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一、土壤的基本概念 二、土壤肥力的概念 三、土地的基本概念 四、土壤在农业生产和生态系统中的地位 五、土壤的基本物质组成
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Course objectives This is a graduate student class designed to examine the fundamental issues of human supervisory control, wherein humans interact with complex dynamic systems, mediated through various levels of automation this course will explore how humans interact with automated systems of varying complexities, what decision
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Outline Information Theory Signal Detection Theory Alerting Introduction
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Advantages of automation 16.422 · Improve efficiency productivity Task performance reliability Human safety both operators public Remote operations Reduction of human labor Technological advancements Improved quality of lif
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Consider Sensor System Display Or Threshold Sensor System Alert Radar Engine fire Detection
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Probabilit Theory Objective Subjective Probability Probability SEU ·MAUT Axiomatic
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How experts make decisions in the real world Descriptive method Stress, time-pressure, dynamic conditions, ambiguous information, and ill-defined goals Heuristics may introduce bias but can be very powerful Other related research areas
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Research methods Qualitative Vs quantitative Understanding the relationship between objectives(research question) and variables is critical Information≠Data Information=data analysis Planning in advance is a must To include how data will be analyzed
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第一节SPSS的安装 1.1.1SPSS简介 1.12SPS的安装 第二节SPSS的界面初识 1.2.1SPSS的启动 1.2.2SPSS的主窗口 1.2.3SPSS的菜单 1.2.4SPSS的其他窗口 1.2.5SPSS的退出 1.2.6SPSS的求助系统
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1、试述动物精神兴奋与抑制的主要表现和临床意义? 2、中枢性瘫痪与外周性瘫痪怎样鉴别? 3、强迫运动的表现有那些?各有什么诊断意义? 4、阵发性痉挛强直性痉挛怎样进行鉴别? 5、试述反射检查的方法和临床意义?
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