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复旦大学:《数据结构与算法设计》实验设计_Lab 5. Red-Black Tree
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复旦大学:《数据结构与算法设计》实验设计_Lab 7. Single-Source Shortest Paths
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《思想道德修养与法律基础 Thought Morals Tutelage and Legal Foundation》论文集:关于《思想道德修养与法律基础课》课堂教学设计的几点思考(上海杉达学院:游昀之)
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复旦大学:《数据结构与算法设计》综合项目_Project1. Combining quicksort with insertion sort
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复旦大学:《数据结构与算法设计》综合项目_Project3. All-pairs shortest path
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2.1 Divide-and-conquer design paradigm 2.2 Recurrence for merge sort and binary search 2.3 Powering a number 2.4 Fibonacci numbers 2.5 Recursive squaring 2.6 Matrix multiplication 2.7 Strassen's algorithm
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:327KB 文档页数:4
§17-1 概 述 §17-3 机座和箱体设计概要 §17-2 机座和箱体的截面形状及肋板布置
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:305.8KB 文档页数:80
3.1 Definition of data structure 3.2 Stacks 3.3 Queues 3.4 Linked lists 3.5 Trees 3.6 Postfix expression 3.7 Infix to postfix conversion
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5.1 Dictionary problem 5.2 Hash functions 5.3 Collisions resolution by chaining 5.4 Open addressing 5.5 Probing strategies: linear, quadratic, and double hashing 5.6 Analysis of open addressing
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:721.95KB 文档页数:70
8.1 Manufacturing problem 8.2 Matrix-chain multiplication 8.3 Elements of dynamic programming 8.4 Four steps of development 8.5 Longest common subsequence problem
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