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(Continued with question 1 in exercise for chapter 3). Suppose instead of given 2000 there is an investment function which takes the form Above, i is the interest rate. Meanwhile there is a demand function for money Md=1.2Y-20000i Assume that the monetary base is equal to 2000 while the required reserve ratio is 1 ). What is the equilibrium level of output Y and interest rate?
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When in 1920 I resumed my studies of theoretical physics which had long been interrupted by circumstances beyond my control, I was far from the idea that my studies would bring me several years later to receive such a higl and envied prize as that awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences each year to a scientist: the Nobel Prize for Physics. What at that time drew me towards theoretical physics was not the hope that such a high distinction
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Ⅱ. Listening skills Listening for Telephone numbers 1. W: I' m wondering if the weather will be good for us to go cycling on Saturday M: Let's call the weather office. I know the phone number. It's 661-3047. If the weather is going to be bad, we'll have to wait for another week Q: What's the phone number for the weather office?
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int Search Sq( SSTable ST, int key)∥在有序表上顺序查找的算法,监视哨设在高下 标端 STelem[ST length+1]. key=key for(i=1; ST elem[].key>key i++) if(>ST length.elem[]. key
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Status delete( Sqlist&a,inti,intk)删除线性表a中第ⅰ个元素起的k个元素 if(ia length) return INFEASIBLE, for( count=l;i+ count-l<= a length- k count++)/注意循环结束的条件
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设混合气体由1,2,k种气体组成 m=m1+m2+m3+…+m;+…+m=>m i=1 第i种组元气体的质量成分:
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I Systems Microbiology(13 Lectures 7hece∥ as a we∥}- stirred boc/ nem/ca/ reactor Introduction 2 Chemical kinetics, Equilibrium binding, cooperativity L3 Lambda phage L4 Stability analysis L5-6 Genetic switches
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第2章线性表 一.选择题 1.a2.b3.c4.a.d6.d7.d8.c9.b10.bc11.i11.2i11.3e
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 13 Managerial Accounting I: Concepts and Principles Exercise 1. Sunny Brockman has developed a new device that is so exciting he is considering quitting his job in order to produce and market it on a large-scale basis. Sunny will rent a garage for $1000 per
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第一章 导论、第二章 宏观经济学的基本概念、第三章 产量的决定——引入总供给和总需求
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