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免疫缺陷病(Immunodeficiency diseade,DD): 由免疫系统中任何一个成分在发生、发 育和成熟过程中的缺失或功能不全而导致免 疫功能障碍所引起的疾病。 免疫缺陷病分为:先天性/原发性免疫缺陷病 后天性/获得性免疫缺陷病
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免疫调节(immunoregulation) 是指在免疫应答过程中,各种免疫细胞 与免疫分子相互促进和抑制,形成正负作用的 网络结构,并在遗传基因的控制下,完成免疫系 统对抗原的识别和应答,使免疫应答维持合适 的强度以保证机体内环境的稳定
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以上分析了贸易产生的原因与结果。从经济的角度看,不论出口还是进口,自由贸易 给双方都带来净收益。通过国际分工和自由贸易,各国的福利水平都得到提高。但在现实 中,自由贸易却受到许多国家各种政策的干涉,其中最主要、普遍的是限制进口和鼓励出 口。政府为什么要干涉自由贸易、为什么要通过政策限制进口或刺激出口、各种贸易政策 的目标和?实施的结果是什么?
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一、产品生命周期理论 美国经济学家雷蒙德弗农分析了产品技术变化对贸易格局的影响,提出了产品生命周 期学说,解释贸易模式的动态变动和产品领先地位变化。 1.新产品与国际贸易 新产品的出现并不总是增加世界贸易量,因为它们可能只是取代某种原有的出口产 品,如果新产品成为进口替代品,还可能使国际贸易量减少。尼龙一生丝、合成橡胶→天 然橡胶、塑料→传统材料商品。但技术创新总体上对世界贸易具有正面影响
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学习目的和要求 一、了解病原特点、致病机制; 二、熟悉传染源和传播途径、病原学诊断; 三、掌握临床特点、临床诊断和鉴别诊断、预防和治疗、并发症的处理重点和难点
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Network Development of Network First measurements made in July 1992; just after start of International GPS Serviceigs). Since then measurements each year and often multiple campaigns per year. -The current network has over 1000 sites, many of them being recovery marks for the main
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GPS Groups/Gs There are many international and national groups involved in the deployment of GPS The international organization is the International GPs Service(IGs)
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Rank deficiencies Ranks deficiencies are combinations of parameters that can not be separately estimated In GPs. there are several rank deficiencies UTl, Longitudes of all the stations and the nodes of the satellite orbits, effectively can not be separated In theory, orbit perturbations by the moon/sun on the GPs
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Basic antenna operation Receiving and transmitting antennas are identical: Time just flows in opposite directions. Antenna problems are solved knowing the current distribution J(x') in the antenna and using a vector potential
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Basic atmospheric structure mosphere Troposphere is 2 100 where the temperature stops decreasing in the tmosphere(10 km altitude)
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