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3.1概述 3.2厂址选择 3.3企业生产单位及其合理配置 3.4厂区布置 3.5车间布置
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9.1概念及特点 9.2网络图的组成 9.3网络图的绘制原则 9.4网络图的绘制步骤 9.5网络时间计算 9.6关键路线确定 9.7计算完工期及其概率
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2.1生产与运作战略概述 2.2生产能力及其核定 2.3生产与运作类型 2.4生产与运作组织方式选择
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子单元1 骨骼 子单元2 肌肉
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1.1电力电子器件概述 1.2不可控器件—二极管 1.3半控型器件晶闸管 14典型全控型器件 1.5其他新型电力电子器件 1.6电力电子器件的驱动 1.7电力电子器件的保护 1.8电力电子器件的串联和并联使用
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Chapter objective This chapter discusses the microstructure of international trade
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses the methodology that a multinational firm can use to analyze the investment of capital in a foreign country
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses various issues associated with foreign direct investments by MNCs, which play a key role in shaping the nature of the emerging global economy
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Chapter Objective This chapter discusses various methods available forthe management of transaction exposure facingmultinational firms
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1. Why investors diversify their portfolios internationally. 2. How much investors can gain from international diversification. 3. The effects of fluctuating exchange rates on international portfolio investments. 4. Whether and how much investors can benefit from investing in U.S. based international mutual funds. 5. The reasons for \home bias\ in portfolio holdings
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