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Overview of Diesel Fuel Injection Overall Diesel Fuel System Injector Pump Types Diesel Injector Types Glow Plug and Intake Air Heaters
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Electronic Throttle—Drive-By-Wire GDI——Gasoline Direct Injection Diesel Common Rail Injection System PROFESSONAL ENGLISH: NEW TECHNOLOGIES
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Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVT) History of the CVT Driving a car with a CVT How CVT Works Advantages of the CVT Disadvantages of the CVT
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Operation, Main Components and Classification of the Engine Principle of Operation Main Engine Components Engine Classification
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Automatic Transmission (AT) Torque Converter Planetary Gear Hydraulic System Servos and Accumulators Hydraulic Control System Electronic Control System
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TEXT A DRIVE LINE Drive Shaft Universal Joint Final Drive Differential
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TEXT A lutches and Manual Transmissions Clutches Manual Transmission (M/T)
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Direct Ignition Systems and Electronic Triggering Devices Direct Ignition System Electronic Triggering Devices
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