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1 Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction 1. Experiments ① A magnet and ② two loops of wire,a loop of wire battery and a switch A current is observed in the loop as long as the magnetic flux through the loop is changing with time
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20.1 The magnetic field and its application 1. The magnetic field and its features Gravitational field FG=mg -gravitational force caused by mass Electric field =gE -electric force caused by electric charge Magnetic field--? While the magnetic field has similarities to the other fields, it also has some unique features that distinguish it from the others
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1. Which of the following processes must violate the first law of thermodynamics?(There may be more than one answer!) ()W>0, 0, (C)W>0, 0, and AEint0,g>0,andEint<0
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1. Which type of ideal gas will have the largest value for C-Cp? (D) (A)Monatomic (B)Diatomic (C)Polyatomic (D)The value will be the same for all. Solution: The difference between the molar specific heat at constant pressure and that at constant volume is
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Chapter 3 Kinematics I: rectilinear motion Motion implies change, and it is change make life-and physics-visible and interesting. Kinematics is the theory about the description of motion. Physical theories are creations of the human intellect; they must be invented rather than discovered
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2.1 scalar and vector quantities 1. scalar Physical concepts that require only one numerical quantity for their complete specification are scalar quantities. 2. vector Vector quantities require for their complete specification a positive quantity, called the magnitude of the vector and the direction otice:Not all things with a magnitude and direction are vectors
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. Which of the following quantities are independent of the choice of inertial frame? (There may be more than one correct answer) (A)Velocity (B)Acceleration (C)Force (D)Work Solution: In all the inertial frame, the forces acted on a body are same,=ma=F'=ma', therefore the force and acceleration are independent of the choice of inertial frame
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广义相对论简介 爱因斯坦为什么要创立广义相对论? 狭义相对论只适用于惯性系,即惯性系比非惯性系 “优越”,所反映的自然规律的对称性不完善 狭义相对论的洛仑兹变换不能保持引力形式不变, 即狭义相对论不能包容万有引力定律
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The zeroth law of thermodynamics: The expression of the fundamental experiment fact. The first law of thermodynamics: The a statement of conservation of energy for pure thermodynamic system. The second law of thermodynamics: Why we need the second law of thermodynamics?
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The dynamics of many-particle systems is called statistical mechanics. The kinetic theory is a special aspect of the statistical mechanics of large number of particles. Suitable averages of the physical characteristics and motions of individual particles provide information about the macroscopic behavior of the system as a whole
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