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《自动化仪表与过程控制》课程学习资料:A Comparison of Robustness_Fuzzy Logic,PID, Sliding Mode Control


a Comparison of robustness Fuzzy logic, PID, Sliding Mode Control Charles p coleman and datta godbole Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720, USA abstract-Th erformed in order to D. A Call for Peace or at Least a Cease Fire! and foster and promote Negotiations son of fuzzy logic control and classical cont Fortunately ome nave called for control engineers u ratiisits fof ty ow cy pise. coat rsldi given de to) n- control enginering toolboxes, and for the utilization trollers are designed to control the speed of a nominal of both fuzzy logic control and classical control when The step response performance of each controller, ap- and where appropriate ([O[OD. This appears to be plied to the nominal and two perturbed motor plants reasonable request. At the very least, the fuzzy logic tool can be compared to classical control tools e conclude zy logic contro can be a use too Should the fuzzy logic control tool prove useful and control techniques for the benefit of the practicical acceptable to the control engineer, it should become ng welcome addition to her control toolbox L INTRODUCTION The control engineer is concerned about such prop A. New control Tools, New enemies erties as the robustness of a controller to plant per turbation and uncertainty. We take the perspective The successful use of fuzzy logic controllers h as greatly of the control engineer who has several control tools expanded in the last twenty years([0][O). This e available for the synthesis of robust cont rollers, and pansion has prompted much compar ison to classic ntrol techniques. The ensuing discussions have who is interested in determining the capabilities of each control tool to synthesize a robust controller not always been amicable. Nor have they necessar- To assess the usefulness of each tool in designing ily lead to manifest results and conclusions for the practicing control engineer a robust controller, we choose a benchmark prob lem, and then engage in a comp arison of the control B. Debate and dilemma designs which result from the application of each At times the debate over the use of fuzzy logic con- control design method trol techniques versus classical control techniques has become quite heated with ardent detractors on Fuzzy logic control, PID control, and slidin both sides([O-[o) control tools are chosen for our investig ation. Fuzzy Some control engineers have been placed in a logic control is chosen because of its empirically demon lemma by this debate, and have been left wit out an appeasing study or comparison upon which strated robustness properties shown in[0]. PID con trol is chosen because it is com monly trolle it C. Well-Being of the Control Engineer has plant perturbation robustness properties which In the process of this raging and seemingly grow- can be mathematically analyzed. We choose a slid- ing battle, it appears that the best interest of the g mode controller because it is a robust non-linear control engineer has been occluded. The practicing control method whose robustness properties can also control engineer usually has little interest in ideolog be mathematically analyzed I deb ates. It is her interest to produce a working ntroller. with eff aking use of any and all robust control technique. Indeed, the popular and techniques at her disposa successful Hoo and adapti ive cont rol techniques noticeably absent from this study. We felt it was DAAL-91-G-091 and an AASERT sup and two other control methods, in order to keep our

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study brief, intelligible, and loop unit step responses of the nominal plant and I CONTROL PROBLEM the two perturbed plants. To be acceptable, th closed loop step resp onses must simultaneously have A. Motor Speed contro short rise time an Motivated by the work in [o] and [ol, and encour- F. Design approach aged by the robustness results presented for fuzzy logic control, we consider the robust speed control We design the fuzzy, PID, and sliding mode con trollers based on the nominal plant given in equa- time-invariant transfer function. The general con- tion(1 ) Each designed controller is then applied figuration for the motor speed control problem is to all three transfer functions and numerical sim given in Figure 1 ulations are performed to analy ze the controller The design of the fuzzy logic controller is given Controller- in Section IV. The design of the PID controller is given in Section V. The design of the sliding mode controller is given in Section VI. Plots of each con- troller's closed e and control effor are shown in Appendix A Figure 1: Motor Speed Control Problem IV, ANALYSIS AND RECONSTRUCTION OF A Fuzzy RoI We use the nominal plant, perturbed motor plants, We implement the robust fuzzy controller given in and the performance criteria given in [] to design [o] and [0]. The inputs to the fuzzy controller are e and compare robust fuzzy, PID, and sliding mode and we. The output of the fuzzy controller controllers universes of discourse of e, wc, and u are partitioned B.Restrictions on Controller Inputs and Outputs Into seven As shown in Figure 1, the reference step input speed NB- negative big nd the out put motor speed wc are available fo ·NM- negative mediun parison. Each controller only has access to the Ns-negative small motor speed error e =Wr-wc and the motor angular ZE -zero acceleration wc as inputs. Each controller produces PS- positive small only one output u ●PM- positive mediun C. Nominal plant The nominal motor plant is modeled by the follow Each fuzzy set is represented by a Gaussian men ing transfer function bership function. The rule base of the fuzzy logi controller contains forty-nine rules which are tabu- lated in Figure 2. The output of each rule is de- (1) termined by min-inference. The crisp output u of the fuzzy logic controller is generated by centroid D. Perturbed plants The two perturbed motor plants are given by the fo llowing transfer functions ZE NB NM NS PS PM PB (s) (2) NS ZE PM PB PB PB PB PB NB ZE PS PM PBPBPBPB G3(s) Figure 2: Fuzzy Logic Controller Rule Base E. Perform ane The designed controllers must be robust to varia- The step response of this fuzzy logic controller ap tions of system parameters. Specifically, for the plied to the nominal and perturbed plants is shown fuzzy logic, PID, and sliding control designs, one in Appendix A. The step responses for all three single controller must render acceptable the closed plants have short rise times and no overshoot. Thus

é➃õ②ê❑ú◆ñ④✑❉ö➃ó➪è❾í❚✲◆ó➪ô◆õ②è✉î➪î➪ó➪ò➍ó✄✑❉î➪è☛✲➍÷➁ô❑ú✱✡❳è❫÷➁ô❉ó➪ô❉òrí❇ê❃î ✝ ➱s➱✉➱❫✃✧⑤➬❰ ❐q❒q❮❰❶⑩✁￾■❮❰✄✂✦⑩✬⑦✆☎ Ó❝Ô✞✝✍Ù❅Û②ÙrÜ✠✟☛✡➡Ö❾Ö✣✥❚Ø✐Ù➁Ú◆Û❤Ü➏ÙrÝ ☞❚ï❢õ②ó✄✎➍÷rõ➃è❫ú✵✑◆ñ✍õ➃ç❉è❳ü■ï➍ö✳❀✍ó➪ô✣þÿ✁ ÷rô❑ú❴þÿ✁ ✲➘÷➁ô❑ú✚èsô❑ë❾ï➍ê❃ö✗✟ ÷➁ò➍è❫ú ✑❵ñ✼õ②ç❃è❳ö②ï✬✑❉ê❉é➃õ②ô❉è✉é➃é❳ö➃è✉é②ê❉î➪õ➃é✇ù❉ö➃è✉é②èsô❵õ➃è❫úâí❇ï❢ö❥í❇ê❉ðsð✉ñ î➪ï➍ò❢ó①ë✇ë❾ï❢ô◆õ②ö②ï❢î✗✲qü✐è❳ëìï➍ô❉é➃ó ú➡è✉ö✿õ②ç❃è❳ö②ï✬✑❉ê❉é➃õ✿é②ù❭è✉è❫úâë❾ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î ï➁í➘÷❥ö②ï❢õ➏÷rõ➃ó➪ô❉ò❯✡❳ï➍õ➃ï➍ö✏✲✓✡❳ï❉ú◆è✉î➪è❫út✑◆ñ✈÷❞õ②ç❉ó➪ö➏ú④ï❢ö➏ú◆èsö✐î➪ó➪ô❉è❫÷➁ö õ➃ó✩✡➲è✣✟❤ó↕ô✠✎➍÷➁ö②ó①÷rô◆õ➳õ➃ö➏÷➁ô❉é❤í❇èsö✿í❇ê❃ô❑ë❾õ②ó➪ï❢ô ✝ æ➹ç❉è➲ò➍è✉ô❃è✉ö➏÷➁î ë❾ï❢ô✠✟ ✌ò❢ê❉ö➏÷➁õ②ó➪ï➍ôâí❇ï❢ö❳õ➃ç❉è✾✡❳ï❢õ②ï❢ö✇é➃ù❑è✉è❅ú✜ë❾ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î❍ù❉ö②ï✬✑❉î➪è✞✡✞ó➪é ò❢ó✩✎❢è✉ô❚ó➪ô s❬ó➪ò➍ê❉ö➃è✎✍ ✝ . r c c e y ω ω ω - + s Plant Motor Controller s❬ó➪ò➍ê❉ö➃è✏✍☛✑✒☞❚ï➍õ➃ï➍ö ✯ ù❭è✉è❫ú✔✓■ï❢ô◆õ②ö②ï❢î❲❺✌ö②ï✬✑❉î➪è✞✡ ✇è✌ê❉é②è➋õ②ç❉è✹ô❃ï☛✡❳ó➪ô❑÷➁î✉ù❉î①÷rô◆õ✏✲✉ù❭è✉ö②õ➃ê❉ö❈✑❭è❫ú✧✡❳ï❢õ②ï❢ö❉ù❉î①÷rô◆õ②é✏✲ ÷➁ô❑ú✙õ➃ç❉è❋ù❭è✉ö❤í❇ï❢ö❈✡❚÷rô❑ë❾è❳ëìö②ó➪õ②è✉ö➃ó①÷❳ò❢ó✄✎➍è✉ô✼ó➪ô þÿ✁ õ➃ï➐ú➡è✉é②ó➪ò➍ô 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æ➹ç❉è➹ï❢ê❉õ②ù❉ê❃õ➘ï➁í õ➃ç❉è■í❇ê❉ðsð✉ñ✇ë❾ï❢ô❵õ➃ö②ï❢î↕î➪è✉ö✌ó➪é✤✰ ✝ æ➹ç❉è ê❉ô❉ó✄✎❢è✉ö②é➃è✉é✐ï➁í ú➡ó↕é❾ë❾ï➍ê❃ö②é②è❍ïrí✲✧☛✲P✭ ✜ ✣ ✲❵÷➁ô❑ú◗✰❋÷rö②è➹ù❭÷rö②õ➃ó➪õ②ó➪ï➍ô❉è❅ú ó➪ô◆õ②ï❋é②è✮✎➍è✉ô❚í▲ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ➲é②è✉õ➃é❇✑ ❘ ✕✩❙ ✟✐ô❃è✉ò❵÷➁õ②ó✄✎➍è✿✑❉ó➪ò ❘ ✕☞ ✟✹ô❉è✉ò❵÷➁õ②ó✄✎➍è❯✡➲è❫ú◆ó➪ê②✡ ❘ ✕✯ ✟✹ô❉è✉ò❵÷➁õ②ó✄✎➍è❥é✳✡➮÷rî➪î ❘❁❚ ✥ ✟■ð✉è✉ö②ï ❘ ❺ ✯ ✟❁ù❭ï➍é➃ó➪õ②ó✄✎➍è❥é❈✡❚÷rî➪î ❘ ❺✤☞ ✟❁ù❭ï➍é➃ó➪õ②ó✄✎➍è❯✡❳è❅ú◆ó➪ê②✡ ❘ ❺ ❙ ✟✐ù❭ï➍é➃ó↕õ➃ó✄✎➍è✫✑❃ó↕ò ✥÷❢ë②ç✼í▲ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ✼é②è✉õ④ó➪é❥ö②è✉ù❉ö➃è✉é②èsô❵õ➃è❫ú✰✑◆ñ✍÷❱❯✿÷rê❉é➃é②ó①÷rô✵✡❳è✮✡✤✟ ✑❭è✉ö②é➃ç❉ó➪ù☛í▲ê❉ô❑ë❾õ➃ó↕ï❢ô ✝ æ➹ç❉è➲ö②ê❉î➪è✤✑❑÷➁é②è❳ï➁í➳õ②ç❉èûí❇ê❉ð✉ðsñ✚î↕ï❢ò➍ó①ë ë❾ï❢ô❵õ➃ö②ï❢î↕î➪è✉ö✿ë❾ï❢ô◆õ➏÷ró➪ô❉é í❇ï➍ö➃õ❤ñ✬✟➶ô❉ó➪ô❉è❥ö➃ê❉î➪è✉é❥ü➹ç❉ó①ë②ç✼÷rö②è④õ➏÷✔✑❉ê✠✟ î①÷rõ➃è❫úâó↕ô s❬ó↕ò❢ê❉ö②è❱✻ ✝ æ➹ç❉è❚ï➍ê❉õ➃ù❉ê❉õ④ïrí❥è❫÷➍ë➃ç❴ö②ê❉î➪è❚ó➪é✈ú➡è✣✟ õ②èsö❈✡❳ó➪ô❉è❅ú⑨✑◆ñ③✡➲ó➪ô✠✟➶ó➪ô◆í▲è✉ö②è✉ô❭ë❾è ✝ æ➹ç❉è❚ë❾ö②ó➪é②ùâï➍ê❉õ➃ù❉ê❉õ✏✰✚ï➁í õ②ç❃è❚í❇ê❉ð✉ðsñ☛î➪ï➍ò❢ó ë➲ë❾ï➍ô◆õ➃ö②ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö④ó➪é❋ò➍è✉ô❉èsö➏÷rõ➃è❫ú ✑◆ñ☛ë❾è✉ô◆õ➃ö②ï➍ó①ú ú◆è❾í▲ê❉ð✉ð✉ó✌ë✉÷➁õ②ó➪ï➍ô ✝ ❲ ❳✲❨ ❳✲❩ ❳✪❬ ❭☛❪ ❫■❬ ❫❴❩ ❫❴❨ ❫❵❨ ❳✲❨ ❳✲❨ ❳✲❨ ❳❛❨ ❳❛❩ ❳✪❬ ❭❜❪ ❫❵❩ ❳✲❨ ❳✲❨ ❳✲❨ ❳✲❩ ❳✪❬ ❭❜❪ ❫❝❬ ❫■❬ ❳✲❨ ❳✲❨ ❳✲❩ ❳✪❬ ❭❜❪ ❫■❬ ❫❵❩ ❡✆❢ ❞ ❭❜❪ ❳✲❨ ❳✲❩ ❳✪❬ ❭☛❪ ❫■❬ ❫❴❩ ❫❴❨ ❳✒❬ ❳✲❩ ❳✪❬ ❭❜❪ ❫■❬ ❫❴❩ ❫❵❨ ❫❴❨ ❳❛❩ ❳✒❬ ❭❜❪ ❫■❬ ❫❴❩ ❫❵❨ ❫❵❨ ❫❴❨ ❳✲❨ ❭❜❪ ❫■❬ ❫❵❩ ❫❴❨ ❫❵❨ ❫❵❨ ❫❴❨ s❬ó➪ò➍ê❉ö➃è✠✻❣✑✖s❉ê❃ð✉ð✉ñ✐❤ ï➍ò❢ó ëP✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö✩❥➹ê❃î↕è ❙ ÷➁é②è æ➹ç❉è■é②õ②èsù✇ö➃è✉é②ù❭ï➍ô❉é➃è➹ïrí❑õ➃ç❉ó➪é❬í❇ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ❥î➪ï➍ò❢ó①ë✹ë❾ï➍ô◆õ➃ö②ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö✌÷rù✠✟ ù❉î➪ó➪è❫ú➲õ②ï④õ②ç❉è❥ô❉ï✬✡❳ó➪ô❑÷➁î➡÷➁ô❑ú➲ù❑èsö②õ②ê❃ö❈✑❭è❫ú❚ù❉î①÷rô◆õ➃é✐ó➪é➹é②ç❃ïrü➹ô ó➪ô ★ù❃ù❑è✉ô❭ú◆ó➟ø ★ ✝ æ➹ç❃è✙é②õ➃è✉ù✦ö➃è✉é②ù❭ï➍ô❃é②è✉é❚í▲ï➍ö➮÷➁î➪î➹õ②ç❉ö➃è✉è ù❉î①÷rô◆õ➃é❨ç❑÷✏✎❢è✐é➃ç❉ï➍ö➃õ❨ö②ó➪é➃è✐õ➃ó✩✡➲è✉é➘÷➁ô❑ú❥ô❉ï❍ï✓✎➍è✉ö➃é②ç❉ï◆ï❢õ ✝ æ➹ç❵ê❃é✜✲

they meet the specified robust performance criteria. We consider the following sliding surface The control effort generated by the fuzzy logic con- design troller is also shown in Appendix a V. ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF A ROBUST PID S=(-ja)+h1(y-ya)+A2(y-y)(7) CONTrOLleR The choice of sliding surface is based on the follow The fuzzy logic controller designed in [0, 0] is similar ng considerations to a nonlinear PD controller [O. We design a linear The relative degree of the system(6)with S as PID controller to obtain satisfactory step response output should be 1. This ensures that the input for all three transfer funct u appears explicitly on the right hand side of s be characterized b the following transfer function System dynamics on the sliding surface should be stable.(This requires A1, A2>0) C(s)=Kp+Kd (4)ya(t) by output. If one knows the entire trajectory of ye Because, it is very difficult to realize a pure differ- then the derivative information ja(t), ya(t)can be entiator, we use the following transfer function for extracted off line and used in the design to improve implementation the performance. If the information is not available nis case, ya(t) being unit step, is nondif- C(s)=k (5) ferentiable) we can assume yd and ya to be zero and let the robustness property of the sliding mode con- To have a fair comparison, we use a small value for troller take care of the mismatch Ki=0.001, just enough to keep stea dy state error zero. We use a small value for T=0.01. so that its With the definition of sliding surface as above, we effect on the dynamics is minimal, but the derivative have reduced the design requirement from tracking ya(t) to being on the surface S=0. Once on the The selection of Kp and Kd is based on the root slidin locus of C(s)GI(s). The root locus gives us the nentially stable and asymptotic trajectory tracking locations of closed loop poles. The proportional is achieved. The control u is designed to make the nd derivative gain values are chosen such that the surface S=0 at tractive and to reach the surface in closed loop pole locations are in the left half com- finite time plex plain for all three plants. Another criterion for selection of these gains is the step response of the Consider the following lyapunov function closed loop system We select the following gains V= Kp=2, Kd=5 With these gains, the closed loop system is stable for Its time derivative is given by the open loop gain up to 51. Thus in particular, the above PID controller stabilizes the systems given b the transfer functions(1, 2). For the model of(3), As the system has relative degree 1 with S as output we have closed loop stability for the open loop gain upto 30. The step responses have no overshoot and we can solve for u from the equation are critically dampe S=-K sgn(S) VI. ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF ROBUST SLIDING MODE CONTROLLER This results in a negative definite V and also guar entees finite time convergence to the sliding surface To design a sliding mode controller, we convert the But, the controller will result in high frequ transfer function model into state space format. The tering near sliding surface. To avoid this, we use the controllable canonical form realization of the model following expression to solve for u 2 (1) →V )msm基 su face in finite time ory s ot gu

õ➃ç❉è✉ñ✤✡❳èsè✉õ✹õ②ç❃è➹é②ù❭è❫ë❾ó✌è❫ú➲ö②ï✬✑❉ê❉é➃õ✐ù❭è✉ö❤í▲ï➍ö❈✡❚÷rô❑ëìè➳ë❾ö②ó➪õ②èsö②ó①÷ ✝ æ➹ç❉è✿ë❾ï❢ô◆õ②ö②ï❢îqè✽❈qï➍ö②õ❍ò➍è✉ô❃è✉ö➏÷➁õ②è❫ú④✑◆ñ❋õ➃ç❉è❍í❇ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ➲î➪ï➍ò➍ó①ë➹ë❾ï❢ô✠✟ õ➃ö②ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö➹ó➪é➳÷rî➪é➃ï✇é➃ç❉ïrü➹ô❚ó↕ô ★ù❉ù❭è✉ô❑ú➡ó➈ø ★ ✝ ❊❚✃✞●❝❐■❍❂⑩✽❏❸✉Ò✻❸✏❍q❐qÏ ￾❏❨❐q❒❂⑥❂⑦✦❸sÒ✆❸❳❰❶⑧✔❍ ❑❰✄✂❑Ð❲❸s❒ ￾❍➱✂✁ ⑤➬❰q❐q❒q❮q❰❂⑩✬⑩☛⑦❉❮ æ➹ç❉è➋í❇ê❉ðsð✉ñ✿î➪ï➍ò❢ó ë➋ë❾ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö➘ú➡è✉é②ó➪ò➍ô❃è❫ú✿ó➪ô❚þÿ✠✲❱ÿ ✁ ó↕é❬é②ó✄✡❳ó➪î①÷rö õ➃ï✈÷④ô❉ï❢ô❉î➪ó➪ô❉è❫÷rö✽❺✖❻✜ë❾ï➍ô◆õ➃ö②ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö✿þÿ✁❈✝❲✇è❥ú◆è✉é➃ó↕ò❢ô✙÷✿î➪ó➪ô❉è❫÷➁ö ❺❣✼❈❻✠ë❾ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö❥õ②ï❚ï☛✑❃õ➏÷ró➪ô✙é❾÷rõ➃ó↕é➔í➶÷➍ëìõ②ï➍ö➃ñ✍é➃õ②è✉ù✚ö➃è✉é②ù❭ï➍ô❃é②è í❇ï❢ö➳÷rî➪î❭õ②ç❉ö➃è✉è✇õ➃ö➏÷➁ô❉é❤í❇èsö➹í❇ê❉ô❭ë❾õ②ó➪ï➍ô❃é ✝ ★ î➪ó➪ô❉è❫÷➁ö❦❺❣✼❈❻✏ë❾ï❢ô❵õ➃ö②ï❢î↕î➪è✉ö④ë✉÷rô✰✑❑è❚ë②ç❭÷rö➏÷❢ë❾õ②èsö②ó➪ð✉è❫ú ✑◆ñ õ➃ç❉è❥í❇ï❢î↕î➪ïrü➹ó➪ô❉ò❥õ②ö❾÷rô❉é➔í❇è✉ö í❇ê❉ô❑ë❾õ➃ó➪ï➍ô✲✑ ☎✄ ý✷✴ ☎ ★✝✆✟✞✛✸✠✆☛✡✩✴✯✸ ✆✌☞ ✴ ý✎✍ ☎ ❙è❫ë✉÷➁ê❉é②è☛✲✌ó➪õ❍ó↕é❯✎❢è✉ö②ñ✍ú➡ó❁➮ëìê❉î➪õ➳õ②ï❚ö➃è❫÷rî➪ó➪ð✉è❋÷❳ù❃ê❉ö②è❋ú◆ó❈èsö✗✟ è✉ô◆õ➃ó ÷➁õ②ï❢ö✜✲❬ü✐è④ê❉é②è➲õ②ç❉è④í▲ï➍î➪î➪ïrü➹ó↕ô❃ò✇õ➃ö➏÷rô❃é❤í❇è✉ö❝í❇ê❉ô❭ë❾õ②ó➪ï➍ô➙í❇ï❢ö 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õ➃ö➏÷rô❃é❤í❇è✉ö❬í❇ê❃ô❑ë❾õ②ó➪ï❢ôq✡➲ï❉ú◆è✉îró➪ô◆õ②ï➹é②õ❾÷rõ➃è✹é②ù❑÷❢ë❾è✌í❇ï❢ö❈✡❚÷rõ ✝ æ➹ç❉è ë❾ï❢ô◆õ②ö②ï❢î➪î ÷✔✑❉î➪è➳ë✉÷rô❃ï➍ô❉ó①ë✉÷➁î❭í❇ï➍ö✳✡ ö➃è❫÷rî➪ó➪ð❫÷➁õ②ó➪ï➍ô❋ï➁í❨õ②ç❉è❯✡❳ï❉ú◆èsî ï➁í ý✽✍ ☎ ó➪é➹ò➍ó✄✎➍è✉ô④✑◆ñ■✑ ✭ ✣ ★ ✤✥ ÿ ✍ ÿ ÿ ÿ ✍ ÿ ✫ ✻ ✫ ❂ ✦✧ ✣ ✸ ✤✥ ÿ ÿ ✶ ✦✧ ✰ ★ ★ ✩✎✍ ÿ ÿ✠✪ ✣ ý✬✫ ☎ ✇è✚ë❾ï➍ô❉é➃ó①ú◆è✉ö✙õ➃ç❉è✙í▲ï➍î➪î➪ïrü➹ó↕ô❃ò✚é②î➪ó①ú◆ó➪ô❉ò✚é②ê❉ö➔í➶÷➍ëìè✼í❇ï➍ö❚õ②ç❃ó↕é ú◆è✉é➃ó➪ò➍ô✲✑ ❭ ✭ ★✜ý✯✮★✱✫ ✮★✡ ☎ ✸✱✰ ❭ ý❴✭ ★✱✫ ✭ ★✡ ☎ ✸✠✰ ✿ ý ★✠✫✲★✡ ☎ ý✴✳ ☎ æ➹ç❉è✇ë➃ç❉ï❢ó①ë❾è❥ïrí➘é➃î➪ó ú➡ó↕ô❃ò✿é②ê❉ö➔í➶÷➍ëìè✿ó➪é✒✑❑÷➁é②è❫ú➲ï❢ô➮õ➃ç❉è❍í❇ï➍î➪î➪ïrü✽✟ ó➪ô❉ò❳ë❾ï❢ô❉é②ó①ú◆è✉ö❾÷rõ➃ó↕ï❢ô❉é❇✑ ❘ æ➹ç❉è➳ö➃è✉î①÷rõ②ó✄✎❢è➳ú◆è✉ò➍ö➃è✉è❥ïrí❨õ➃ç❉è❥é②ñ◆é②õ➃è✞✡✏ý✴✫ ☎ ü➹ó➪õ➃ç ✭ ÷ré ï➍ê❉õ➃ù❉ê❉õ❨é➃ç❉ï➍ê❃î ú♦✑❑è✱✍ ✝ æ➹ç❉ó➪é❨è✉ô❃é②ê❉ö➃è✉é✹õ②ç❭÷rõ✌õ②ç❉è■ó➪ô❉ù❉ê❉õ ✰❋÷rù❉ù❭è❫÷rö➃é➹è❾ø❉ù❉î➪ó①ë❾ó➪õ②î➪ñ✿ï➍ô❋õ➃ç❉è➳ö➃ó➪ò➍ç◆õ✌ç❑÷rô❑úûé②ó①ú◆è➹ï➁í ✭✭ è✜✌❢ê❑÷rõ➃ó↕ï❢ô ✝ ❘ ✯ ñ◆é②õ②è✮✡☎ú◆ñ◆ô❑÷✔✡❳ó①ë❾é■ï➍ô❚õ②ç❃è✿é②î➪ó①ú◆ó➪ô❉ò④é②ê❉ö➔í➶÷➍ë❾è❝é②ç❉ï❢ê❉î①ú ✑❑è❥é②õ❾÷✓✑❉î➪è ✝ ý▲æ➹ç❉ó➪é➹ö②è✜✌❢ê❉ó➪ö➃è✉é✵✰ ❭ ✘✂✰ ✿✷✶ ÿ ☎ ★✡❢ý✹✸ ☎ 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é②î➪ó①ú◆ó➪ô❉ò➲é②ê❉ö➔í➶÷➍ë❾è✬✲❨õ➃ç❉è❳ú◆ñ◆ô❑÷✓✡➲ó①ë❾é✿ý▲è✜✌❢ê❑÷rõ➃ó↕ï❢ô❀✳ ☎ ó↕é❥è❾ø❉ù❭ï✓✟ ô❉è✉ô◆õ➃ó ÷➁î➪î↕ñ➲é②õ❾÷✓✑❉î➪è✇÷➁ô❑ú✙÷ré➃ñ✠✡❳ù❉õ➃ï➍õ②ó①ë õ②ö➏÷❁✓❾è❫ë❾õ➃ï➍ö②ñ➙õ②ö➏÷❢ë✳❀❵ó➪ô❉ò ó➪é✿÷➍ë➃ç❉ó➪è✞✎➍è❅ú ✝ æ➹ç❉è✇ë❾ï❢ô◆õ②ö②ï❢î✺✰➙ó↕é❥ú◆è✉é➃ó↕ò❢ô❉è❫ú➙õ②ï✱✡➮÷✓❀❢è❥õ②ç❉è é②ê❃ö❤í➶÷❢ë❾è ✭ ★✦ÿ④÷rõ➃õ②ö➏÷❢ë❾õ②ó✄✎❢è❞÷➁ô❑ú➲õ②ï④ö②è❫÷❢ë➃ç➮õ➃ç❉è✿é➃ê❉ö❤í➶÷❢ë❾è❥ó➪ô ✌ô❉ó➪õ➃è✿õ②ó✄✡❳è ✝ ✓■ï➍ô❉é➃ó①ú◆è✉ö➹õ②ç❃è❥í❇ï➍î➪î➪ïrü➹ó➪ô❉ò❥î➪ñ❵÷rù❃ê❉ô❉ï✓✎④í❇ê❉ô❭ë❾õ②ó➪ï➍ô❛✑ ❂✹★ ✍ ✻ ✭ ✿ ý✴❃ ☎ ✼❤õ②é❍õ②ó✄✡❳è➳ú➡è✉ö②ó✄✎➍÷rõ➃ó✄✎➍è❥ó➪é➹ò➍ó✄✎➍è✉ô✱✑◆ñ ❂✹★✭ ✭ ✭✭ ý✴❄ ☎ ★é❬õ②ç❉è➋é②ñ◆é②õ➃è✞✡✜ç❑÷ré❬ö②è✉î①÷➁õ②ó✄✎➍è✹ú◆è✉ò❢ö②è✉èP✍✌ü➹ó↕õ➃ç ✭ ÷réqï❢ê❉õ②ù❉ê❃õ✜✲ ü■è✇ë✉÷rô❚é➃ï➍î✄✎➍è í❇ï➍ö✩✰➲í▲ö②ï☛✡✠õ②ç❉è❥è✜✌❢ê❑÷➁õ②ó➪ï➍ô ✭✭ ★ ✫✆ é➃ò➍ôqý ✭☎ ý✽✍❫ÿ ☎ æ➹ç❉ó➪é➳ö➃è✉é②ê❃î↕õ➃é➳ó➪ô✙÷④ô❉è✉ò◆÷rõ②ó✄✎❢è❞ú➡è✌ô❉ó➪õ②è ❂✭ ÷rô❑ú❚÷➁î↕é➃ï❋ò➍ê❑÷➁ö✗✟ è✉ô◆õ②èsè✉é ✌ô❉ó➪õ②è➹õ➃ó✄✡❳è➹ë❾ï➍ô✠✎➍èsö②ò➍èsô❑ë❾è➳õ➃ï✿õ②ç❃è➹é②î➪ó①ú◆ó➪ô❉ò❥é②ê❉ö➔í➶÷➍ë❾è ✝ ❙ê❉õ✜✲rõ➃ç❉è✐ë❾ï❢ô◆õ②ö②ï❢î➪î↕èsö❨ü➹ó➪î➪îrö②è✉é➃ê❉î➪õ❨ó➪ô❥ç❉ó➪ò➍ç❍í❇ö②è✏✌➍ê❃è✉ô❑ë❾ñ✇ë➃ç❑÷➁õ✗✟ õ②èsö②ó➪ô❉ò✿ô❉è❅÷rö✌é②î➪ó①ú◆ó➪ô❉ò➳é➃ê❉ö❤í❤÷➍ë❾è ✝ æ✌ï✿÷✏✎➍ï❢ó①ú➳õ➃ç❉ó➪é✜✲❢ü✐è■ê❉é➃è➹õ②ç❉è í❇ï❢î↕î➪ïrü➹ó➪ô❉ò✿èìø➡ù❃ö②è✉é➃é②ó➪ï➍ô✙õ➃ï❋é②ï❢î✩✎❢è➹í❇ï❢ö✩✰ ✝ ✿ ✭✭ ★ ✫✆ ✭ ý✽✍☛✍ ☎ ❅ ❂✭ ★ ✫✆ ✭ ✿ ý✽✍❇✻ ☎ ❆ ❃❅❄✎❇❄✗❉✦❏✍■❉❈❫❋❊✯❇■✣❉✦❑✮❄✗❏✆❇✳▲ ❢ ❆❂■●❇❞❆✍❢ ▲❑✮▲▼✞❙❵❱❣■✞❑✮❄❲❊✗■✣▼✣❏✍❉✍■✣❢ ❢ ❄✗❉❅❑✞❄✗❆✍▲ ❙❚▼✔❤ ❍✂■▲ ❏✍❋❣❏✍❋✞▲ ❆✠❊✗■❚▼✣❏✍❉✭■❚❢ ❢ ❄✗❉✬❏❈❏✍❋✞❄ ❏✍❉✆❇❋❑✍❄✗❊✗❏✍■✣❉✍❖✦▲ ❆☛▼✮■❚❏✬❙✣●✜❇✳❉✍❄✗▼✣❏✍❄✗❄✗❑❲❏✍■❅❉✍❄❈❇✳❊✻❋ ❏✍❋✞❄❣❆✍❢ ▲ ❑✞▲▼✮❙✒❆✍●✮❉▲❇✩❇✳❊✗❄❲▲ ▼❉▼▼✞▲ ❏✍❄❣❏✍▲❱❣❄✣❤

d xpanding both sides of the equation, we get results. Software tools were also available for the design and simulation of the PID and sliding mode 3akg 5ug A1zk g A222 g A132 g A221-A2yd) Desired A strollers for this problems, and so these two con- oilers were easy to implement The u obtained from this equation will be used for B. Analytical Tools for the Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Control A control engineer adding the fuzzy logic control This controller needs access to all three states, tool to her toolbox already full of classical control whereas the fuzzy logic controller of [0, 0] make use tools, might ask "Why does this method demon of only a1 and a2. To have a fair comparison, we strate robustness ?", and "When will it fail? "Thes will construct an observer to get an estimate of the questions often have mathematically analytical an state variable ak swers for classical control tools. To satisfy this in ll for the continued development of math Standard Luenburger observer is designed to get ematically analytical tools to answer such questions an estimate of ak. We use the model of (1)to design to the satisfaction of the control engineering com the observer as follows b munitY A Aig bug L(y-y (13) C. Fuzzy Logic Control: A Useful Tool y a ci From our brief study, we conclude that fuzzy logic control should have a place in the control engineers where, the matrices A, b and c correspond to the toolbox. Only time, experience, and further anal model in equation(1). The matrix L is chosen such vsis will determine whet her fuzzy logic control be- L)are in the left half plane and the error dynamics comes a prominent tool in the control toolbox used that the eigenvalues of observer error dy namics(A- by devotees of classical control techniques is faster than the dy namics on the sliding surface The closed loop step responses with this controller VIII. FUTURE WORK re shown in Appendix A. The controller is robust We encourage more extensive fair and unbiased bench- to input gain changes as well as to the changes in mark comp arisons of fuzzy logic control with classi system dynamics while keeping the input magnitude cal control techniques for the benet of the practic- ee Noteb With the use of equation(11), the con- ing control engineer, and we hope to become a part of this effort oller is essentially a linear state feedback controller. In the future, we hope to contribute to the e cre- It Ilts in closed loop eigenvalues of-13392 ation of new analytical tools for the analysis of fuzzy 4.33+j 1.91 for model(1). The same controller, logic controllers. We also hope to be able to con- when applied to other plants will give the following tribute to the continuing effort to identify classes of closed loop eigenvalue locations b problems where rule based fuzzy logic control tech Model of(2)→-1,32,-355,-19.12 niques have advantages over and are more appropri Thus, by design, the increase in gain makes the ate than classical control techniques closed loop system more stable Model of(3)→-1.4,-3.79±j2.62 X. ACKNOWLEDG)ENTS ⅤII. CONCLUSIONS The authors would like to thank Professor S. Shankar A. Comment ontroller Desic Sastry for his gracious support and encouragement The aut hors would also like to thank Dr. Shahram The control Icient in PID and sliding M. Shahruz for helpful di mode control techniques can readily sy nt hesize ro- bust controllers to perform the task dictated by this ReFERENCE S xample. As demonstrated in [0] and veried in this [1 H. T Nguyen, C. W. Tao, W.d. Thompson study, the control engineer utilizing fuzzy control An d mpirical Study of c obus tness of Fuzzy techniques can readily achieve the same goal. Thus Systems'", Proc. of 2nd NEE Nitl. Conf.on l three control tools Fuzzy-ystems, pp. 1340-1345 gineer for use in synthesizing an acceptable robust c. M Tong, An Annotated Bibliograph controller for this control problem of Fuzzy Control",, in Nadustrial Amdications with the appropriate software tools available, the g oller for this problem was relatively Holland, Amsterdam, Holland, 1985, pp249 simple to implement, and it provided satisfactory 269

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æ➹ç❉è✙é❾÷✓✡➲è➐ëìï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö✜✲ ü➹ç❉èsô➐÷➁ù❉ù❉î➪ó➪è❫ú❋õ➃ï❋ï➍õ➃ç❉è✉ö➹ù❉î①÷rô◆õ➃é➹ü➹ó↕î➪î❭ò➍ó✄✎➍è❍õ②ç❉è❍í❇ï❢î➪î↕ïrü➹ó➪ô❉ò ë❾î➪ï❢é②è❫ú❚î➪ï◆ï➍ù➲è✉ó➪ò➍è✉ô✠✎➍÷➁î↕ê❃è➳î➪ï❉ë✉÷rõ➃ó↕ï❢ô❉é❇✑ ☞❚ï❉ú◆èsî❨ïrí■ý✷✻ ☎ ❅ ✫ ✍ ✑ ❂☛✻✒✘ ✫ ❂✕✑ ✶❜✶ ✘ ✫ ✍ ❄✕✑ ✍❇✻ æ➹ç◆ê❉é✏✲☞✑◆ñ ú➡è✉é②ó➪ò➍ô①✲✿õ②ç❃è✚ó↕ô❭ë❾ö②è❫÷➁é②èâó↕ô✜ò◆÷ró➪ô❘✡➮÷✓❀❢è✉é❚õ②ç❉è ë❾î➪ï❢é②è❫ú❚î➪ï◆ï➍ù➲é②ñ◆é②õ➃è✞✡ ✡❳ï❢ö②è➹é➃õ➏÷✓✑❃î↕è ✝✩✝✄✝ ☞❚ï❉ú◆èsî❨ïrí■ý✷❂ ☎ ❅ ✫ ✍ ✑ ✍ ✘ ✫ ❂✕✑ ✳ ❄✏✍✒✑☛✻✕✑ ✫☛✻ ❊❋➱s➱s✃ ⑤➬❰q❐❨Ñ❅⑩❢Ð❲❸✉Ò▲❰q❐❲❸ Ó❝Ô❳Ø✐Ù➁ã✇ã❋Ö✉Ú➡Û❇ß✇ÙrÚ Ø✐ÙrÚ◆Û❤Ü➏Ù➁Ý①Ý↕ÖsÜ✿✚❞Öìßìä❴✸❱Ú◆ß æ➹ç❉è❚ë❾ï➍ô◆õ➃ö②ï➍î■è✉ô❉ò❢ó➪ô❉è✉è✉ö④ù❉ö②ï✌ë❾ó➪è✉ô◆õ④ó↕ô ❺ ✼❈❻✫÷➁ô❑ú✼é②î➪ó①ú◆ó➪ô❉ò ✡➲ï➡ú➡è✈ë❾ï❢ô◆õ②ö②ï❢î✹õ②è❅ë②ç❃ô❉ó✍✌➍ê❃è✉é✈ës÷rô✚ö②è❅÷➍ú◆ó➪î➪ñ✙é②ñ◆ô◆õ②ç❃è✉é②ó➪ð✉è➲ö②ï✓✟ ✑❉ê❃é②õ➹ë❾ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö②é➋õ②ï❥ù❑èsö❤í❇ï❢ö❈✡ õ②ç❉è➹õ❾÷ré✳❀✈ú◆ó①ë❾õ❾÷rõ➃è❫ú✧✑◆ñ✿õ②ç❉ó➪é è❾ø❑÷✔✡❳ù❉î➪è ✝ ★é✐ú◆è✞✡➲ï➍ô❉é➃õ②ö❾÷rõ②è❅ú④ó↕ô❚þÿ✁ ÷rô❭ú☞✎❢è✉ö②ó✌è❫ú④ó➪ô④õ②ç❉ó➪é é➃õ②ê❑ú◆ñ✠✲➹õ➃ç❉è ëìï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î❥è✉ô❉ò❢ó↕ô❃è✉è✉ö❚ê❉õ②ó➪î➪ó➪ð✉ó➪ô❉ò➙í❇ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ❙ë❾ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î 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♥✈✎✖✗✖✘✓◗✟✞✓❅ß❾Û➔Ösã❝ß ✲◆ù❃ù ✝ ✍✾❂✯✍❵ÿ✂ ✍✾❂✯✍ ✶ ✝ þ✻✁ ❥✝ ☞ æ✌ï➍ô❉ò❅✲✴✙★ô ★ô❉ô❉ï❢õ➏÷➁õ②è❫ú ❙ó✄✑❉î➪ó➪ï➍ò❢ö➏÷rù❃ç❵ñ ïrí♠s❃ê❉ð✉ðsñ ✓■ï❢ô❵õ➃ö②ï❢î✵✢❅✲qó➪ô ✕sÚ✦✥✓✈❢ß❾Û❤Ü✉ä✆✢rÝ❬Ó✦✡☛✡❭Ý➈ä✆❥✣✢❱Û➶ä❇Ù➁Ú◆ß Ù✗✹ ♥❂✈✎✖✗✖✶✓ Ø✐Ù➁Ú◆Û❤Ü➏ÙrÝ ✲ ☞ ✝ ✯ ê❉ò❢è✉ô❉ï❅✲ ✥ú ✝ ✲ ✕ï❢ö②õ➃ç✠✟ ✰ï❢î↕î①÷➁ô❑ú❂✲ ★✡❳é②õ➃è✉ö➏ú❃÷✓✡③✲ ✰ï➍î➪î①÷rô❭ú❂✲✤✍✔❄ ❃ ✶ ✲❨ù❉ù❵✻✯✍ ❄✂ ✻ ✫ ❄ ✝

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þ❂✁ æ ✝ æ✌è✉ö❾÷rô❉ï❅✲✁￾ ✝ ★é➏÷➁ó✗✲☛☞ ✝ ✯ ê❉ò❢è✉ô❉ï ✝ ♥❂✈✎✖✜✖✘✓P✟✞✓❅ß❾Û②Ö✉ã❝ß Þ①✺➡Ö❾ÙrÜ✘✓✤✢rÚ❅✥✞✕❾Û▲ß Ó✡☛✡❭Ý➈ä✆❥✣✢❅Û❤ä❇Ù➁Ú◆ß ✝ ★ë✉÷➍ú◆è✮✡❳ó①ë❵❺✌ö②èsé②é✜✲ ❙ï❢é②õ②ï❢ô❲✲❴☞★ ✲✄✂ ✯✠★ ✝ þ✍✁ ✇✝ ❺❬è❫ú◆ö②ñ❉ë❾ð ✝ ♥❂✈ ✖✗✖✘✓✜Ø✐Ù➁Ú◆Û➶Ü❾ÙrÝ✤✢rÚ✦✥ ♥❂✈✎✖✗✖✶✓ ✟✞✓❅ß✣✶ Û➔Ösã✿ß ✲✯✻rô❑ú✼è❾ø❉õ➃è✉ô❑ú◆è❫ú❖è❫ú ✝✆☎ ï❢ç❉ô ✇ó↕î➪è✉ñ✌☞ ✯ ï❢ô❉é✜✲ ✕è✉ü✞✝✐ï❢ö❈❀❂✲ ✕✝✤✲✟✂✯✠★ ✝ þ✶ ✁ ✰☞✝✁❙è✉ö➃è✉ô✔✓❾ó✗✲ ✙❚s❃ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ ❤qï➍ò❢ó①ë ✓■ï➍ô◆õ➃ö②ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö➃é✭✢✦✲âó➪ô Ó❥Ú ✕✉Ú◆Û❤Ü➏Ù✏✥✓✈②❥ìÛ➶ä▲ÙrÚ❴Û②Ù✵♥❂✈✎✖✜✖✘✓✵❧❨Ù✣✸rä✆❥➲Ó✦✡❜✡❑Ý➈ä✻❥❚✢❱Û➶ä▲ÙrÚ◆ß ä①Ú ✕✉Ú◆Û②ÖsÝ①Ý➈ä✄✸➍ÖsÚ◆Û▲✟✞✓❅ß❾Û➔Ösã❝ß ✲ ❥✝ ❥ ✝ ✝÷rò❢è✉ö✫÷➁ô❑ú ❤ ✝ ★ ✝ ❚ ÷➍ú➡è✉ç❲✲ ✥ú◆é ✝ ✲✠￾❍î➪ê◆ü✐è✉ö ★ës÷➍ú◆è✞✡➲ó①ë❵❺✌ê②✑❉î➪ó➪é②ç✠✟ è✉ö②é✏✲ ❙ï➍é➃õ②ï❢ô❲✲❴☞★ ✲✟✂✯✠★ ✲✲✍ ❄ ❄☛✻ ✲➍ù❃ù ✫ ❄✂❄ ✫ ✝ þ✫✁ ✯ ✝ ✓■ç❉ó➪ê❲✲ ✯ ✝ ✓■ç❑÷rô❭ú❂✲✦❻ ✝ ☞➐ï❵ï❢ö②è☛✲ ★ ✝ ✓■ç❑÷➁ê❑ú◆ç❑÷➁ö②ñ✠✲ ✙❚s❃ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ ❤ ï➍ò➍ó①ë í❇ï➍ö✺✓■ï❢ô◆õ②ö②ï❢î❑ï➁í ❥ï➍î➪î❑÷rô❭ú ☞❚ï✬✡❳è✉ô◆õ í❇ï➍ö✇÷④s❬î➪è❾ø❉ó✄✑❉î➪è ✇ó➪ô❉ò ★ó↕ö❾ë❾ö➏÷❱í❇õ✭✢❅✲ ✕ìá✹á✹á✒Ø✐ÙrÚ◆Û❤Ü➏Ù➁Ý ✟✞✓❅ß❾Û➔Ösã✿ß✙✝✪✢ ✸✔✢ ✖✉ä①Ú❑Ö ✲➹ù❉ù ✍ ✻✂✍ ❃ ✲✤❆✹ï❢î✞✍☛✍✬✲ ✕ï ✍✦✲ ☎ ê❉ô❉è ✍✔❄ ❄❣✍ ✝ þ✳✁ ★ ✝ ❤ ✝ ✯ ë②ç◆ü➹÷rö➃õ②ð☛✲✟✙❃✓■ï✬✡✘✡❋è✉ô◆õ➃é➬ï❢ô s❃ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ❁❤qï❢ò➍ó①ë ✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î✿ï➁í ❥ï➍î➪î➬÷➁ô❑ú▲☞❚ï☛✡➲è✉ô◆õ❋í❇ï❢ö✙÷ s❬î➪è❾ø❉ó✄✑❉î➪è ✇ó➪ô❉ò ★ó↕ö❾ë❾ö➏÷❱í❇õ✭✢❅✲ ✕❾á✹á✹á Ø✐ÙrÚ➡Û➶Ü❾ÙrÝ❛✟✞✓❅ß❾Û➔Ösã❝ß✞✝③✢✏✸✏✶ ✢✣✖✉ä①Ú❑Ö ✲❉ù❉ù✗✫❣✍✣✟ ✫☛✻②✲❜❆✹ï❢î✤✍❇✻②✲ ✕ï✔✍☛✲②s❃è✞✑❉ö➃ê❑÷rö➃ñ✁✍✔❄ ❄☛✻ ✝ þ❃✁ ✯ ✝ ✓■ç❉ó➪ê❲✲✮✙★ê❃õ②ç❉ï❢ö❇❅ é✪❥è✉ù❉î➪ñ✢✦✲ ✕ìá✹á✹á✣Ø✐Ù➁Ú◆Û➶Ü❾ÙrÝ ✟✞✓❅ß✣✶ Û➔Ösã✿ß ✝✪✢ ✸✔✢ ✖✉ä①Ú❑Ö ✲rù❉ù ✫❜✻✂✫❜❂②✲ ❆✹ï➍î✆✍✾✻②✲ ✕ï✞✍✬✲ s❃è✞✑❉ö➃ê✠✟ ÷rö②ñ ✍✔❄ ❄☛✻ ✝ þ❄✁ ✥❵✝ ✓■ï❅ø❶✲ ✙★ú❉÷rù❃õ②ó✄✎➍è❼s❃ê❉ð✉ðsñ ✯ ñ◆é②õ➃è✞✡❳é✱✢✦✲ ✕❾á✹á✹á ✟☛✡➡Ö✣❥ìÛ➶Ü✮✈❵ã✲✌ù❉ù❁✻ ✳✂❂✆✍✬✲■❆✹ï➍î✦❂➍ÿ ✲ ✕ï✁✻②✲✖s❃è✞✑❉ö➃ê❑÷rö➃ñ ✍✔❄ ❄❜❂ ✝ þ ✍❫ÿ ✁ ✓ ✝✡☎✦✝✏✰è✉ö②ò❢è✉õ✜✲ ✥ú ✝ ✲ ✙✽❥➹è❫÷❢ú◆è✉ö❇❅ é✘s❃ï➍ö➃ê②✡✳✢❅✲ ✕❾á✹á✹á Ø✐ÙrÚ◆Û❤Ü➏Ù➁Ý☛✟✮✓❅ß➏Û②Ösã✿ß✦✝③✢✏✸☛✢✣✖✉ä①Ú❭Ö ✲rù❃ù ✶✂✳②✲✾❆✹ï❢î❴✍✾❂②✲ ✕ï ❂②✲ ☎ ê❉ô❉è✏✍✔❄ ❄☛❂ ✝ þ ✍☛✍ ✁ ☞ ✝ ★õ②ç❭÷rô❉é✏✲✫✙❃✓■ï❢ô❵õ➃ö②ï❢î☛✟qæ➹ç❉è ★ú✠✎❢è✉ô◆õ②ê❉ö➃è✩✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ó➪ô✠✟ ê❉è✉é✭✢❅✲ ❙ï➡ú➡è✺❤qè❫ëìõ②ê❉ö➃è☛✲✟☛✲❢Ú✦✥✦✕ìá✹á✹á❴Ø✐ÙrÚ✞✹❫ÖsÜ➏ÖsÚ✦❥❾Ö➹ÙrÚ ✚❞Ö✣❥✉ä ßìä▲ÙrÚ✘✢rÚ❅✥④Ø✐ÙrÚ◆Û❤Ü➏Ù➁Ý✲ ✯ ÷➁ô ★ô◆õ②ï❢ô❉ó➪ï✦✲❅æ✌☞❦✲✍✂ ✯✠★ ✲ ❻➳è❅ë❾è✞✡✤✑❭è✉ö ✍ ✶✂ ✍ ✳②✲❵✍✔❄ ❄☛❂ ✝ þ ✍❇✻ ✁ ✥❵✝ ✰t✝ ☞✙÷✔✡➮ú❉÷➁ô❉ó✗✲☎✙②æ➹ü■è✉ô◆õ❤ñ✎✝✐è❫÷➁ö②é❙ïrí s❉ê❉ðsð✉ñ ✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î✵✑ ✥ø❉ù❑è✉ö➃ó➪è✉ô❑ë❾è✉é ❯❝÷ró➪ô❉è❫ú✏÷➁ô❑ú ❤qè✉é➃é②ï❢ô❉é ❤qè❫÷➁ö②ô◆õ✭✢❅✲ ✐✐Ü❾Ù✜❥sÔ❳Ù✗✹✌✲❢Ú✦✥ ✕ìá✹á✹á ✕✉Ú◆Û❤Ý➈Ô❚Ø✐Ù➁Ú✞✹✉Ô❳ÙrÚ ♥✈✎✖✗✖✘✓✏✟✞✓❅ß❾Û②Ö✉ã❝ß ✲◆ù❉ù ✝ ❂❜❂ ❄✂❂✯✍✍ ✝ þ ✍❇❂ ✁ ☞ ✝ æ➘ï✬✡❳ó➪ð✉ê②❀➍÷ ✲ ✙❚s❃ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ ✓■ï❢ô◆õ②ö②ï❢î☛ó➪ô ✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î ✥ô❉ò➍ó➪ô❉èsè✉ö❇❅ é❳æ✌ï◆ï➍î ❙ï❅ø✢❅✲✺❤ è❫ë❾õ②ê❃ö②è☛✲ Ó❯✉✱✘✆✏❉Õ➹Ó✱✟❵Ó ✴➮ÙrÜ✒✑❫ß✣✺➡Ù❉✡✫ÙrÚ ♥Ù➁Ü✉ã ✢➁Ý✱✝✍Ù✜✥❢Ö✉Ý➤ß✘✹❫ÙrÜ✔✕sÚ◆Û②Ö✉Ý①Ý➟ä✄✸➍Ö✉Ú◆Û Ø✐ÙrÚ◆Û❤Ü➏Ù➁Ý✲✤☞④✼❤æ☞✲✤✓➹÷✔✡✤✑❉ö②ó①ú◆ò❢è☛✲✪☞★ ÿ❜✻✆✍❇❂ ❄②✲✡✂ ✯✠★ ✲ ✯ è✉ù❉õ➃è✞✡✤✑❑èsö✛❂➍ÿ ✂ ✾ë❾õ②ï✬✑❑èsö✛✻②✲■✍ ❄ ❄❜❂ ✝ þ ✍✺✍✁ ✓ ✝ ✟✇✝ æ✹÷rï❅✲✤❥✝ ☞✙÷✔✡❳î➪ï◆ï☛❀❂✲ ✇✝✤✥❵✝ æ➹ç❃ï☛✡❳ù❃é②ï➍ô①✲ ✙❃❥➹è❅ú◆ê❑ë❾õ➃ó↕ï❢ô❋ïrí✲✓■ï☛✡➲ù❉î➪è❾ø❉ó↕õ❤ñ❍í❇ï❢ö✐÷✱❥➹ï✬✑❉ê❉é②õ✽s❉ê❉ðsð✉ñ ✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö✭✢❅✲ ✐✐Ü❾Ù✜❥sÔ➘Ùr✹ ✲❢Ú✦✥✞✕ìá✹á✹á ✕✉Ú◆Û❤Ý➈Ô➋Ø✐ÙrÚ✞✹sÔ➘ÙrÚ ♥✈✎✖✗✖✘✓✏✟✞✓❅ß❾Û②Ö✉ã❝ß ✲◆ù❉ù ✝ ✍✾❂✯✍✼✫✂ ✍✾❂✯✍✼❄ ✝ þ ✍ ✶ ✁ ✰☞✝ ✝➬ó➪ô❉ò❅✲ ✇✝ ✯ ó➪î↕èsö✜✲ ☎✦✝✓☎❅✝✆❙ê❭ë❈❀◆î➪è✉ñ✠✲ ✙❚s❃ê❉ð✉ð✉ñ❱✓■ï➍ô✠✟ õ②ö②ï❢î❨æ➹ç❉èsï➍ö②ñ■✑ ★ ✕ï➍ô❃î↕ó➪ô❉è❅÷rö✦✓➹÷ré②è ✢✦✲ Ó❯✈❢Û②Ùrã✤✢❅Û❤ä✆❥✣✢ ✲ ❆✹ï➍î ✝ ✻ ✫ ✲ ✕ï ✝ ❂②✲◆ù❉ù ✶ ✍✾❂✂✍ ✻➍ÿ ✲❴✍ ❄ ❄❢ÿ ✝ þ ✍✔✫ ✁✔☎✦✝ ✟ ☎❅✝❴✥❵✝ ✯ î➪ï➍õ➃ó↕ô❃è➬÷rô❭ú ✇✝ ❤qó✗✲ Ó✦✡❜✡❑Ý➈ä▲Ö❚✥✈Õ❞Ù➁Ú❉Ý➈ä①Ú❭Ö❚✢➁Ü Ø✐ÙrÚ◆Û❤Ü➏Ù➁Ý✝ ❺✌ö➃è✉ô◆õ②ó①ë❾è ✰ ÷rî➪î✗✲ ✻➁ô❑ú➲è❫ú ✝ ✲■✍✔❄ ❄✆✍ ✝ ● ⑤➬❰ ❐q❒q❮❰❶⑩☛⑩✬⑦❉❮ ￾✒⑦❉❮❂⑧◆❰q❮■☎✩❍q❐❨Ñ❅⑦❁❑✿⑦✦❸✉Ð❂⑩s❒❲❸ 0 5 10 Closed loop Step Response of System 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.2 Time 15 20 25 30 Sliding Mode Controller PID Controller Fuzzy Logic Controller s❬ó➪ò➍ê❉ö➃è✁❂✆✑✔✓■î➪ï➍é➃è❫ú❁❤qï◆ï➍ù ✯ õ②èsù✹❥➹è✉é➃ù❑ï❢ô❉é②è➙ïrí➬ô❃ï☛✡❳ó➪ô❑÷➁î ù❉î①÷rô◆õ 0 5 10 Closed loop Step Response of System 2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.2 Time 15 20 25 30 Sliding Mode Controller PID Controller Fuzzy Logic Controller s❬ó➪ò➍ê❉ö➃è ✍❵✑✐✓■î➪ï❢é②è❫ú❁❤qï◆ï❢ù ✯ õ➃è✉ù ❥➹è✉é➃ù❑ï❢ô❉é②è✙ï➁í➬õ➃ç❉è❚ù❑è✉ör✟ õ②ê❃ö❈✑❭è❫ú✾✡➲ï❉ú◆è✉î ✳✿ ý✷✴ ☎

o2.b8 Time Figure 5: Closed Loop Step Resp onse of the per- Figure 7: PID Controller Control Effort tur.ed a odel G3(sC Cont roller ontrol effort Figure R: Sliding Mode Controller Control Effort

0 5 10 Closed loop Step Response of System 3 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1.2 Time 15 20 25 30 Sliding Mode Controller PID Controller Fuzzy Logic Controller s❬ó➪ò➍ê❉ö➃è ✶ ✑❱✓■î↕ï❢é②è❫ú❁❤ ï❵ï❢ù ✯ õ➃è✉ù ❥➹è✉é➃ù❑ï❢ô❉é②è➙ïrí➬õ➃ç❉è❚ù❑èsö✗✟ õ➃ê❉ö❈✑❭è❫ú④✡➲ï➡ú➡è✉î ✳✱❀ ý✵✴ ☎ 0 5 10 Control Effort for Fuzzy Logic Controller 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 2 Time 15 20 25 30 System3 System2 System1 (nominal) s❬ó➪ò➍ê❃ö②è ✫✆✑❣s❉ê❃ð✉ð✉ñ✔❤qï❢ò➍ó①ë✩✓■ï❢ô❵õ➃ö②ï❢î↕î➪è✉ö✦✓■ï➍ô◆õ➃ö②ï➍î ✥❈qï➍ö②õ 0 5 10 Control Effort for PID Controller 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 2 Time 15 20 25 30 System3 System2 System1 (nominal) s❨ó➪ò❢ê❉ö②è ✳✆✑❣❺❣✼❈❻ ✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö✩✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î ✥❈qï➍ö➃õ 0 5 10 Control Effort for Sliding Mode Controller 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 3 Time 15 20 25 30 System3 System2 System1 (nominal) s❬ó➪ò➍ê❃ö②è ❃✆✑ ✯ î➪ó①ú◆ó➪ô❉ò ☞➐ï➡ú➡è ✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î➪î➪è✉ö✦✓■ï➍ô◆õ②ö➃ï➍î ✥❈qï➍ö➃õ



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