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第16課 わが身をねじって人の痛さを知れ 第17課 抗議する義務 第18課 「こんにちは」の用法 第19課 独学のすすめ 第20課 字のない葉書 第21課 高度経済成長時代 第22課 人は何のために生きるのか 第23課 手の文化史 第24課 「あいさつ」にはお国柄があらわれる 第25課 障子の破れに学ぶもの 第26課 蘭 第27課 ストレスと人間関係 第28課 夜空を見上げての嘆き 第29課 眼ざまし時計 第30課 雪、そして故郷
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淮南煤田自上个世纪20年代以来,很多单位和地质工作者先后采用各种手段,分 别做过各种不同阶段的地质测量及勘探工作,提交了不少普查、详查和精查地质勘探 报告,至今已建立了十六个矿井,其中已闭坑2个矿井;合并、破产重组了8个矿 井;现有生产矿井6个,破产重组公司3个;在建矿井6个。现将以往所做的主要地 质测量工作概述如下:
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一、方差的概念 引例:现有甲、乙两位射手,甲射手射击中命中的环数 工用X表示,乙射手射击中命中的环数用Y表示,甲、乙两射 手射击中命中的环数分布分别为:
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一、掌握定员定额、劳动班次安排的方法 二、掌握员工培训与考核的要求与方法 三、明确员工激励的手段
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5.2需求分析 5.2.1需求分析的任务 通过详细调查现实世界要处理的对象(组织、部门、企业等), 充分了解原系统(手工系统或计算机系统)工作概况,明确用 需求分析任务:户的各种需求,然后在此基础上确定新系统的功能。新系统必 须充分考虑今后可能的扩充和改变,不能仅仅按当前应用需求 来设计数据库
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All the ingredients included here are derived from milk or eggs. In their principal value is there are also tenderising properties associated with the fats and emulsifying compounds which they contain. Milk, butter, cheese and eggs have been traditional ingredients for baking due to their exceptional nutritional values as well as their flavour. The techmology of milk production has now developed to such an extent that there are a large
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The only difference between a fat and an edible oil is that at ambient temperature a fat is semi-solid, and appears more or less firm to the touch, and an oil is liquid. They are both of similar general chemical composition. Edible oils are completely different in chemical form to mineral oils that are used as fuels or for lubrication. Most mineral oils are hazardous to human health and should not be even a small
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4.1 Introduction White wheat flour is the largest ingredient in nearly all biscuits. It is made from wheat by removing the brown surface coating and the embryo(the bran and the germ) and reducing the particle size to a fine powder. Modern milling methods are very complex involving many stages principally because it is difficult to separate the bran from the white central part (known as the endosperm)of the wheat
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Biscuits are small baked products made principally from flour, sugar and fat. They typically have a moisture content of less than 4% and when packaged in moistureproof containers have a long shelf life, perhaps six months or more. The appeal to consumers is determine by the appearance and eating qualities. For example, consumers do not like broken biscuits nor ones that have been over or under baked
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