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General Considerations Disorders of hemostasis defects in platelet number or function problems in fibrin clot(coagulation) Bleeding due to platelet disorders is typically mucosal or dermatologic include epistaxis, gum bleeding menorrhagia, gastrointestinal bleeding purpura, and petechiae
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Summarization Definition: serum total bilirubin(STB)> 34umol/L. causing a yellow color of skin. sclera and tissue fluid Latent icterus: an increase of stb but not more than 34umol/L, without color changes of skin and sclera
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一、概述 二、病因及发病机制 三、临床表现 四、诊断及鉴别诊断 五、治疗及预后
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Chronic Renal Insufficiency Pathogen and pathogenesis Manifestation Laboratory examination Diagnosis and differential diagnosis Treatment
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Digestive System Can you enjoy your life without yourdigestive system?
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Overview Clinical syndrome Slowing down of metabolism Slowing of growth and mental retardation in infants and children Generalized slowing down of organism Deposition of glycosaminoglycans in skin and muscle Reversible with therapy
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一、概述 二、历史源流 三、范围 四、诊断要点 五、辨证论治
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一、 教材: 1、《内科学》(王吉耀 廖二元 胡品津主编,供 8 年制及 7 年制等临床医学专业用,人民卫生出版社出版 2005 年) 2、《现代内科学英语精要》(英文版教材,王吉耀摘编,人民卫生出版社出版)
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RA is a chronic polyarticular inflammatory arthritis that involves not only small joints of the hands and feet but also systemic organs. Pathologic change: chronic synovitis with pannus (血管 翳)formation
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