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Second Edition The first edition of PRACTICAL DEHYDRATION published in 1971, was written primarily for the practical dehydrator, rather than for the chemist or theorist, whose interest in the industry might be more abstract or purely scientific
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Published by Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge CB1 6AH, England First published 1971, Food Trade Press Second edition 1998, Woodhead Publishing Ltd 1998, Maurice Greensmith The author has asserted his moral rights. Conditions of sale All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy
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In broad terms, the quality control staff, under the supervision of a qualified food chemist, should be responsible for the following: ()The evaluation of quality of all incoming raw material, supplementary ingredients used in processing, chemicals packaging material, cellulose and other film, paper and fibreboard containers, and certain consumable stores: (2)All routine laboratory tests on raw material, finished products, lye and blancher liquor, boiler and processing water;
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The main plant requirements for soup blending are an adequate number of ingredient bins, with discharge valves and weighing control, a collecting bin on a monorail beneath the ingredient bins, and good blending and mixing equipment
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Tomato powder is much in demand by dehydrated soup manufacturers, and is now produced in many countries where tomatoes are an indigenous outdoor crop. The heavy cropping Italian plum tomato is ideal for drying down to powder, and this is grown in most areas with a 'Mediterranean- type' climate. Tomatoes have a very low solids content-not more than 6 percent- and dehydration must be preceded by evaporating the pulped
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The vegetablecultivars quoted in the following process data are, in the main, those bred in temperate climates, the USA and Western Europe and, in the case of pulses, the Antipodes. However, with the growth of dehydration in thedeveloping countries, with tropicalorsubtrop, theseregions, along with Eastern Europe, Egypt and China, who have had a dehydration industry for many years
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Air drying of vegetables is still the most widely used method and there are several options open to the dehydrator as to the type of dryer that can be used for this purpose. In the early days of the industry, tunnel and stove dryers were in general use. Designs varied widely but all of them involved the use of shallow trays upon which the material for drying was spread to a depth of 25-40mm. The tray loading and unloading involved a fairly high labour content but
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The location of the dehydration factory must be considered very carefully, because, whereas at one time proximity to the source of raw materials was of paramount importance, availability of an adequate labour force and the provision for effluent disposal will, perhaps, constitute a more pressing requirement. A rural environment is obviously better than a location in a highly industrialised area, because the operation involves the utilisation of a considerable amount
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第1节污泥的分类、性质与产生量 第2节污泥处理处置基本方法 第3节污泥浓缩 第4节污泥的稳定 第5节污泥的调理 第6节污泥脱水 第7节污泥的干燥与焚烧 第8节污泥的处置与资源化 第9节工程实例
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1、掌握取材的定义及注意事项; 2、掌握常用固定液的配制 3、掌握组织检材制片前的处理和准备; 4、掌握组织脱水、透明的过程及注意事项; 5、熟悉切片机的操作;
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