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一、酶技术 包括酶生物合成的调节技术、酶的分离 纯化技术、酶反应动力学研究技术、酶 的分子修饰技术、酶、细胞及原生质体 固定化技术等
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where f:R\×Rn×R→ R\ and g:R\×R\×R→ R are continuous functions. Assume that f, g are continuously differentiable with respect to their first two arguments in a neigborhood of the trajectory co(t), yo(t), and that the derivative
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§7-1概述 §7-2机械的运动方程式 §7-3机械运动方程式的求解 §7-4稳定运转状态下机械的周期性速度波动及其调节 §7-5机械的非周期性速度波动及其调节 §7-6考虑构件弹性时的机械动力学简介
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with x(0)=I exist and are unique on the time interval t E [ 0, 1] for allTER\.Then discrete time system(4. 1)with f(5)=r(, i)describes the evolution of continuous time system(4.)at discrete time samples. In particular, if a is continuous then so is f Let us call a point in the closure of X locally attractive for system(4. 1)if there exists
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Definition A real-valued function V: X H R defined on state space X of a system with behavior set B and state r:B×[0,∞)→ X is called a Lyapunov function if tHv(t)=v(a(t))=v(a(z(), t)) is a non-increasing function of time for every z E B according to this definition, Lyapunov
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3.1.2 A general uniqueness theorem The key issue for uniqueness of solutions turns out to be the maximal slope of a=a(a) to guarantee uniqueness on time interval T=[to, t,, it is sufficient to require existence of a constant M such that
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he variable t is usually referred to as the\time Note the use of an integral form in the formal definition(2.2): it assumes that the function tHa(a(t), t)is integrable on T, but does not require =a(t)to be differentiable at any particular point, which turns out to be convenient for working with discontinuous
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许多物质能和氧气反应,都有一个控制不当引起 爆炸的问题。 氧化反应多为链反应机理。引起爆炸是因为它 是一种支链反应。不同于以前介绍的类型,它的特 点是在传递中一个自由基能产生一个以上的新自由 基。以前介绍的一个自由基产生一个新自由基的链 反应,相应称为直链反应
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