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Introduction Nash equilibrium has undoubtedly proved to be the most influential idea in game theory. enabled fundamental breakthroughs in economics and the social sciences. Its development was a major intellectual achievement; what is perhaps more important, it Recent foundational research has emphasized the subtleties in the interpretation of Nash
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习 题 1.1 集合 习 题 1.2 映射与函数
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Introduction This lecture continues the analysis of normal-form games. We analyze general, non-zerosum games, emphasizing the informal\equation\: Rational Behavior+ Assumptions about Beliefs=Solution Concepts Before we tackle the new material, let us review what we have learned about zerosum
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1.有序对与卡氏积 2.二元关系 3.二元关系的基本运算
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1.集合的概念 2.集合之间的关系 3.集合的运算 4.文氏图、容斥原理
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1.命题、命题符号化 2.合式公式、真值表、永真式 3.逻辑等值式、推理定律 4.形式化证明
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7.1.1 曲面和曲线的一般方程 7.1.2 球面方程 7.1.3 柱面 7.1.4 锥面 7.1.5 旋转曲面
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1. Asymmetric auctions Consider an interdependent-values auction with two bidders, each of whom observes an i.i.d uniform signal s; E [ 0, 1]. Bidder i' s valuation for the object is equal to
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《博弈论》(英文版) ps5 Due Tuesday, November
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