第三讲函数的连续性 (The Continuity of function 阅读:第二章2.4pp44-5 预习:第三章31pp.51-58, 练习pp49-50习题24:1至8;9,(),(2),(3;10,(1),(3);14;15. 作业pp49-50习题24:9,(4);10,(2);11;12;13. 24函数连续的定义及其性质 2-4-1函数连续性的定义 (1)定义: 函数的连续性描述函数y=f(x)的渐变性态,在通常意义下,我们对 函数连续性有三种描述
第一章植物病原真菌 第一节植物病原真菌概述 什么是真菌? Fungi: Eukaryotic organisms without plastids, nutrition absorptive (osmotrophic), never phagotrophic, lacking an amoeboid pseudopodial phase; cell wall containing chitin and B-glucans; Golgi bodies or individual cisternae present; unicellular or filamentous and contsisting of multicelluar coenocytic haploid hyphae (homo-or heterokaryotic); mostly non-flagellate, fllagella when present always lacking mastionemes; reproducing sexually or asexually, the diploid phase generally short-lived, saprobic, mutualistic, or parasitic.(Hawksworth, 1997)