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Chapter 6: Integrity and Security (完整性与安全性) Domain Constraints(域约束) Referential Integrity(参照完整性) Assertions(断言) Triggers(触发器) Security(安全性) Authorization(授权) Authorization in SQL(SQL中的授权) Database System Concepts
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Chapter 3: Relational Model Structure of Relational Databases Relational Algebra Extended Relational-Algebra-Operations Modification of the Database Views Tuple Relational Calculus Domain Relational Calculus Database System Concepts
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Two kidneys Two ureters Bladder Urethra
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PAUL ALFRED LAGACE Margaret macvicar Faculty Fellow Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems Co-Director, Leaders For Manufacturing and System Design and Management Programs
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生殖系统包括雄性生殖系统和雌性生殖系统两部分。 第六节雌性生殖系统(Female reproductive system) 雌性生殖系统包括卵巢、输卵管、子宫和阴道等器官。 一卵巢(ovary) 被膜:生殖上皮+白膜 (一)卵巢的一般结构
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1.有“break”的动词短语 break down: a.(机器或车辆)出故障;坏掉e. the telephone system has broken down.电话系统瘫痪 了。b.失败e.g. . Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.双方谈判失败 了
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Brannon-Peppas theory of swelling in ionic hydrogels Original theory for elastic networks developed by Flory and Mehrer, refined for treatment of ionic hydrogels by Brannon-Peppas and Peppas Other theoretical treatments Derivation of ionic hydrogel swelling Model structure of the system
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泌尿系统 urinary system 泌尿系统包括肾脏( kidney) 输尿管( ureter)、膀胱( bladder) 及尿道( urethra)。肾脏不但是重 要的排泄器官,也是维持机体内环 科境稳定的重要调节器官和内分泌器
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1. The position vector and displacement Let the plane of the two-dimensional motion be the x-y plane of a Cartesian coordinate system
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10.1 The Regulation of Markets and Institutions Financial system is one of most intensely regulated sectors of the U.S economy
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