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– 帮助学生了解口译的性质、分类、特点、主要理论,从而促进对口译活动的认识 – 指导学生熟悉并掌握常用的交替传译技能,如口译准备、听力理解、短时记忆、速记、视译、顺句驱动、长句切分、数字口译、信息重组、演说等 1.宾馆入住 2.机场接待 3.口译速记 4.演讲比赛 5.面试访谈 6.礼仪祝酒 7.餐饮宴请 8.观光旅游 9.数字口译 10.中国文化 11.商业谈判 12.口语表达
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上海交通大学:《Chinese Contract Law》课程教学资源_Laws & Rules_SPC Contract Law Interpretation
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Chapter 1 Recent Advances in Pattern Classification Chapter 2 Neural Networks for Handwriting Recognition Chapter 3 Moving Object Detection from Mobile Platforms Using Stereo Data Registration Chapter 4 Pattern Classifications in Cognitive Informatics Chapter 5 Optimal Differential Filter on Hexagonal Lattice Chapter 6 Graph Image Language Techniques Supporting Advanced Classification and Cognitive Interpretation of CT Coronary Vessel Visualizations Chapter 7 A Graph Matching Approach to Symmetry Detection and Analysis
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《税法——转移定价》英文参考文献:05 CaseLaw_04 Interpretation of the Arm's Length Principle under Art. of the OECD Model Tax Treaty:Does the Arm's Length Principle Cover Formal Requirements?
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复旦大学:《离散数学 Discrete Mathematics》英文讲稿_12 Structure Interpretation Truth Satisfiable Consequence
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We will now approach the function A(a) from an entirely different point of view, i.e.,we will interpret the S-fabric in terms of strain1. (1.) We assume that the initial fabric is defined by a random orientation of surface, i.e.,that the ODF of the surface is uniform;
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Legal History for a Dummy: A Comment on the Role of History in Judicial Interpretation of the Confrontation Clause by Peter Tillers* I struggled quite a bit over what I should talk about today. I know a little bit about exploratory fact investigation1 and about related matters such as induction and what philosophers of science call the logic of discovery.2 I thought about discussing the worrisome implications of Crawford v. Washington3
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Interpretation over a singleton Let I be , and σ ∈ ΣI. 1. I(A)(σ) = I(∀xA)(σ). 2. I(t)(σ) = a. 3. I(Sx1,···,xn t1,···,tn A)(σ) = I(A)(σ). 4. I0(P), σ(P) ∈ {I(n), Ψ(n)} for every n-ary predicate constant (variable), where
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Review Show the homework and note book on your desk Practise measurement of attitude of planes and lines in the models
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Alexander Hamiton (1755~1804) Encarta Encyclopedia, Hulton Deutsch One of the boldest American political thinkers of his time. Hamilton developed the doctrine of implied powers, which supports liberal interpretation of the U.S Constitution. He also served as the nation's first secretary of the treasury
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