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Synchronous sequential circuit memory, usually consisting of flip-flops, update circuit states information All flip-flops share a common clock pulse input The clock input is not a binary value representing the time of day but rather a\synchronous\train of pulses. Synchronous memory changes its data only at certain time intervals The flip-flops can change state only on a clock pulse edge
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Analysis Analyze existing circuits to determine their function Synchronous sequential circuit The basic modeling structure Two circuit models: Mealy model& Moore model Three approach used to describe the circuit: Logic function equation
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一、填空题 1、由普通晶闸管组成的直流斩波器通常有 式三种工作方式
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Sequential Circuit Models Yo Combinational logic Universal combinational circuit model No memory units No feedback from logic outputs back to the inputs
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一、填空题 1、GTO的全称是图形符号为GTR的全称
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第一节SDH光传输系统 第二节SDH线路性能分析 第三节SDH网络性能指标 第四节SDH光接口、电接口技术标准
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(1)测钟。当地下水位埋深较浅时,常用测钟。当测钟接触到地下水面时,发出嗡嗡声,此时测量测钟绳长,即为地下水位埋深 (2)电测水位计或万用电表。电测水位计或万用电表是目前常用的测量地下水位的工具,其优点是简便、准确、不受地下水位埋深的限制。但测量时必须测绳伸直,应反复试测,准确地找到水面位置
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一、热力膨胀阀五、压差继电器 二、电子膨胀阀六、电磁阀 三、压力继电器七、蒸发压力调节阀 四、温度继电器八、冷却水量调节阀
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Registers, formed from collection of flip -flops, are used to store or manipulate data or both. Input and output function associated with registers include Parallel input/ Parallel output Serial input/ Serial output Parallel input/ Serial output OSerial input parallel output
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西安电子科技大学:《固体物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四章 固体能带论——固体中电子的状态和能谱 §4-1 固体电子的共有化和能带
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