Required Returns and the Cost of Capital Creation of Value Overall Cost of Capital of the Firm Project-Specific Required Rates Group-Specific Required Rates
Fund Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning Flow of Funds(Sources and Uses) Statement Accounting Statement of Cash-Flows- ash- Flow Forecasting Range of Cash-Flow- Estimates Forecasting Financial Statements
Risk and Return Defining Risk and Return Using Probability Distributions to Measure Risk Attitudes Toward Risk Risk and Return in a Portfolio Context Diversification The Capital Asset Pricing Model(cM)
Current Asset Introduction Classification Current (short- Noncurrent term)Assets (Long-Term) Assets Resources or claims to resources that are Resources or claims expected to be sold
Income Measurement Concepts Illustration Facts: Company with$100,000 in cash Buys condo for$100,000 Rents condo for $12,000 per year End of the first year: Condo valued at