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Similarity of regulation between eukaryotes and prokaryote 1.Principles are the same: • signals (信号), • activators and repressors (激活蛋白和阻 遏蛋白) • recruitment and allostery, cooperative binding (招募,异构和协同结合) 2. The gene expression steps subjected to regulation are similar, and the initiation of transcription is the most pervasively regulated step
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TOPIC 1 Principles of Transcriptional Regulation [watch the animation] TOPIC 2 Regulation of Transcription Initiation: Examples from Bacteria (Lac operon, alternative s factors, NtrC,MerR, Gal rep, araBAD operon) TOPIC 3 Examples of Gene Regulation after Transcription Initiation (Trp operon) TOPIC 4 The Case of Phage λ: Layers of Regulation
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Although DNA replication, repair, homologous recombination occur with high fidelity to ensure the genome identity between generations, there are genetic processes that rearrange DNA sequences and thus lead to a more dynamic genome structure Two classes of genetic recombination for DNA rearrangement: • Conservative site-specific recombination (CSSR): recombination between two defined sequence elements • Transpositional recombination (Transposition): recombination between specific sequences and nonspecific DNA sites
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1. Please define the term “mutation”, and list the major types of DNA mutations and their corresponding phenotypic effects. (20 points) 2. Please define the term “DNA lesion”. Please list the three types of DNA lesions and the chemical or physical mutagens cause these lesions. (20 points)
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Q1. Prokaryotic cell E. coli consists of a single closed-circular DNA molecule of 4.6 x 106 bp long. This DNA molecule would be 1.6 mm if the double helix is relaxed. Please describe what strategies does E. coli use to pack such a long molecules into its nucleoid less than a micrometer (mm) in diameter. (20 points)
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(1)不离开自己的座位。(2)合上书和笔记。(3) 个人只能看和写自己的试卷(4)老师宣布停的时候, 所有学生必须放下自己的笔,眼睛 向前看。(5)老师 宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左边传向右边, 每排最右边的同学负责把试卷交给当堂助教
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2.不许离开自己的座位,不许看他人试卷,不许讲话 (有问题举手) 3.老师宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左边传向右边,每排最右边的同学负责把试 卷交给当堂助教。迟交者不收!
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(1)桌上只许有笔,答题纸和英文课本。(2)不许 离开自己的座位。(3)不许偷看,不许讲话 (有问题 举手)(4)老师宣布停的时候,必须放下自己的笔。 (5)老师宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左 边传向右边,每排最右边的同学负责把试卷交给当堂 助教
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1高分子链均方末端距的统计计算法 一维空间的无规行走问题 三维空间的无规行走问题 2.相关性 3.从Maxwell速度分布函数直接推导高分 子链末端距的分布函数
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糖类化合物是自然界分布广泛、数量最多的有机化合物,是食品的主要组成 成分之一,也是绿色植物光合作用的直接产物。自然界的生物物质中,糖类化合 物约占3/4,从细菌到高等动物都含有糖类化合物,植物体中含量最丰富,约占 其干重的85%~90%,其中又以纤维素最为丰富。其次是节肢动物,如昆虫、蟹 和虾外壳中的壳多糖(甲壳质) 糖类化合物的分子组成可用Cn(H2O)通式表示,统称为碳水化合物
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