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Problem set 1 Micro Theory S. Wang Question1.1. Show that“f(X)=f(x),Vx∈R,A>1” implies“f(A)= Af(x),Vx∈R,A>0.” estion 1.2. Use a Lagrange function to solve c(w1, w2, y) for the following problem
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Then =1-91=1(3+:2)(3+2n 可=-1-3)=1(4-+2)(1-2+a With 1 0 O: Thus, in equilibrium, we must have ai=.2. In fact, the two firms must sit in the middle By Proposition 2.1, Pi=p?=c Discussion
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一、动态数列的概念 动态数列又称时间数列。它是将某种统计指标,或 在不同时间上的不同数值,按时间先后顺序排列 起来,以便于研究其发展变化的水平和速度,并 以此来预测未来的一种统计方法
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《会计》是注册会计师资格考试五门课程之一,其历年考试的合格率都较低,2002年为 0.89%2003年为917%,2004年为1032%。如何顺利通过《会计》考试,是广大考生尤为关注 的问题。首先,考生应熟悉《会计》课程的命题规律:其次,要全面深入掌握教材的基本内容和 重点内容。因此,分析近几年考试命题规律,预测可能变化趋势,对考生应考会有一定益处。 、《会计》教材基本结构 2005年注册会计师考试《会计》教材内容共24章,可分为四大部分,总括如下: 第一部分:总论 在这部分,考生应掌握和理解会计核算的基本前提、会计核算的一般原则和会计要素的内涵
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I guess I have to come out to reply to those who concern with the nature rate of unemployment First, What is the natural rate of unemployment? It is assumed to be the unemployment rate at the steady state or equilibrium. Note that equilibrium here is not referred to the common
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The Multiplier Process as Market Exchange Process A Contribution to the micro Foundation of Keynesian macroeconomics Abstract Traditional equilibrium analysis has been incorrectly founded once an\ordering issue\is
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Course description Macroeconomics is the most disputed, confused, yet excited field in economics. This course introduces you how economists think about those macroeconomic problems such as inflation, unemployment and recession, and how macroeconomic policies
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to move from theory to empiric. Specially, we shall study how macroeconomic policies can be applied to solve practical macroeconomic problems
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to study how employment is determined in the labor market We are considering the labor market in which the following relation should always hold:
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to study ho lOW money and interest rate is determined in the money and financial market The money and financial market is the market in which money and various financial assets(such as, bonds and stocks) are exchanged
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