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一、又称新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征 (Theoratal respiratory syndrome,NRDS)病因、病理、临床
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一、新生儿期细菌产生毒素 二、发病率、病死率较高
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心包解剖及生理 病因 病理 病理生理改变 临床表现 辅助检查 诊断及鉴别诊断 治疗
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一、定义(Diffination 二、病因及发病机理、( Etiology &Pathogenesis) (一)药物和食物因素 (二)应激状态
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REGULAR PATTERN OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT continuous process Different rate of development in various systems General pattern Individual variance Puberty13yr(F)/15yr(M)
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Definition PEM is manifested primarily by inadequate dietary intakes of protein and energy. PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other nutrient. PEM can be divided as primary PEM and secondary PEM
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Definition PEM is manifested primarily by inadequate dietary intakes of protein and energy. PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other nutrient. PEM can be divided as primary PEM and secondary PEM
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Diseases of the Blood in Children Anemias Nutritional anemias (Iron deficiency iron) Hereditary spherocytosis Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency Thalassemia Bleeding disorders(Hemorrhagic diseases) ITP Hemophilia
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1. Causes Hypoxia Perinatal asphyxia, apnea, respiratory failure, right to left shunt Ischemia Heart arrest, Heart failure, Shock
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