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▪ 2.1 土壤矿物质与岩石的风化 ▪ 2.2 土壤生物与土壤有机质 ▪ 2.3 土壤水分 ▪ 2.4 土壤空气 ▪ 2.5 土壤热量 ▪ 2.6 土壤水、气、热的调节与氧化还原性
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第一章 景观生态学的概念及发展 第二章 景观生态学的理论基础 第三章 景观结构 第四章 景观的生态过程 第五章 景观动态变化 第六章 景观生态学与生物多样性保护 第七章 景观生态学与全球变化
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一、人体解剖学的定义 人体解剖学 是研究人体正常形态结构的科学,属生物 科学中形态学的范畴,也是一门重要的医学基础课程。 系统解剖学 按人体器官功能系统阐明人体器官的形态 结构的科学。 局部解剖学 在系统解剖学基础上,对人体的某一局部 或某一器官,由浅入深研究其组成结构的形态以及相互位 置关系的解剖学
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1.说出茎尖概念、分区及与根尖区别特征 2.说出茎的初生构造特点及识别特征 3.说出茎的次生构造特点及识别特征 4.说出单子叶植物与双子叶植物茎的区别特征 5. 说出根茎的构造特点
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28.1 Introduction 28.2 Transforming viruses carry oncogenes 28.3 Early genes of DNA transforming viruses have multifunction oncogenes 28.4 Retroviruses activate or incorporate cellular genes 28.5 Retroviral oncogenes have cellular counterparts 28.6 Ras oncogenes can be detected in a transfection assay 28.7 Ras proto-oncogenes can be activated by mutation at specific positions 28.8 Nondefective retroviruses activate proto-oncogenes 28.9 Proto-oncogenes can be activated by translocation 28.10 The Philadelphia translocation generates a new oncogene 28.11 Oncogenes code for components of signal transduction cascades 28.12 Growth factor receptor kinases can be mutated to oncogenes 28.13 Src is the prototype for the proto-oncogenic cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases 28.14 Oncoproteins may regulate gene expression 28.15 RB is a tumor suppressor that controls the cell cycle 28.16 Tumor suppressor p53 suppresses growth or triggers apoptosis
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Gene clusters are formed by duplication and divergence Sequence divergence is the basis for the evolutionary clock Pseudogenes are dead ends of evolution Unequal crossing-over rearranges gene clusters Genes for rRNA form tandem repeats ( The repeated genes for rRNA maintain constant sequence) Crossover fixation could maintain identical repeats Satellite DNAs often lie in heterochromatin Arthropod satellites have very short identical repeats Mammalian satellites consist of hierarchical repeats Minisatellites are useful for genetic mapping
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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Transfer RNA is the adapter 5.3 Messenger RNA is translated by ribosomes 5.4 The life cycle of bacterial messenger RNA 5.5 Translation of eukaryotic mRNA 5.6 The 5 end of eukaryotic mRNA is capped 5.7 The 3 terminus is polyadenylated 5.8 Bacterial mRNA degradation involves multiple enzymes
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母性影响表现的遗传现象与细胞质遗传十 分相似,但是这种遗传不是由细胞质基因组所 决定的,而是由核基因的产物积累在卵细胞中 的物质所决定的。 例如:锥实螺的外壳旋转方向的遗传就是母性 影响一个比较典型的例证
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根据待选基因相关信息→确定筛选方法和条件 从基因库中筛选、分离基因。 多数方法是利用一段核苷酸序列DNA、cDNA或 寡聚核苷酸)或抗体作探针(Pobe),用放射性同位素或 非放射性同位素标记探针→筛选基因库
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8.1 Introduction 8.2 Chaperones may be required for protein folding 8.3 Post-translational membrane insertion depends on leader sequences 8.4 A hierarchy of sequences determines location within organelles 8.5 Signal sequences initiate translocation 8.6 How do proteins enter and leave membranes? 8.7 Anchor signals are needed for membrane residence 8.8 Bacteria use both co-translational and post-translational translocation 8.9 Pores are used for nuclear ingress and egress 8.10 Protein degradation by proteasomes
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