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四川建筑职业技术学院:《大学英语》课程教案讲义(3级考试)第十四讲 短语辨析

1.有“break”的动词短语 break down: a.(机器或车辆)出故障;坏掉e. the telephone system has broken down.电话系统瘫痪 了。b.失败e.g. . Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.双方谈判失败 了。

Phrase differentiation and analysis短语辨析 1.有“ break”的动词短语 break de a_(机器或车辆)出故障;坏掉 e.g the telephone system has broken down.电话系统瘫痪 了。b.失败eg. Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.双方谈判失败 b.情不自禁地哭起来 e.g. He broke down when hearing the news听到这个消息他不禁哭起 来。d.( break sth.down)打倒,砸破 e.g Firefighters have to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside.消防队员不得不破门而入,解救困在里面的人。 分解,使变化(成) e.g. Sugar is broken down in the stomach.糖在胃里被分解 a强行进入;破门而入 e.g. Burglars had broken in while we were away.我们不在家时,窃贼 闯进屋里了 b. break sb/sth.in训练某人偞某物;培训eg. to break in new recruits训练新兵 c. break in(sth)打断;插嘴eg" I didn'tdoi!" she broke in.“不是我干的!”她插嘴说 break off a断开;折断eg. The back section of the plain had broken off.飞机尾部脱落了 b.( break sth.om)折断; e.g She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.她掰了一块 巧克力给我 c.突然终止 e.g Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.英国威胁说要断绝外交 关系。 break through a做出重大发现;取得突破 e.g. Scientists think that they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.科学家们认为他们在对抗癌症的研究中开始有所突破 b.( break through sth.)冲破;突破eg. Demonstrators broke though the police cordon示威群 众冲破了警方的警戒线 克服,战胜ε g. He had finally managed to break through her reserve.他终于设法消除了她 的拘谨。 a_粉碎;破碎eg. The ship broke up on the rocks.船触礁撞碎了 b.结束 e.g. Their marriage has broken up.他们的婚姻已经破裂。 c.三开;解散eg. The meeting broke up at ten o' clock会议在十一点散会。 d.变得虚弱,垮掉e.g. He was breaking up under the strain.过度的劳累使他快要垮了。 e.捧腹大笑 e.g. He makes me just break up他令我几乎笑坡肚皮。 f.( break up with sh.)与(某人)绝交 e.g She has just broken up with her boyfriend.她刚刚 和男友分手 break out a(战争等)爆发,突然开始eg. Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans.双方 球迷发生了打斗 b.( break out of sth.)逃离(某地);摆脱(某状况)e. g. Several prisoners broke out of the jai 几名囚犯越狱了。 c.( break out in sth.)突然布满某物eg. He broke out in a cold sweat.他突然冒出一身冷汗 2.“by”引导的短语

Phrase differentiation and analysis 短语辨析 1. 有“break”的动词短语 break down: a. (机器或车辆)出故障;坏掉 e.g. the telephone system has broken down. 电话系统瘫痪 了。 b. 失败 e.g. Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方谈判失败 了。 b. 情不自禁地哭起来 e.g. He broke down when hearing the news.听到这个消息他不禁哭起 来。 d. (break sth. down) 打倒,砸破 e.g. Firefighters have to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. 消防队员不得不破门而入,解救困在里面的人。 c. 分解,使变化(成) e.g. Sugar is broken down in the stomach. 糖在胃里被分解。 break in: a. 强行进入;破门而入 e.g. Burglars had broken in while we were away.我们不在家时,窃贼 闯进屋里了 b. break sb./sth. in 训练某人/某物;培训 e.g. to break in new recruits 训练新兵 c. break in (sth.) 打断;插嘴 e.g. “I didn’t do it!” she broke in. “不是我干的!”她插嘴说。 break off a. 断开;折断 e.g. The back section of the plain had broken off. 飞机尾部脱落了。 b. (break sth. off) 折断;e.g. She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me. 她掰了一块 巧克力给我。 c. 突然终止 e.g. Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations. 英国威胁说要断绝外交 关系。 break through a. 做出重大发现;取得突破 e.g. Scientists think that they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. 科学家们认为他们在对抗癌症的研究中开始有所突破。 b. (break through sth.) 冲破;突破 e.g. Demonstrators broke though the police cordon.示威群 众冲破了警方的警戒线。 c. 克服,战胜 e.g. He had finally managed to break through her reserve. 他终于设法消除了她 的拘谨。 break up a. 粉碎;破碎 e.g. The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞碎了。 b. 结束 e.g. Their marriage has broken up. 他们的婚姻已经破裂。 c. 三开;解散 e.g. The meeting broke up at ten o’clock.会议在十一点散会。 d. 变得虚弱,垮掉 e.g. He was breaking up under the strain. 过度的劳累使他快要垮了。 e. 捧腹大笑 e.g. He makes me just break up.他令我几乎笑坡肚皮。 f. (break up with sb.)与(某人)绝交 e.g. She has just broken up with her boyfriend. 她刚刚 和男友分手。 break out a. (战争等)爆发,突然开始 e.g. Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans. 双方 球迷发生了打斗。 b. (break out of sth.) 逃离(某地);摆脱(某状况)e.g. Several prisoners broke out of the jail. 几名囚犯越狱了。 c. (break out in sth.) 突然布满某物 e.g. He broke out in a cold sweat. 他突然冒出一身冷汗 2. “by”引导的短语

by chance碰巧 e.g. I met him in London by chance.我碰巧在伦敦遇到了他。 by means of借助…手段;依靠方法 e.g. The load was lifted by the means of a crane 重物是用起重机吊起来的。 by mistake错误地;无意地 e.g. I took your bag instead of mine by mistake我不巧错拿了你的 by the way顺便提一下;捎带说一声 e.g. By the way, I found that book you were looking for 顺便提一下,我找到了你再找的那本书 by way of sth a路经;经过;经由 e.g. I arrived in Paris by way of Hong Kong.我途经香港到了巴黎 b.作为的形式;作为的手段 e.g. He recovered S600 by way of compensation from the company.他得到哪家公司赔偿,收回了600美元 3.有“ca”的动词短语 all fo a~sb.(去)接eg. I'll call for you at7 o'clock.我七点钟来接你。 b.~sth.1)需要eg. The situation calls for prompt action.目前的形势需要立即采取行动 2)(公开)要求eg. The opposition has called for him to resign.反对派已要求他辞职 call off取消;停止进行 e.g. to call off a deal/ip取消交易/旅行 call sb./sth.of把(人)叫走(不再搜查等):把(狗)叫开(不让它咬人等) all a邀请,要求(某人讲话等);恭请 e.g. I now call on the chairman to address the meeting现 在请主席向大会致词 b.请求,要求eg. I feel called on you that…我觉得我应该警告你 all up a( call sb.up)1)打电话给 e.g. Call me up when you are ready.准备好了给我打电话。2)征 召入伍3)选入,征调(运动员为国参赛) e.g. He has been called up to play for three years 他被选入国家队三年 b.( call sth.up)1)使回忆起;使想起eg. The smell of the sea called up memories of his childhood大海的气息勾起了他对童年的回忆。2)调用储存;调出备用eg. I called his ddress up on the computer.我在计算机上调出了他的地址。 She called up her last reserves of strength.他使尽了最后一点力气 4.“car的动词短语 a拿走;夺走 e.g. He carried off my last breath of love.他夺走了我最后一点爱的气息。 b.贏得;获得eg. He carried off most of the prizes.他赢得了大多数的奖项。 c.成功的对付,不费劲的处理(大多数人认为难以应付的事)eg. She's had her hair cut really short. But she can carry it off!她的头发剪得太短了,不过她还是若无其事的样子。 carry on( with sth)继续做;坚持干 e.g. Carry on with you work when I'm away.我不在时你 要接着干。 carry out a履行;实施;执行;落实 e. g. to carry ot a promise// a threat/a plan把承诺/威胁/计划付诸 动 b.完成(任务) e.g Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.已对患者做了全面检 查 5.有“ catch”的动词短语

by chance 碰巧 e.g. I met him in London by chance. 我碰巧在伦敦遇到了他。 by means of 借助……手段;依靠…… 方法 e.g. The load was lifted by the means of a crane. 重物是用起重机吊起来的。 by mistake 错误地;无意地 e.g. I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.我不巧错拿了你的 包。 by the way 顺便提一下;捎带说一声 e.g. By the way, I found that book you were looking for. 顺便提一下,我找到了你再找的那本书。 by way of sth. a. 路经;经过;经由 e.g. I arrived in Paris by way of Hong Kong. 我途经香港到了巴黎。 b. 作为……的形式;作为……的手段 e.g. He recovered $600 by way of compensation from the company. 他得到哪家公司赔偿,收回了 600 美元。 3. 有“call”的动词短语 call for a. ~ sb. (去)接 e.g. I’ll call for you at 7 o’clock. 我七点钟来接你。 b. ~ sth. 1)需要 e.g. The situation calls for prompt action. 目前的形势需要立即采取行动。 2)(公开)要求 e.g. The opposition has called for him to resign. 反对派已要求他辞职。 call off 取消;停止进行 e.g. to call off a deal/trip 取消交易/旅行 call sb./sth. off 把(人)叫走(不再搜查等);把(狗)叫开(不让它咬人等) call on a. 邀请,要求(某人讲话等);恭请 e.g. I now call on the chairman to address the meeting.现 在请主席向大会致词。 b. 请求,要求 e.g. I feel called on you that … 我觉得我应该警告你…… call up a. (call sb. up) 1)打电话给 e.g. Call me up when you are ready. 准备好了给我打电话。2) 征 召入伍 3)选入,征调(运动员为国参赛)e.g. He has been called up to play for three years. 他被选入国家队三年。 b. (call sth. up) 1) 使回忆起;使想起 e.g. The smell of the sea called up memories of his childhood. 大海的气息勾起了他对童年的回忆。2) 调用储存;调出备用 e.g. I called his address up on the computer. 我在计算机上调出了他的地址。She called up her last reserves of strength. 他使尽了最后一点力气。 4. “carry”的动词短语: carry off a. 拿走;夺走 e.g. He carried off my last breath of love. 他夺走了我最后一点爱的气息。 b. 赢得;获得 e.g. He carried off most of the prizes. 他赢得了大多数的奖项。 c. 成功的对付,不费劲的处理(大多数人认为难以应付的事)e.g. She’s had her hair cut really short. But she can carry it off. 她的头发剪得太短了,不过她还是若无其事的样子。 carry on (with sth.) 继续做;坚持干 e.g. Carry on with you work when I’m away. 我不在时你 要接着干。 carry out a. 履行;实施;执行;落实 e.g. to carry ot a promise/ a threat/ a plan 把承诺/威胁/计划付诸 行动 b. 完成(任务) e.g. Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient. 已对患者做了全面检 查。 5. 有“catch”的动词短语:

catch hold of抓住,拿着;握着eg. He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn' t get away.他 抓住她的手腕,使她无法挣脱 catch sight of看见 e.g. She caught sight of his dating with anther girl.她看见他和另外的女 孩约会。 She caught sight of a car in the distance.她看见远处有一辆汽车 catch up(with) a.赶上;追上e. g. Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you.你先走。我随后赶上你 b.达到(某水平) e.g. He tried his best to catch up with his lessons 6.有“come”的动词短语 come across sb / sth.(偶然)遇见,碰见,发现eg. She came across some old photos in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片 come off a(从中)脱落;能被去掉 e.g. Does this hood come of:这风帽能卸下来吗? This mark Won' t come off这污点去不掉。 b.离开,与……分离 e.g. A button had come off my coat.我的外套掉了一颗纽扣。 c.摔下 e.g. to come off your bicycle.从自行车上摔下 d.结束eg.I' ve tried to get him to come off the drug.我试图说服他停止吸毒 e.成功 e.g They had wanted it to be a surprise but the plan didn' t come off.他们本想一鸣惊 人,然而计划却流产了 come on a.~sb/sth(无被动语态)偶然遇见,偶然发现 b.进展,进步 e.g. This project is coming on fine.这项工程进展顺利 ac.(表示劝说、鼓励)来吧eg. Come on! We don' t have much time.快点!我们的时间不 多了 c.~ to sth(无被动语态)开始讨论(某一主题) e.g. Id like to come to that question later.我 想以后再讨论那个问题。 come out a出现,eg. The rain stopped and the sun came out.雨停后太阳出来了 b.显露eg. Her best qualities come out in a crisis她的优秀品质在危难之中显示了出来。 c.出版,发表 e. g. When is her new novel coming out.她的新小说何时出版? d.结果是 e.g. It comes out that he had been telling lies.结果是后来才知道他一直在说谎 come true实现 e.g. My dream comes true.我的梦想实现了 come/go into effect/operation生效,开始实施,起作用eg. New controls come into effect next month.下月开始实施新的管制措施 7.for短语: for example/instance例如 for good/ever永远eg.She' s leaving for good this time.她这次走是再也不会回来了 for the present/ moment目前,暂时eg. This room is big enough for the present, but they'll ave to move if they have children.这房间现在还够大。要是有了孩子,他们就得搬。 for the sake of为了某人(某事)起见;因某人(某事)的缘故eg. They stayed together for the sake of the children.为了孩子,他们还待在一起。 I hope you' re right, for all our sakes.我希望 你没事,这对我们大家都好 for the time being暂时;眼下 e.g. You can leave your suitcase here for the time being.你可以 暂时把衣箱留在这儿 8.有“ge”的动词短语

catch hold of 抓住,拿着;握着 e.g. He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn’t get away. 他 抓住她的手腕,使她无法挣脱。 catch sight of 看见 e.g. She caught sight of his dating with anther girl. 她看见他和另外的女 孩约会。 She caught sight of a car in the distance. 她看见远处有一辆汽车。 catch up (with) a. 赶上;追上 e.g. Go on ahead. I’ll catch up with you. 你先走。 我随后赶上你。 b. 达到(某水平)e.g. He tried his best to catch up with his lessons. 6. 有“come”的动词短语: come across sb./sth. (偶然)遇见,碰见,发现 e.g. She came across some old photos in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。 come off a. (从中)脱落;能被去掉 e.g. Does this hood come off. 这风帽能卸下来吗? This mark won’t come off. 这污点去不掉。 b. 离开,与……分离 e.g. A button had come off my coat. 我的外套掉了一颗纽扣。 c. 摔下 e.g. to come off your bicycle. 从自行车上摔下 d. 结束 e.g. I’ve tried to get him to come off the drug. 我试图说服他停止吸毒。 e. 成功 e.g. They had wanted it to be a surprise but the plan didn’t come off. 他们本想一鸣惊 人,然而计划却流产了。 come on a. ~ sb/sth (无被动语态)偶然遇见,偶然发现 b. 进展, 进步 e.g. This project is coming on fine. 这项工程进展顺利。 a. c.(表示劝说、鼓励)来吧 e.g. Come on! We don’t have much time. 快点!我们的时间不 多了。 c. ~ to sth (无被动语态)开始讨论(某一主题)e.g. I’d like to come to that question later. 我 想以后再讨论那个问题。 come out a. 出现, e.g. The rain stopped and the sun came out. 雨停后太阳出来了。 b. 显露 e.g. Her best qualities come out in a crisis. 她的优秀品质在危难之中显示了出来。 c. 出版, 发表 e.g. When is her new novel coming out. 她的新小说何时出版? d. 结果是 e.g. It comes out that he had been telling lies. 结果是后来才知道他一直在说谎。 come true 实现 e.g. My dream comes true. 我的梦想实现了。 come/go into effect/operation 生效,开始实施,起作用 e.g. New controls come into effect next month. 下月开始实施新的管制措施。 7. for 短语: for example/instance 例如 for good/ever 永远 e.g. She’s leaving for good this time. 她这次走是再也不会回来了。 for the present/moment 目前,暂时 e.g. This room is big enough for the present, but they’ll have to move if they have children. 这房间现在还够大。要是有了孩子,他们就得搬。 for the sake of 为了某人(某事)起见;因某人(某事)的缘故 e.g. They stayed together for the sake of the children. 为了孩子,他们还待在一起。I hope you’re right, for all our sakes. 我希望 你没事,这对我们大家都好。 for the time being 暂时;眼下 e.g. You can leave your suitcase here for the time being. 你可以 暂时把衣箱留在这儿。 8. 有 “get”的动词短语

get along a前进 e.g Parents are always anxious for their children to get on.父母总是急切的盼望孩子 们事业有成。He' s getting on very well a school.他在学校学得很好。 b.离去,走开egIt' s time we are getting along.我们该离开了 get along with a_与……友好相处;eg. Shes never really got along with her sister.她从未与妹妹真正和睦 相处过 b.(尤指中断后)继续干 e.g Be quiet and get along with your work.安静下来,继续干你 的事。 Get along with it! We haven't got all day.继续干吧!我们的时间并不多 get across被传达为,被理解;把…讲清楚 e.g Your meaning didn, t really get across你的 意思并未真正为别人理解 get hold of抓住,拿着,握着eg. Quick, get hold of that rope.快,抓住那条绳子 get in a到达,进入 e. g The train got in late.火车晚点到达。She' got in the college to study agriculture.她被录取到这所大学学习建筑 b.加入 e.g He's hoping to get in on any discussions about the new project.他盼望着参加有 关新计划的任何讨论 off(从)下来 e.g. Let' s get off the train.我们下车 a骑上(马,自行车),登上(车、船、飞机等) e.g Get on the horse and run away.骑上 马套走吧。 b.有进展 e.g. How' everything getting on?进展如何? get over a_越过,克服 e.g. She cannot get over her shyness她无法克服羞怯心理。 b.度过,从疾病(或震惊,断绝关系等)中恢复常态eg. He was disappointing at not getting the job, but he ll get over it.他没得到这份工作非常失望,不过他会想得开的。 get rid of摆脱,丢弃,扔掉,去除 e.g Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.在我 到达之前,想办法把你的客人打发走。 We got rid of all the old furniture.我们扔掉了所有的 旧家具 get through a通过eg. She got all her students through the exam.她帮助所有的学生顺利通过了考试 b.办完,处理eg. There's a lot to get through.还有很多事要处理呢 c.用完 e.g We got through a fortune while we were in New York!我们在纽约时花掉了一大 笔钱。 t together聚集,开会 e.g. Those who want to go traveling get together at8o' clock at the school gate tomorrow morning.那些要去旅游的明早八点整在校门口集合 get up a起床eg. He al ways gets up early.他一向起得早。 b.起立eg. The class got up when the teacher came in.老师进来时全班起立 c.增加,增强,变猛烈 e.g Before the thunderstorm, the wind gets up bit by bit.暴风雨前, 风越来越大 9.有“give的动词短语 off释放,放出 e.g. The flowers give off a fragrant perfume.花儿散发出芳香 out

get along a. 前进 e.g. Parents are always anxious for their children to get on. 父母总是急切的盼望孩子 们事业有成。He’s getting on very well a school. 他在学校学得很好。 b. 离去,走开 e.g. It’s time we are getting along. 我们该离开了。 get along with a. 与……友好相处;e.g. She’s never really got along with her sister. 她从未与妹妹真正和睦 相处过。 b. (尤指中断后)继续干 e.g. Be quiet and get along with your work. 安静下来,继续干你 的事。 Get along with it! We haven’t got all day. 继续干吧!我们的时间并不多。 get across 被传达为,被理解;把……讲清楚 e.g. Your meaning didn’t really get across. 你的 意思并未真正为别人理解。 get hold of 抓住,拿着,握着 e.g. Quick, get hold of that rope. 快,抓住那条绳子。 get in a. 到达 ,进入 e.g. The train got in late. 火车晚点到达。 She’s got in the college to study agriculture. 她被录取到这所大学学习建筑 b. 加入 e.g. He’s hoping to get in on any discussions about the new project. 他盼望着参加有 关新计划的任何讨论。 get off (从)下来 e.g. Let’s get off the train. 我们下车。 get on a. 骑上(马,自行车),登上(车、船、飞机等) e.g. Get on the horse and run away. 骑上 马套走吧。 b. 有进展 e.g. How’s everything getting on? 进展如何? get over a. 越过,克服 e.g. She cannot get over her shyness. 她无法克服羞怯心理。 b. 度过, 从疾病(或震惊,断绝关系等)中恢复常态 e.g. He was disappointing at not getting the job, but he’ll get over it. 他没得到这份工作非常失望,不过他会想得开的。 get rid of 摆脱,丢弃,扔掉,去除 e.g. Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there. 在我 到达之前, 想办法把你的客人打发走。 We got rid of all the old furniture. 我们扔掉了所有的 旧家具。 get through a. 通过 e.g. She got all her students through the exam. 她帮助所有的学生顺利通过了考试。 b. 办完,处理 e.g. There’s a lot to get through. 还有很多事要处理呢。 c. 用完 e.g. We got through a fortune while we were in New York! 我们在纽约时花掉了一大 笔钱。 get together 聚集,开会 e.g. Those who want to go traveling get together at 8 o’clock at the school gate tomorrow morning. 那些要去旅游的明早八点整在校门口集合。 get up a. 起床 e.g. He always gets up early. 他一向起得早。 b. 起立 e.g. The class got up when the teacher came in. 老师进来时全班起立。 c. 增加,增强,变猛烈 e.g. Before the thunderstorm, the wind gets up bit by bit. 暴风雨前, 风越来越大。 9. 有 “give”的动词短语: give off 释放,放出 e.g. The flowers give off a fragrant perfume. 花儿散发出芳香。 give out

a.分发eg. The teacher gave out the exam papers.老师发卷子。 b.用完,耗尽 e.g. Her patience finally gave out.她最终忍无可忍。 c.发出,放出(光、热等)eg. The radiator gives out a lot of heat.散热器释放出大量的热。 give rise to使发生(或存在) e. g The novel' s success gave rise to a number of sequels.这部小 说的成功带来了一系列的续篇。 give up投降;认输;放弃 e.g. They gave up without a fight.他们不战而降。 Give up smoking you will get cancer.戒烟吧否则你会得癌症。 give way to a屈服;退让;让步 e.g He refused to give way on any of the points.他拒绝在任何一点上 让步。 b.让…先行;让…在先 e.g. Give way to traffic already on the roundabout.让已上环状交 叉路的车辆先行 c.被……代替eg. The storm gave way to bright sunshine.暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。 10.有“go”的动词短语 go after追求追赶eg. She left the room in tears so i went after her.她流着泪离开了房间,所 以我随后追了出去。 go ahead a开始(~ with sth)e.g. The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans政府拟 开始进行其减税计划 b.进行eg. The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned新桥的修建将按计划进 go along with( with sb/sth)赞同;和某人观点一致 e.g. I don't go along with her views on this 在这一点上我不同意她的观点。 a从事;参加考试(或竞赛) e.g. She' s going in for the Computer First Certificate.她打算 参加计算机初级证书考试 b爱好;对某事物有兴趣 e.g She doesn't go in for team games.她对团体比赛不感兴趣 In a_调查,研究eg. We need to go into the question of costs.我们需要研究一下费用问题。 b.从事 e.g. to go into the Army参军 a.爆炸 e.g. The gun went off by accident.枪走火了 b.发射 e.g. The rocket goes off in seconds.火箭几秒钟就发射出去了 c.离开eg. She went off to get her dress她拿衣服去了。 a继续前进 e.g. Go on and seize the enemy' s battlefield.继续前进,拿下敌人的阵地。 b.继续下去eg. This can not be allowed to go on.决不允许这种情况继续下去 c.说下去 e. g She hesitated for a moment and then went on.她犹豫了一会儿,然后继续往下 a外出 e.g. He goes out drinking most evenings.他晚上多半在外喝酒 b.熄灭 e.g. All lights went out and they became silent.所有的灯都灭了,他们都沉默了 ver a检查,审查 e.g The judge went over the case before the court.法官开庭前仔细审查了案件

a. 分发 e.g. The teacher gave out the exam papers. 老师发卷子。 b. 用完,耗尽 e.g. Her patience finally gave out. 她最终忍无可忍。 c. 发出,放出(光、热等)e.g. The radiator gives out a lot of heat. 散热器释放出大量的热。 give rise to 使发生(或存在)e.g. The novel’s success gave rise to a number of sequels. 这部小 说的成功带来了一系列的续篇。 give up 投降;认输;放弃 e.g. They gave up without a fight. 他们不战而降。Give up smoking or you will get cancer. 戒烟吧否则你会得癌症。 give way to a. 屈服;退让;让步 e.g. He refused to give way on any of the points. 他拒绝在任何一点上 让步。 b. 让……先行;让……在先 e.g. Give way to traffic already on the roundabout. 让已上环状交 叉路的车辆先行。 c. 被……代替 e.g. The storm gave way to bright sunshine. 暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。 10. 有 “go”的动词短语 go after 追求,追赶 e.g. She left the room in tears so I went after her. 她流着泪离开了房间,所 以我随后追了出去。 go ahead a. 开始(~ with sth)e.g. The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans.政府拟 开始进行其减税计划。 b. 进行 e.g. The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.新桥的修建将按计划进 行。 go along with (with sb/sth) 赞同;和某人观点一致 e.g. I don’t go along with her views on this. 在这一点上我不同意她的观点。 go in for a. 从事;参加考试(或竞赛) e.g. She’s going in for the Computer First Certificate. 她打算 参加计算机初级证书考试 b. 爱好;对某事物有兴趣 e.g. She doesn’t go in for team games. 她对团体比赛不感兴趣。 go into a. 调查,研究 e.g. We need to go into the question of costs. 我们需要研究一下费用问题。 b. 从事 e.g. to go into the Army 参军 go off a. 爆炸 e.g. The gun went off by accident. 枪走火了。 b. 发射 e.g. The rocket goes off in seconds. 火箭几秒钟就发射出去了。 c. 离开 e.g. She went off to get her dress. 她拿衣服去了。 go on a. 继续前进 e.g. Go on and seize the enemy’s battlefield. 继续前进,拿下敌人的阵地。 b. 继续下去 e.g. This can not be allowed to go on. 决不允许这种情况继续下去。 c. 说下去 e.g. She hesitated for a moment and then went on. 她犹豫了一会儿,然后继续往下 说 go out a. 外出 e.g. He goes out drinking most evenings. 他晚上多半在外喝酒。 b. 熄灭 e.g. All lights went out and they became silent. 所有的灯都灭了,他们都沉默了。 go over a. 检查,审查 e.g. The judge went over the case before the court. 法官开庭前仔细审查了案件

b.重复,温习eg. He went over the events of the day in his mind.他心里反复琢磨白天的事 go through a穿过,通过 e.g. The train goes through the tunnel.火车穿过这条隧道。 b.遭受,经受 e.g. She' s been going through a bad patch recently.她最近很不走运 go wrong a出错 e.g If you do what she tells you, you won't go far wrong.你要是按照他说的做,就不 会出大差错 b.发生故障,出毛病 e.g. My watch goes wrong.我的手表出毛病了。 11.有“hand”的动词短语 hand over交给,移交eg. She finally handed over his responsibility for the company last year 她终于在去年交出了公司的职务 hand down把流传下去 e.g. These skills used to be handed down from father to son这些技 术以往都是父子相传。 hand in交上,递交 e.g. You must hand in you r projects next week.你必须在下周交出研究报告。 hand in hand手拉手;密切关联 e.g Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand.贫穷和健 康不良常有连带关系 hand out分发,散发ε g Could you hand these books out, please?请把这些书发给大家好吗? 12.有“hold”的动词短语 hold back a.阻止eg. The police were unable to hold back the crowd.警察拦不住人群。 b.踌躇,退缩不前 e.g She held back., not knowing how to break the terrible news.她踌躇着, 不知如何说出这一可怕的消息。 隐瞒 e.g. to hold back information隐瞒消息 d.控制(感情等),不露声色 e.g She bravely held back his tears.她勇敢的没让眼泪流出来。 hold on(to.)紧紧抓住 e.g. He held on to the back of the chair to stop himself from falling.他 扶住椅子后背,以免摔倒。 hold out a伸出cg. I held out my hand to steady her.我伸出手扶住她 b.维持,支持 e.g We can stay here for as long as out supplies hold out.我们可以在这里一直 待到我们的贮备品用完 a延迟,阻挡 e.g An accident is holding up traffic.一场事故造成了交通阻塞。 My application was held up by the postal strike.我的申请因邮政部门的罢工而耽搁了。 b.举起 e.g He is so strong that he can hold up the heavy box with one hand.他壮得能用一只 手举起重箱子 c.支持住,承受住 e.g. She' s holding up well under the pressure.她承受住了压力。 13.有“look”的动词短语: look at看,瞧 e. g. Look at the blackboard and read after me.请看黑板跟我读 look back(on.…)回顾,回忆 e.g. to look back on your childhood回顾自己的童年 look down on/upon看不起,轻视eg. She looks down on people who haven' t been to college 她瞧不起没上过大学的人。 look for a寻找,寻求eg. What are you looking for?你再找什么? b.期望,盼望 e.g. We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term.我们期待你

b. 重复,温习 e.g. He went over the events of the day in his mind. 他心里反复琢磨白天的事。 go through a. 穿过,通过 e.g. The train goes through the tunnel. 火车穿过这条隧道。 b. 遭受,经受 e.g. She’s been going through a bad patch recently. 她最近很不走运 go wrong a. 出错 e.g. If you do what she tells you, you won’t go far wrong. 你要是按照他说的做,就不 会出大差错。 b. 发生故障, 出毛病 e.g. My watch goes wrong. 我的手表出毛病了。 11. 有 “hand”的动词短语 hand over 交给,移交 e.g. She finally handed over his responsibility for the company last year. 她终于在去年交出了公司的职务。 hand down 把……流传下去 e.g. These skills used to be handed down from father to son.这些技 术以往都是父子相传。 hand in 交上,递交 e.g.You must hand in you r projects next week.你必须在下周交出研究报告。 hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联 e.g. Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand. 贫穷和健 康不良常有连带关系。 hand out 分发,散发 e.g. Could you hand these books out, please? 请把这些书发给大家好吗? 12. 有 “hold”的动词短语: hold back a. 阻止 e.g. The police were unable to hold back the crowd. 警察拦不住人群。 b. 踌躇, 退缩不前 e.g. She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news. 她踌躇着, 不知如何说出这一可怕的消息。 c. 隐瞒 e.g. to hold back information 隐瞒消息 d. 控制(感情等),不露声色 e.g. She bravely held back his tears. 她勇敢的没让眼泪流出来。 hold on (to…) 紧紧抓住 e.g. He held on to the back of the chair to stop himself from falling. 他 扶住椅子后背,以免摔倒。 hold out a. 伸出 e.g. I held out my hand to steady her. 我伸出手扶住她。 b. 维持,支持 e.g. We can stay here for as long as out supplies hold out. 我们可以在这里一直 待到我们的贮备品用完。 hold up a. 延迟, 阻挡e.g. An accident is holding up traffic. 一场事故造成了交通阻塞。My application was held up by the postal strike. 我的申请因邮政部门的罢工而耽搁了。 b. 举起 e.g. He is so strong that he can hold up the heavy box with one hand. 他壮得能用一只 手举起重箱子。 c. 支持住,承受住 e.g. She’s holding up well under the pressure. 她承受住了压力。 13. 有 “look”的动词短语: look at 看,瞧 e.g. Look at the blackboard and read after me. 请看黑板跟我读。 look back (on…) 回顾,回忆 e.g. to look back on your childhood 回顾自己的童年 look down on/upon 看不起,轻视 e.g. She looks down on people who haven’t been to college. 她瞧不起没上过大学的人。 look for a. 寻找,寻求 e.g. What are you looking for? 你再找什么? b. 期望,盼望 e.g. We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term. 我们期待你

这学期功课有进步。 look forward(to…)盼望,期待eg. I am looking forward to the weekend.我盼着过周末 look in(ons)(尤指到某人住处)作短暂拜访e. g Why don' t you look in on me next time you' re in town?你下次进城顺便来看看我好吗? look into调查,观察 e.g. A working party has been set up to look into the problem.已成立一 个工作小组来调查这个问题。 look out留神eg. Look out! There is a car doming当心,有车来了。 look over把看一遍,把…过目eg. We looked over the house again before we decided to rent it.那房子我们又看了一次才决定租用的。 look through浏览;细查 e. g. She looked through her notes before the exam.她考试前匆匆看 了一下笔记。 look up(在字典等中)查找 e.g. Can you look up the time of the next train?你查一查下一班 过车的时间好吗? look up to尊敬 e.g. He looks up to his elder brother.他尊敬他的哥哥 14.有“make”的动词短语 make for a.走向,朝…前进eg. He makes for the door.他朝门走去。 b.促成ε Constant quarrels cannot make for a happy marriage.不断争吵不可能使婚姻幸福 make fun of拿开玩笑,取笑egIt' cruel to make fun of people who stammer.嘲笑口吃的 人是不人道的。 a看出,辨认出 eg I could just make out a figure in the darkness.黑暗中我只看出了一个人 的轮廓。 b.理解,了解εg. I can make out what she wants.我了解她要什么。 c.写出,开出 e.g. He made out a cheque for$l00.他开了一张100美元的支票。 make sense有道理,明智的,理解eg. This sentence doesn' t make sense.这个句子不通。I cannot make sense of that painting.我看不懂那幅画 make sure确保;核实,弄清eg. They scored another goal and made sure of victory.他们又 进了一个球,这就贏定了。 make up a_捏造,临时编造εgYω u made up that.你瞎编 b.组成,构成eg. Women made up 56% of the student numbers.女生占学生总数的56% c.化妆e.g. She made up for the program.她为上节目化了妆。 d.~for补充,补足补偿,弥补 e.g. He had to make up for the lessons which he had missed for his illness他必须补上由于生病落下的功课 make use of使用 e. g We could make better use of our resources.我们可以更好的利用我么的 资源 15.“on”的短语 on average平均c.g400 people a year die of this disease on average.平均每年有400人死于 这种疾病 on behalf of代表 e.g. John will accept this prize on behalf of his brothe:约翰代他弟弟来领奖 on board在船上(或飞机上等)eg. Have all passengers gone on board yet?所有乘客都登机 了吗? on business出差e.g. He went to the city on business.他去那个城市出差

这学期功课有进步。 look forward (to…) 盼望,期待 e.g. I am looking forward to the weekend. 我盼着过周末。 look in(on sb) (尤指到某人住处)作短暂拜访 e.g. Why don’t you look in on me next time you’re in town? 你下次进城顺便来看看我好吗? look into 调查,观察 e.g. A working party has been set up to look into the problem. 已成立一 个工作小组来调查这个问题。 look out 留神 e.g. Look out! There is a car doming. 当心,有车来了。 look over 把……看一遍,把……过目 e.g. We looked over the house again before we decided to rent it. 那房子我们又看了一次才决定租用的。 look through 浏览;细查 e.g. She looked through her notes before the exam. 她考试前匆匆看 了一下笔记。 look up (在字典等中)查找 e.g. Can you look up the time of the next train? 你查一查下一班 过车的时间好吗? look up to 尊敬 e.g. He looks up to his elder brother. 他尊敬他的哥哥。 14. 有 “make”的动词短语: make for a. 走向,朝……前进 e.g. He makes for the door. 他朝门走去。 b. 促成 e.g. Constant quarrels cannot make for a happy marriage. 不断争吵不可能使婚姻幸福。 make fun of 拿…开玩笑,取笑 e.g. It’s cruel to make fun of people who stammer. 嘲笑口吃的 人是不人道的。 make out a. 看出,辨认出 e.g. I could just make out a figure in the darkness. 黑暗中我只看出了一个人 的轮廓。 b. 理解,了解 e.g. I can make out what she wants. 我了解她要什么。 c. 写出,开出 e.g. He made out a cheque for $100. 他开了一张 100 美元的支票。 make sense 有道理,明智的,理解 e.g. This sentence doesn’t make sense. 这个句子不通。I cannot make sense of that painting. 我看不懂那幅画。 make sure 确保;核实,弄清 e.g. They scored another goal and made sure of victory. 他们又 进了一个球,这就赢定了。 make up a. 捏造,临时编造 e.g. You made up that. 你瞎编。 b. 组成,构成 e.g. Women made up 56% of the student numbers.女生占学生总数的 56%。 c. 化妆 e.g. She made up for the program. 她为上节目化了妆。 d. ~ for 补充,补足, 补偿,弥补 e.g. He had to make up for the lessons which he had missed for his illness. 他必须补上由于生病落下的功课。 make use of 使用 e.g. We could make better use of our resources. 我们可以更好的利用我么的 资源。 15. “on”的短语: on average 平均 e.g. 400 people a year die of this disease on average. 平均每年有 400 人死于 这种疾病。 on behalf of 代表 e.g. John will accept this prize on behalf of his brother. 约翰代他弟弟来领奖。 on board 在船上(或飞机上等)e.g. Have all passengers gone on board yet? 所有乘客都登机 了吗? on business 出差 e.g. He went to the city on business. 他去那个城市出差

on duty值班,值勤e. g. Who is on duty today?今天谁值班? on fire着火;火辣辣 e.g The house is on fire.房子着火了。 He couldnt breathe. His chest was on fire.他无法呼吸。他的胸部火辣辣的疼痛, on foot步行e.g. I will go there on foot.我步行去那儿 on purpose故意,有意的 e.g. You did it on purpose.你故意的。 on sale出售;折价销售,减价出售 e.g All merchandise is on sale during the holiday.所有商 品在假期大甩卖。 on schedule如期,按安排ε g. Filming began on schedule.拍摄如期开始 on second thoughts(表示已转变想法)又一想,转念一想 e.g. I'll wait for you.No, on second thoughts,I' I come with you.我就在这儿等。不,再一想,我还是跟你一起走 on the one hand…. on the other hand..(引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等)一方 面…另一方面eg. On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other hand, they don't want to give up their freedom.一方面,他们想要孩子,但另一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自 在的生活。 on the point of关于的观点 e.g On the point of this business,, they disagree with each other 关于这笔生意,他们意见相左 on the whole总的说来;大体上;基本上e. g On the whole,I' m in favor of the idea大体说来 我赞成这个想法。 on time准时e. The plane cannot take off on time because of the bad weather.因天气恶劣, 飞机不能准时起飞。 16.“ou”短语 out of breath喘不上气,透不过气来 e. g He ran to here out of breath他气喘吁吁的跑到这儿 out of control无法管理,失去控制 e.g. A truck ran out of control on the hill.一辆卡车在山上 失去了控制。 out of date过时的e.g. His suit is out of date.他的衣服过时了 out of order a有毛病;出故障 e.g. My watch is out of order.我的手表坏了 b.安排不当;不整洁εg. These papers are out of order.这些卷子没有按顺序编排 c.行为不当;举止令人难以接受eg. You were well out of order taking it without asking你不 问一声就把它拿走,这是很不妥当的。 out of place位置不当e. g. these files seem to be out of place.这些档案似乎没放对地方 out of sight看不见eg. She is soon out of sight.很快就看不见她了。 out of the question不可能;不允许;不值得讨论 e.g. Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.今年再度出国时绝无可能的。 17.有“put的动词短语 put aside a储存 e.g He put aside this money for his son' s college education.他把这笔钱存起来给儿 子读大学用 b.护士,不理睬ε g. They decided to put aside their difference.他们决定搁置双方的分歧。 put away放好,收好eg.I' m just going to put the car away.我打算把车开进车库, put down a记下,放下eg. Put it down in your diary.把它记在你的记事本里。 b.镇压,平定ε g. to put down a rebellion平定叛乱 t off

on duty 值班,值勤 e.g. Who is on duty today? 今天谁值班? on fire 着火;火辣辣 e.g. The house is on fire. 房子着火了。 He couldn’t breathe. His chest was on fire. 他无法呼吸。他的胸部火辣辣的疼痛。 on foot 步行 e.g. I will go there on foot. 我步行去那儿。 on purpose 故意,有意的 e.g. You did it on purpose. 你故意的。 on sale 出售;折价销售,减价出售 e.g. All merchandise is on sale during the holiday. 所有商 品在假期大甩卖。 on schedule 如期,按安排 e.g. Filming began on schedule. 拍摄如期开始。 on second thoughts (表示已转变想法)又一想,转念一想 e.g. I’ll wait for you. No, on second thoughts, I’ll come with you. 我就在这儿等。不,再一想,我还是跟你一起走。 on the one hand … on the other hand … (引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等)一方 面…另一方面… e.g. On the one hand they’d love to have kids, but on the other hand, they don’t want to give up their freedom. 一方面,他们想要孩子,但另一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自 在的生活。 on the point of 关于…的观点 e.g. On the point of this business, they disagree with each other. 关于这笔生意,他们意见相左。 on the whole 总的说来;大体上;基本上 e.g. On the whole, I’m in favor of the idea. 大体说来, 我赞成这个想法。 on time 准时 e.g. The plane cannot take off on time because of the bad weather. 因天气恶劣, 飞机不能准时起飞。 16. “out”短语: out of breath 喘不上气,透不过气来 e.g. He ran to here out of breath.他气喘吁吁的跑到这儿。 out of control 无法管理,失去控制 e.g. A truck ran out of control on the hill. 一辆卡车在山上 失去了控制。 out of date 过时的 e.g. His suit is out of date. 他的衣服过时了。 out of order a. 有毛病;出故障 e.g. My watch is out of order. 我的手表坏了。 b. 安排不当;不整洁 e.g. These papers are out of order. 这些卷子没有按顺序编排。 c. 行为不当;举止令人难以接受 e.g. You were well out of order taking it without asking.你不 问一声就把它拿走,这是很不妥当的。 out of place 位置不当 e.g. these files seem to be out of place. 这些档案似乎没放对地方。 out of sight 看不见 e.g. She is soon out of sight. 很快就看不见她了。 out of the question 不可能;不允许;不值得讨论 e.g. Another trip abroad this year is out of the question. 今年再度出国时绝无可能的。 17. 有 “put”的动词短语: put aside a. 储存 e.g. He put aside this money for his son’s college education. 他把这笔钱存起来给儿 子读大学用。 b. 护士,不理睬 e.g. They decided to put aside their difference. 他们决定搁置双方的分歧。 put away 放好,收好 e.g. I’m just going to put the car away. 我打算把车开进车库。 put down a. 记下,放下 e.g. Put it down in your diary. 把它记在你的记事本里。 b. 镇压,平定 e.g. to put down a rebellion 平定叛乱 put off

a.推迟eg. He keeps putting off going to the dentist.他把看牙医的事一拖再拖。 b.阻止,搅扰eg. The sudden noise put her off her game.突然的嘈杂声干扰了她的比赛 put forward提出e. g. to put forward an argument/a plan/ a suggestion提出论点/计划/建议 put on a穿上,戴上 e.g. Hurry up! Put your coat on!快点!把外衣穿 b.上演cg. The students are putting on their own drama.学生们正在上演自己排演的戏剧。 c.增加(体重)c.g. She looks like she's put on weight.她似乎发胖了 put out a_熄灭,关灯 e.g. to put out a candle/cigarette熄灭蜡烛/香烟 b.公布,发布eg. Police put out a description of the criminal.警方公布了罪犯的特征 c.伸出 e.g Put out your hands and let me check whether they are washed clean.把手伸出来 我检查你们手洗干净没有 d.生产c. g. The plant puts out500 new cars a week.这个工厂每周生产500辆新汽车 put up a建造,搭起,支架 e. g. to put up a tent.搭帐篷 b.张贴;进行(抵抗等) e.g. to put up a notice/a poster张贴通知/海报 c.提供 e.g A local businessman has put up the500,000 pounds needed to save the club.一位 当地的商人拿出了拯救该俱乐部所需的50万英镑 d.提(价)eg.They' ve put up the rent by20 pounds a month他们把每月的租金提高了20 英镑。 e.为……提供食宿,投宿 e.g. We can put you up for the night.今晚我们可以留你过夜 put up with容忍,忍受 e.g. I don't know how she put up with him.我不明白她怎么受得了 18.有“run”的动词短语: run down a说坏话,贬低egHe' s al ways running her down in front of other people.他总在别人面前 说她的坏话。 b.减少,缩减eg. The company is running sown its sales force.公司正在削减销售人员。 run in Ito a遇到(困难等) e.g. Be careful not to run into debt小心不要背上债务。 b.偶然碰见,撞上 e.g. Guess who I ran into today!猜猜我今天碰见谁了 c.共计,达到…之多eg. Her income runs into six figures她的收入达到了六位数。 run out(o用完,耗尽 e.g. Time is running out for the trapped miners.被困矿工的时间不多 run over碾过。e.g. Two children were run over and killed.两名儿童被轧死了。 19.有“se”的动词短语 set about sth开始,着手ε g. She set about the cleaning of the house.她动手打扫起房子来 set aside拨出,留出(时间、金钱等)e. g. She tries to set aside some money every month.她 每个月都尽量存点钱。 set back推迟,延缓 e.g. The bad weather set back the building program by several weeks.天气 恶劣,建筑计划延误了几周。 set free set off a出发,启程 e.g. We set off for London just after ten.刚过十点,我们就动身上伦敦去了

a. 推迟 e.g. He keeps putting off going to the dentist. 他把看牙医的事一拖再拖。 b. 阻止,搅扰 e.g. The sudden noise put her off her game. 突然的嘈杂声干扰了她的比赛。 put forward 提出 e.g. to put forward an argument/a plan/a suggestion 提出论点/计划/建议 put on a. 穿上,戴上 e.g. Hurry up!Put your coat on! 快点!把外衣穿上。 b. 上演 e.g. The students are putting on their own drama. 学生们正在上演自己排演的戏剧。 c. 增加(体重) e.g. She looks like she’s put on weight. 她似乎发胖了 put out a. 熄灭,关灯 e.g. to put out a candle/cigarette 熄灭蜡烛/香烟 b. 公布,发布 e.g. Police put out a description of the criminal. 警方公布了罪犯的特征。 c. 伸出 e.g. Put out your hands and let me check whether they are washed clean. 把手伸出来, 我检查你们手洗干净没有。 d. 生产 e.g. The plant puts out 500 new cars a week. 这个工厂每周生产 500 辆新汽车。 put up a. 建造,搭起,支架 e.g. to put up a tent. 搭帐篷 b. 张贴;进行(抵抗等)e.g. to put up a notice/a poster 张贴通知/海报 c. 提供 e.g. A local businessman has put up the 500,000 pounds needed to save the club. 一位 当地的商人拿出了拯救该俱乐部所需的 50 万英镑。 d. 提(价)e.g. They’ve put up the rent by 20 pounds a month. 他们把每月的租金提高了 20 英镑。 e. 为……提供食宿,投宿 e.g. We can put you up for the night. 今晚我们可以留你过夜。 put up with 容忍,忍受 e.g. I don’t know how she put up with him. 我不明白她怎么受得了 他。 18. 有 “run”的动词短语: run down a. 说坏话,贬低 e.g. He’s always running her down in front of other people. 他总在别人面前 说她的坏话。 b. 减少,缩减 e.g. The company is running sown its sales force. 公司正在削减销售人员。 run into a. 遇到(困难等) e.g. Be careful not to run into debt. 小心不要背上债务。 b. 偶然碰见,撞上 e.g. Guess who I ran into today! 猜猜我今天碰见谁了。 c. 共计,达到……之多 e.g. Her income runs into six figures. 她的收入达到了六位数。 run out (of) 用完,耗尽 e.g. Time is running out for the trapped miners. 被困矿工的时间不多 了。 run over 碾过 。e.g. Two children were run over and killed. 两名儿童被轧死了。 19. 有 “set”的动词短语: set about sth 开始,着手 e.g. She set about the cleaning of the house. 她动手打扫起房子来。 set aside 拨出,留出(时间、金钱等)e.g. She tries to set aside some money every month. 她 每个月都尽量存点钱。 set back 推迟,延缓 e.g. The bad weather set back the building program by several weeks. 天气 恶劣,建筑计划延误了几周。 set free set off a. 出发,启程 e.g. We set off for London just after ten. 刚过十点,我们就动身上伦敦去了

b.(使)爆炸 e.g A gang of boys were setting off fireworks in the street.一帮男孩子正在街上 放焰火。 set out a动身,启程 e.g They set out on the last stage of their journey.他们动身踏上最后一段行 b.开始 e.g. They succeeded in what they set out to do.他们实现了既定的目标。 c.摆放eg. We need to set out some chairs for the meeting.我们需要为会议摆些椅子 set u a.创立,建立,为.做好准备 e.g. to set up a business开办公司 b.竖立,架起,建造 e.g The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city.警察在城外的 路上设置了路障 开业 e.g After leaving college, he set himself up as a freelance photographer.大学毕业后, 他干起了特约摄影师。 20.有“ stand”的动词短语 a袖手旁观 e.g How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didnt do?你怎 能眼睁睁看着他遭人诬陷而袖手旁观 b.坚持(决议等),遵守(诺言等)eg. She still stands by every word she said.她依然恪守 她说过的每一句话。 站在一边,支持,帮助 e.g. Believe me! I stand by no matter what will happen.相信我! 无论发生什么事情我都会支持你。 d.做好准备,准备行动 e.g. The troops are standing by.部队随时待命出动 stand for a是的缩写,代表,意味着c.g.“X" stands for the exit on this picture.这张图纸上的“X” 代表出口 b.主张,支持 e.g. I hated that organization and all it stood for.我厌恶那个组织,也厌恶它的 切主张 c.容忍,接受eg.I' m not standing for it any longer.这种事我再也不能容忍了 a清晰的显出,引人注目 e.g She' s the sort of person who stands out in a crowd.她是那种在 人群中很显眼的人 b.杰出,出色eg. He stands out from people in his own time.他是同时代人中的杰出者。 and a站起来 e.g. Stand up and answer this question.站起来并回答这个问题 b.(论点、证据等)站得主脚 e.g. His argument simply doesn' t stand up to close scrutiny.他 的论点完全经不起仔细推敲。 c.~for支持,维护,保卫 e.g. You must stand up for your rights.你必须维护自己的权利。 d.~to勇敢地面对,抵抗 e.g It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies.她不向那几个 坏蛋屈服,真是勇敢。 得起,顶得住 e.g. The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear..这 种地毯设计得十分耐用 21.有“take”的动词短语 take…for把…认为是 e.g. I took her for her twin sister..我把她当成她的双胞胎姐姐了。 take… for granted想当然 e. g. Don' t take everything for granted!别什么都想当然

b. (使)爆炸 e.g. A gang of boys were setting off fireworks in the street. 一帮男孩子正在街上 放焰火。 set out a. 动身,启程 e.g. They set out on the last stage of their journey. 他们动身踏上最后一段行 程。 b. 开始 e.g. They succeeded in what they set out to do. 他们实现了既定的目标。 c. 摆放 e.g. We need to set out some chairs for the meeting. 我们需要为会议摆些椅子。 set up a. 创立,建立,为… 做好准备 e.g. to set up a business 开办公司 b. 竖立,架起,建造 e.g. The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city. 警察在城外的 路上设置了路障。 c. 开业 e.g. After leaving college, he set himself up as a freelance photographer. 大学毕业后, 他干起了特约摄影师。 20. 有 “stand”的动词短语: stand by a. 袖手旁观 e.g. How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn’t do? 你怎 能眼睁睁看着他遭人诬陷而袖手旁观。 b. 坚持(决议等),遵守(诺言等)e.g. She still stands by every word she said. 她依然恪守 她说过的每一句话。 c. 站在…一边,支持,帮助 e.g. Believe me!I’ll stand by no matter what will happen.相信我! 无论发生什么事情我都会支持你。 d. 做好准备,准备行动 e.g. The troops are standing by. 部队随时待命出动。 stand for a. 是…的缩写,代表,意味着 e.g. “X” stands for the exit on this picture. 这张图纸上的“X” 代表出口。 b. 主张,支持 e.g. I hated that organization and all it stood for. 我厌恶那个组织,也厌恶它的 一切主张 c. 容忍,接受 e.g. I’m not standing for it any longer. 这种事我再也不能容忍了。 stand out a. 清晰的显出,引人注目 e.g. She’s the sort of person who stands out in a crowd. 她是那种在 人群中很显眼的人。 b. 杰出,出色 e.g. He stands out from people in his own time. 他是同时代人中的杰出者。 stand up a. 站起来 e.g. Stand up and answer this question. 站起来并回答这个问题。 b. (论点、证据等)站得主脚 e.g. His argument simply doesn’t stand up to close scrutiny. 他 的论点完全经不起仔细推敲。 c. ~ for 支持,维护,保卫 e.g. You must stand up for your rights. 你必须维护自己的权利。 d. ~ to 勇敢地面对,抵抗 e.g. It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies.她不向那几个 坏蛋屈服,真是勇敢。 经得起,顶得住 e.g. The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear. 这 种地毯设计得十分耐用。 21. 有 “take”的动词短语: take … for 把…认为是 e.g. I took her for her twin sister. 我把她当成她的双胞胎姐姐了。 take … for granted 想当然 e.g. Don’t take everything for granted! 别什么都想当然



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