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第一节 热加工原理 第二节 热处理方式 第三节 影响热穿透食品的主要因素 第四节 热加工对食品品质的影响 第一节 食品低温保藏的基本原理 第二节 食品的冷藏 第三节 食品的冻藏
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勒温认为,在组织变革中,人的变革是最 重要的,组织要实施变革,首先改变成员 的态度。组织成员态度发展的一般过程, 反映着组织变革的基本过程,进而他提出 组织变革的三步:解冻、改变、重新冻结
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在粉碎的或原状松散的土中掺入一定量的无机结合料(包括水泥、石灰或工 业废渣等)和水,经拌和得到的混合料在压实与养生后,其抗压强度符合规定要 求的材料称为无机结合料稳定材料,以此修筑的路面称为无机结合料稳定路面。 无机结合料稳定路面具有稳定性好、抗冻性能强、结构本身自成板体等特点, 但其耐磨性差,因此广泛用于修筑路面结构的基层和底基层
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Preface During the last 40 years, consumer choice has been trans velopment in the production, distribution and retailing of food improvements in the design and equipment of the domestic kitchen have facilitated a major change in our lifestyle. Perhaps the most striking development is the marketing of a wide and
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Organisations looking to develop their business operations through the current volatile economic climates need to establish clear objectives as to how the various elements of the business need to perform to ensure continuing growth and viability. In order to achieve these objectives it is further imperative to have mechanisms in place to monitor performance and also to provide a process by which change can be implemented in those areas of activity which need strengthening. Total Quality
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3.3设置数据表视图的格式 3.3.1设置行高和列宽 3.3.2数据字体的设定 3.3.3表格样式的设定 3.3.4隐藏列的含义及其操作 3.3.5冻结列的含义及其操作 3.3.6子数据表
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The primary concern of chilled food manufacturers is to produce a product that is both wholesome, i.e. it has all the fresh, quality attributes associated with a chilled food, and safe, i.e. free from pathogenic microorganisms and chemical and foreign body contamination. This is particularly important in this product ector as, due to the nature and method of production, many chilled foods are classified as high-risk products
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Many different ingredients and raw materials are processed to make chilled foods. At harvest or slaughter these materials may have a wide range of microbes in or on them. Some of them carry the micro-organisms that cause their eventual spoilage(e.g. bacilli or Lactic acid bacteria) whilst others pick them up during harvesting or processing
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山区公路路基石方工程量大,而且集中,据统计一般约占土石方总量的45~75%。爆破是石 方路基施工最有效的方法,亦可用以爆松冻土淤泥,开采石料等等。在公路工程中采用综合爆 破,不但施工技术获得了重大革新,而且对公路选线、设计也有较大的影响。例如,沿溪线经常 要遇到悬岩峭壁,施工十分困难,工程量也很大,过去多采用展线翻越,或跨河绕避的方案
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