1Introduction In this report' we will present, given the space available, a brief overview o fDutch security, followed by a discussion of the law of personal security. We will focus on questions as to which practical and/or theoretical uncertainties exist. Although a major part of the books on patrimonial law of the Dutch Civil Code entered into force 10 years ago, already case law is developing in areas where the codified rules proved to be unc olutions whi
Indicated Airspeed a Indicated on Instrument a Measurement of pressure on Aircraft(ie Load) O Used for structural operating limits Calibrated Airspeed a Pitot-Static Errors calibrated out a Used for Flight test and performance Groundspeed a Achieved speed over ground
Routing Must choose routes for various origin destination pairs (O/D pairs) or for various sessions – Datagram routing: route chosen on a packet by packet basis Using datagram routing is an easy way to split paths – Virtual circuit routing: route chosen a session by session basis