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Section A Slavery Gave Me Noting to Lose Section B Why Are Women Afraid of Wrinkles Section C What Does It Really Mean to Grow Old
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Section A Research into Population Genetics Section B Geniuser and Butter Parentiong Section C Genetics and Environmental Factors in Creationg Genius
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Section A Bribery and Bussiness Ethics Section B The Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers Section C The Cunning Smuggler
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Section A Choose to Be Alone On Purpose Section B Roommate Conflicts Section C An Indian Arranged Marriage
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Section A The Telecommunications Revolution Section B The Information Superhighway Section C Privacy in the Information Age
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lasma enhanced surface diffusion without need for Dry etching Momentum transfer from plasma to remove surface species e We will see evaporation: Evaporate
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Alternative materials and fabrication techniques Applications in biology and chemistry Applications in medicine A real MTL example of rapid prototyping
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The lithographic Process a BasIc process Definitions Fundamentals of Exposure Exposure Systems Resists Advanced Lithography Recommended reading Plummer, chapter 5
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Why spend a whole lecture on oxidation of Si? Ge has high ue, Wh, Ge stable but no oxide GaAs has high ue and direct band Why sio? Sio, is stable down to 10 9 Torr. T>900C Sio can be etched with hf which leaves si unaffected
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Doping and diffusion I Motivation Faster MOSFET requires Requires shallower source, drain Ar P* poly snorter channel
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