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第一节保护主义理论 一、重商主义 二、李斯特的保护主义理论
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一、风险与保险 (一)风险的概念:指某种随机事件(偶然事故)发生后给人们的利益造成损失的不确定性。 (二)与风险有关的三个概念:
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Aggregation and Welfare Content: Consumer's' surplus Aggregation Representation consumer
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CONTENT WA and demand law From preferences to utility Utility maximization Expenditure minimization
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一、政治是什么 二、政治学是什么 三、关于中国政治学 四、参阅书目 五、复习思考题
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Duality Given the technology, we can obtain the cost function, are the cost function contains the same information of the technology (production function)? If the answer is \yes\, then the cost minimization behavior will indicate the technology of the firm
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1. Integrability Demand function x(p, w)(c d ) is HDO, satisfied walras law and have a substitution matriX S(p, w) is s n.s.d. for any (p, w), if it's deduced by rational preference And if we observed an x(p, w)satisfied such conditions, can we find a preference to rationalization x(p w ) That the integrability problem
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Cost Minimization Content: Definitions Properties of cost function WACM Some forms of cost functions lecture3 for Chu Kechen Honors College
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Summary textbook: Varian, Hal R., 1992, Microeconomics Analysis, 3rd ed. Mas-Colell, A., M. Whinston, and J. Green, 1995, Microeconomics Theory. assignments: twice a week; Team work; Deliver on the class
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