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I guess I have to come out to reply to those who concern with the nature rate of unemployment. First, What is the natural rate of unemployment? It is assumed to be the unemployment rate at the steady state or equilibrium. Note that equilibrium here is not referred to the common demand-supply equilibrium, but to a state at which things are not changed, or remain the same. More specifically, suppose we can have an economy that could be expressed by the following dynamic system
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I guess I have to come out to reply to those who concern with the nature rate of unemployment. First, What is the natural rate of unemployment? It is assumed to be the unemployment rate at the steady state or equilibrium. Note that equilibrium here is not referred to the common demand-supply equilibrium, but to a state at which things are not changed, or remain the same. More specifically, suppose we can have an economy that could be expressed by the following dynamic system
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to discuss how price is determined in Keynesian analysis. Some textbooks would like to refer the analysis in this chapter as the medium analysis in contrast to short run analysis. This is because in the short run the price is assumed to be fixed, and therefore nothing we can say about the price determination
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1. Given the government expenditure, whether the government budget is in surplus or deficit depends on the tax revenue, which itself depends on rate of tax. Please derive the tax rate at which the government budget is in balance. Draw the graph that reflects the relation between tax rate and deficit (or surplus)
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Defintion: GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by a country. Final versus Intermediate: By \final\, we mean the goods and service that are purchased for final use by purchaser and not for resale or further processing. The meaning intermediate is opposite to final. Value Added: GDP not only reflects the market value of final goods and service, but also reflect the income generated from producing these final goods and service
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The objective of this chapter is to put the previously discussed two models -- the models of product market and money market --together and discuss how output and interest rate is determined The model presented in this chapter is often called the IS-LM model (IS: the product market model; LM the money market model)
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Macroeconomics is the most disputed, confused, yet excited field in economics. This course introduces you how economists think about those macroeconomic problems such as inflation, unemployment and recession, and how macroeconomic policies could be used to resolve these problems. We will find that economists may give you many different answers
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The Multiplier Process as Market Exchange Process A Contribution to the Micro Foundation of Keynesian Macroeconomics Abstract Traditional equilibrium analysis has been incorrectly founded once an \ordering issue\ is concerned. To circumvent this problem, the autonomous demand, which has been missed in traditional microeconomic analysis, has to be introduced into the system as a starting point of a sequence of market exchanges. Following this direction, Keynes's multiplier analysis can also be viewed as a description of the process through which market exchanges are generated. Further
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昨天中国台北也结束入世谈判,WTO 总部就中国入世发布新闻公报 本报特派记者郭婷婷自日内瓦报道 昨天下午日内瓦时间 4 点半,中国台北加入 WTO 的法律文件顺 利审核通过,至此,中国台北也结束了入世谈判,与中国大陆一样,所有法律文件同样进入了部长会议 审核批准阶段
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通过本章的学习,使学生对货币政策及货币政策工具有一定 的了解和认识,并掌握货币政策和财政政策效果分析方法,根据 具体的情况合理分析政策效果
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