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12.1传统农业的改造 12.2农业现代化的内涵与主要内容 12.3农业现代化的条件与发展战略
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第一节 资本社会化和垄断的形成 第二节 国家垄断资本主义 第三节 例证分析
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Production — Oligopoly 1 Cournot Duopoly Suppose there are two firms in an industry. Their strategy spaces are quantities. Their payoffs are profits. Industry demand is given by the inverse demand function, P(Q), where industry production is Q = q1 + q2. They
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A consumption externality is a situation where a consumer cares directly about another agent’s consumption or production of a particular good. An externality can be positive or negative: 1. Negative: Loud mobile phone use in public places. 2. Positive: Pipe smoking in enclosed public places
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Consumers make choices over bundles of goods. Consumer theory models the way in which these choices are made. A good is simply a product — such as apples or bananas. A good may be specified in terms of time — such as
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Suppose the consumer’s income were to increase. Optimal choice changes. How?
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1. 了解公共物品和共有资源的定义 2. 考察为什么私人市场不能生产公共物品 3. 考虑我们经济中的一些重要的公共物品 4. 说明为什么公共物品的成本—收益分析既是必要的又是困难的 5. 考察为什么人们往往会过多的使用共有资源 6. 考虑我们经济中一些重要的共有资源
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There are many different types of market structure. The main ones are: 1. Perfect Competition: Many small price-taking firms in an industry with free-entry. 2. Monopoly: One large price-setting firm in an industry with barriers to entry
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电子科技大学:经济学原理(PPT课件讲稿)Principles of Economics
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1、为什么一个经济的总收入等于其总支出 2、如何定义和计算国内生产总值GDP 3、说明GDP分为四个主要部分 4、了解实际GDP与名义GDP之间的区别 5、考虑GDP是不是经济福利良好的衡量指标
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