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一、实验目的 1、了解感应加热的原理; 2、了解电流透入深度与材料电阻率及电流频率之间的关系; 3、了解淬硬层深度的测定方法; 4、掌握高频感应加热淬火的方法
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第一部分:金属学(60分) 一、画出立方晶系中(011)晶面和[231]晶向。(本题4分) 装 二、试判断位错反应[110]→[121]+[211能否进行?(本题4分)
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一、实验目的 1、掌握淬透性的概念; 2、学会用未端淬火法测定钢的淬透性曲线; 3、比较45钢和40Cr钢的淬透性能
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The Aim of This Class To understand the classification of CHD To know well the embryological development of heart, causes of CHD and its pathogenesis To know well the approaches of evaluation of CHD To know the characteristics of fetal
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Adolescence Adolescence, puberty between childhood and adulthood feature stressful developmental major changes physical maturity sexuality
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一、室内光环境设计 二、室内色彩设计 三、室内空间界面设计 四、室内空间设计
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Interest groups seek to influence economic activity through public and private politics. Public politics takes place in the arenas of public inst it utions, whereas private politics takes place out side public inst itutions oft en in the arena of public sentiment. Private politics refers to action by interest groups directed at private parties, as in the case of an activist group launching a campaign against a firm
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Numerous empirical studies have demonstrated that asset prices react rapidly, if at all, to news published in the mass media. In many cases, the information has been discounted and prices have already moved upon primary publication through news wires, press releases or firm announcements. Any remaining information is usually quickly priced in after
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The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank 1 818H Street Nw Washington D. C. 20433. U.S.A The World Bank enjoys copyright under protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. This material may nonetheless be copied for research, educational, or scholarly
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Structure Utility function(效用函数) Definition Monotonic transformation(单调转换) Examples of utility functions and their indifference curves Marginal utility(边际效用) Marginal rate of substitution边际替代率 MRS after monotonic transformation
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