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8.1 集成555定时器及应用 8.2 门电路构成的矩形波发生器及整形电路
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➢7.1概述 ➢7.2可编程逻辑器件基础 PLD逻辑表示法 逻辑阵列的PLD表示法应用举例 ➢7.3 通用阵列逻辑GAL
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7.1 可编程逻辑器件概述 7.2 可编程逻辑器件基础 7.3 通用阵列逻辑GAL
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半导体存储器是一种由半导体器件构成的能够存储数据、运算结果、操作指令的逻辑部件。用于计算机的内存及数字系统存储部件。 6.1 概述 6.2 只读存储器 6.3 随机存取存储器
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5.1时序逻辑电路的特点和表示方法 5.2时序电路的分析方法 5.3寄存器 5.4计数器 5.5顺序脉冲发生器 5.6时序电路的设计方法
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4.1 基本触发器 4.2 TTL集成触发器 4.3 MOS触发器 4.4 触发器的逻辑功能分类及相互间的转换
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3.9用中规模集成电路构成的组合逻辑电路的分析与设计 3.10 组合逻辑电路的竞争-冒险
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Digital system: entity can process, transfer and store any kind of digital signals is Composed of individual digital logic circuits which are designed to perform specified function
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Binary Arithmetic Binary arithmetic Addition - Augend+addend+carry-in Sum ....carry-out Subtraction - Minuend-subtrahend-borrow-in difference ...borrow-out
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Positional Number System Number system use positional notation to represent value. The position of the character(numeral) in a character string (collection of possible numerals) indicate value as well as the character itself. Radix (base) is the number of numeral characters in the character set of positional number system. Position Weiaht is a constant that represents the value of a position. Different position has different weight. It is the integer power of radix
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