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10.1计算机网络安全基础 10.2防火墙技术 10.3网络防病毒技术 10.4网络安全策略
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范的交易的处理。修改后的基本会计准则对原基本准则中规范会计核算工作的 部分作了删减,将它们放到相关的具体会计准则中去规范。例如原基本准则中 对资产的分类有详细的描述,分类后的资产如何定义、如何计量、如何在资产 负债表中列示等均有一定程度的描述,在修改后的准则体系中,它们均被放入 相关资产的具体会计准则中来规范
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Alderfer's ERG Theory Core needs are existence, relatedness and growth Existence- provision of basic material requirements Relatedness-desire for relationships Growth -desire for personal development More than one need can be operative at the same time
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Big Five Model Extroversion- sociable, assertive Agreeableness-good-natured, cooperative, trusting Conscientiousness- responsible, dependable, persistent Openness to experience-
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Organizational Culture common perception held by the organization's members; a system of shared meaning Innovation and risk taking Attention to detail Outcome, people or team orientation Aggressiveness
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Determinants of Group Performance EXternal conditions imposed on group Group member resources Group structure Group processes Group tasks Group decision making Dr. Jerry L. Huxell
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前面,我们用较多的篇幅和精力,用实证分析的方法,研究了在产品市场和要 素市场上消费者与生产者各自的理性行为。大家可以清楚地感觉到,在我们的分析 中,有两个基本前提,一个是每个消费者和厂商都以追求最大自利为决策前提和目 标,第二个是在资源配置的过程中始终以市场为主体
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通过本章教学,要求学生正确树立市场意识,能够理解不同市场形态下的决策 原则和依据,了解各种市场结构对经济效率的影响和对供求双方的客观影响
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掌握生产函数、等产量线( Isoquants)、一种可变要素投入( Labor)、两种可变 要素( Two Variable Inputs)、边际报酬递减规律、规模报酬问题
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6.1概述 6.2 过滤机理 6.3 过滤的工艺过程 6.4 滤池类型 6.5 快滤池的运行管理 6.6滤池常见故障及对策 6.7 其它滤池
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