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一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共40分) 1.可兴奋细胞兴奋时,共有的特征是产生 A.收缩反应B.分泌C.神经冲动D.反射活动E.电位变化 2.维持机体稳态的重要调节过程是 A.神经调节B.体液调节C.自身调节D.正反馈调节E.负反馈调节
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Evaporation and sputter deposition [15] 1. a)In the plasma of a sputter deposition system, consider an argon atom that is ionized during a collision in the plasma. i) Express the ratio of the acceleration of the liberated electron to that of the argon ion in terms of M and m, the mass of the ion and electron; give the numerical value of this ratio, and say in which
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Representation of ct signals Approximate any input x(t) as a sum of shifted, scaled
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System compensation is the process of designing a controller that will produce an acceptable transient response while maintaining a desired steady-state accuracy .These two design objectives are conflicting in most systems ,since small errors imply high gains reduce system stability and may even drive the system unstable .Compensation may be thought of as the process of increasing the stability of a system without reducing its accuracy below minimum acceptable standards
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《自动化仪表与过程控制》课程学习资料:A Comparison of Robustness_Fuzzy Logic,PID, Sliding Mode Control
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7-5 解:H(s)= ,|H(A2) A=△O2|H(1Q2)=△ y+()2v041=0999 P A2=△H(2)=△2 1+(3)2√26△1≈0981△2 0.197 V(1)= Q2Cos(Q21-4e/3
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Covers materials in lectures from 10/15 through 11/26 Does not include Lab Lectures A formula sheet will be provided (if needed) Lecture on Monday, Dec. 8th Lab tour of Analog Devices MEMS Facility We will leave from the classroom at 2: 35PM SHARP
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