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借 款 方:_______________________ 地 址: 邮码:____________ 电话: ____________ 法定代表人:____________ 职务:____________ 贷 款 方:_______________________ 地 址: 邮码:____________ 电话: ____________
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货款种类:__________________________ 合同编号:_________ 借 款 人:__________________________ 电 话:_________ 住 址:__________________________ 邮政编码:_________ 货款银行:__________________________ 电 话:_________
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贷 款 方:_______________________ 地 址: 邮码:____________ 电话: ____________ 法定代表人:____________ 职务:____________ 借 款 方:_______________________ 地 址: 邮码:____________ 电话: ____________
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:58.5KB 文档页数:6
Synchronous sequential circuit memory, usually consisting of flip-flops, update circuit states information All flip-flops share a common clock pulse input The clock input is not a binary value representing the time of day but rather a\synchronous\train of pulses. Synchronous memory changes its data only at certain time intervals The flip-flops can change state only on a clock pulse edge
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:251.5KB 文档页数:27
Analysis Analyze existing circuits to determine their function Synchronous sequential circuit The basic modeling structure Two circuit models: Mealy model& Moore model Three approach used to describe the circuit: Logic function equation
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Sequential Circuit Models Yo Combinational logic Universal combinational circuit model No memory units No feedback from logic outputs back to the inputs
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5001 (a)小 (b)F的电负性比N高,NF3和NH3相比,F3中电子离N远,互斥作用小
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