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The last decade has seen a revolution in software engineering tools and techniques. This revolution has been fueled by the ever-increasing complexity of the software component of delivered systems. Although the software component of delivered systems may not be the most expensive component, it is usually, however, “in series” with the hardware component; if the software doesn’t work, the hardware is useless
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Input devices are those portions of computer, data processing, and information systems that perform the essential function of providing some means for entering commands and data into the system. Therefore, input devices are found in all such systems, but are treated here as a separate equipment group, independent of the
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The true language of computers is a stream of 1s and 0s—bits. Everything in the computer, be it numbers or text or program, spreadsheet or database or 3-D rendering, is nothing but an array of bits. The meaning of the bits is in the “eye of the beholder”; it is determined entirely by context. Bits are not a useful medium for human consumption. Instead, we insist that what we read be formatted spatially and presented
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一、实验目的 1.掌握中规模集成译码器、数据选择器的逻辑功能和使用方法。 2.了解译码器的应用。 3.学习用数据选择器构成组合逻辑电路的方法
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一、实验目的 1.学会组合逻辑电路的实验分析及其设计方法。 2.验证半加器、全加器的逻辑功能
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一、实验目的 1.学会组合逻辑电路的实验分析及其设计方法。 2.验证半加器、全加器的逻辑功能
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devices the techniques were tailored to gate networks of the type described above. The term gate was already in use in the forties to denote the logical elements discussed earlier. There are very many good references on Boolean algebra and we may quote only a selected few of them. Suffice it to mention the texts by Hill and Peterson [1974], Kohavi [1978], and Hohn [1966]. These books give
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一、实验目的 1 .掌握中规模集成译码器、数据选择器的逻辑功能和使用方法。 2 .了解译码器的应用。 3 .学习用数据选择器构成组合逻辑电路的方法
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一、实验目的 1.掌握CMOS集成门电路的逻辑功能和器件的使用规则。 2.学会CMOS集成门电路主要参数的测试方法
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第十二章网络市场细分与目标市场选择 一、教学目的和要求 通过本章教学使学生深刻理解网络市场细分的涵义、作用、原则及细分变量,初步了解网络市场的评估标准以及网络营销目标市场的选择程序与策略。 二、内容提要 1、网络市场细分 2、网络营销的目标市场选择与策略
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