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本课程是为数学系本科高年级学生开设的.本课程讲述一般空间上的测度论的基础知 识和欧氏空间R”上的 Lebesgue测度与积分理论. 现代数学的许多分支如概率论,泛函分析,群上调和分析等越来越多的用到一般空间 上的测度理论.对数学专业的学生而言,掌握一般空间上的测度论的基础知识,已经变得越 来越重要.因此本课程将一般空间上的测度论和R上的Lebesgue积分结合起来讲述,交叉 进行.一般是每章先介绍一般空间上的概念与定理,然后将R”上的Lebesgue测度与积分作 为特例,加以重点介绍
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The nineties 1. Chap. 5 and 6, Spaceflight and the Myth of Presidential Leadership 2. Chap. 7 and 8, Beyond Horizons 3.\National Space Policy 4.The Satellite Remote Sensing Industry 5.\Long Range Plan; Executive Summary of US Space Command 6. State of the Space Industry 1999
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The Eighties Reading 1. Chap. 5 and 6, Spaceflight and the myth of Presidential Leadership.\ 2. Chap. 2, \Space Policy: How Technology Economics and Public Policy Intersect.\ 3. Chap. 5 and 6, \Beyond Horizons.\ Strategic Themes
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History and Policy in the sixties Reading 1. Spaceflight and the Myth of Presidential Leadership?\Chapters 2&3 2.“ The Heavens and the earth” Chapters 11-22 3.“ Beyond Horizons” Chapter3 Strategic themes The use of the Space Program as a political tool to show the superiority of the
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Who is in the Space Enterprise and what are their roles? Reading A. US National Space Policy, http://www.whitehouse.gov/wh/eop/osTp/htmL/ostpHomehtml B.DodSpacePolicyhttp://www.c3i.osd.mil/org/c3is/spacepol/index.html C.Nrohomepagehttp://www.nro.mil D.Nasahomepagehttp://www.nasa.gov/enterprises.html
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UNCLASSIFIED Unclassified Sources of Space Policy and Law Custom Domestic and International Laws Treaties and Agreements Policy Statements and Directives -Presidential DoD and The Armed Services Other Government Or
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Space Policy Seminar#1 What is space policy? Who makes it and Why is it important? Outlineo Definitions Technical statement and limits A simple model for space policy statements
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发动机润滑系是发动机正常运行的一个重要保障系统,其主要起润滑、冷却、清洗、 密封、减振、防锈、控制的作用。润滑系工作不正常,将引起摩擦阻力增加,机件磨损 加快,甚至在短时间内造成发动机产生事故性损坏,其控制部分不正常使发动机性能下 降。因此,要汽车能正常运行,润滑系必须保持处于正常工作状态
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第5章电控汽油喷射系统构造与维修 第1节电控汽油喷射系统的分类与组成 一、电控汽油喷射系统的分类 1、直接测量空气流量方式的汽油喷射系统(L和H型)直接测量方式采用空气流量计直接测量单位时间发动机吸入的空气量。 (1)体积流量方式。利用翼片式空气流量计或卡门涡流式空气流量计,直接测量单位时间发动机吸入的空气体积流量
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一、发动机的换气过程 换气过程发动机排出废气和充入新气(空气或可燃混合气)的全过程。 1、换气过程 (1)自由排气阶段 排气门开始开启到气缸内压力接近排气管内压力的时期
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