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中南民族大学:《无机化学》课程教学资源(习题)第19章 配位化合物(1)
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中南民族大学:《无机化学》课程教学资源(习题)第9、10章 电解质溶液(1)
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1.了解 16 ~18 族元素的特点; 2.了解重点元素的存在、制备和用途; 3. 掌握重点元素硫、卤素的单质及其化合物的性质,会用结构理论和热力学解释它们的某些化学现象; 4. 了解第 1个稀有气体化合物的诞生及其对化学发展的贡献。 14.1 第16族、第17族和第18族概述 Generality of groups 16, 17 and 18 elements 14.2 氧 Oxygen 14.3 硫 Sulfur 14.4 卤素 Halogens 14.5 稀有气体 Noble gases
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1 Crystal Basics 2 Symmetry 3 Crystal Structure Analysis 4 Crystal Chemistry 5 Some Important Crystal Structures
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Functional Solid State Materials Electrical properties Optical properties Magnetic properties Mechanical properties “the secret for transmuting base metals into precious gold” Materials & History
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Allylic 1-3-Strain as a Controlling Element in Stereoselective Transformations TSO(2C)4 R. W. Hoffmann, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2000, 39, 2054-2070 CH2)lOTs Conformation Design of Open-Chain Compounds
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Acyclic Conformational Analysis-1 Ethane, Propane, Butane & Pentane Conformations Introduction to Allylic Strain Reading Assignment for week
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Stereoelectronic Effects-1 Anomeric and Related Effects Electrophilic & Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions The SN2 Reaction: Stereoelectronic Effects Olefin Epoxidation: Stereoelectronic Effects Baeyer-Villiger Reaction: Stereoelectronic Effects Olefin Bromination: Stereoelectronic Effects
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D. Seebach Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 27, 1624 (1983). (handout) \Stereoselective Alkylation Reactions of Chiral Metal Enolates\. D. A. Evans Asymmetric Synthesis, 3, 1 (1984). (handout)
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Carbonyl and Azomethine Electrophiles-1 Relevant Dunitz Articles Geometrical Reaction Coordinates. Il. Nucleophilic Addition to Reactivity Trends
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