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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to put the previously discussed two models --the models of product market and money market --together and discuss how output and interest rate is determined The model presented in this chapter is often called the IS-LM model (IS: the product market model; LM the money market model)
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Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Defintion: GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by a country Final versus Intermediate By final\, we mean the goods and service that are purchased for final use by purchaser and not for resale or further processing. The meaning intermediate is opposite to final
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传统的国民经济核算体系及其主要指标GDP具有一定的局限性,无法反映包 括人力资源、自然资产等在内的真实国民财富。绿色GDP和真实储蓄率则可以更真实地反 映出一国的国民财富,并衡量国家和地区经济可持续性。本文对绿色GDP做了系统阐述, 并根据2000年中国统计数据,对中国各地GDP进行修正,推算出各地的绿色GDP以此 为依据,本文最后对中国目前环境、经济可持续发展的现状进行了深入分析
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(Continued with question 1 in exercise for chapter 3). Suppose instead of given 2000 there is an investment function which takes the form Above, i is the interest rate. Meanwhile there is a demand function for money Md=1.2Y-20000i Assume that the monetary base is equal to 2000 while the required reserve ratio is 1 ). What is the equilibrium level of output Y and interest rate?
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6.1关于货币政策是否有效的三种理论 一、完全无效论:古典理论(货币面纱论)、内生货币理论 二、某种程度有效:新古典综合理论 三、完全有效:极端的货币主义理论
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如图: 我们假设所有进入劳动力市场的劳动力(Labor force)数量为L,所谓失业 率为0指得是进入劳动力市场的劳动力被完全利用( completely utilized), 即厂商雇佣了L这么多的劳动力; 劳动力市场的均衡点是E,在这一点上劳动力供给等于需求。如果我们把 劳动力看作一种商品,在E点,劳动力市场上的“生产者剩余”和“消费 者剩余”之和达到最大1,这意味着劳动力市场是效率最大化的
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教学目的:让学生了解涉外经济调控法的 基本概念、特征及法律体系;重点掌握WTO与 中国政府对涉外经济调控的转变。 教学重点:(1)中国外贸管制;(2)WTO与 中国政府外贸管制的改革
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一.基本概念 国民收入最终产品中间产品个人收入消费国内生产总值折旧固定资产投资存货投资个人可支配收入奥肯定律名义国民生产总值实际国民生产总值GNP折算指数国民收入核算体系人均国民生产总值潜在国民生产总值社会总产值生产要素要素收入非要素收入物质产品平衡表体系社会总产值
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第七讲总需求—总供给模型 6.1总需求(AD)曲线 6.2总供给(AS)曲线 6.3产出和价格水平的决定 6.4总供求模型的总结
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9-1: Aggregate Supply 9-2: Aggregate Demand 9-3: Equilibrium Output in the Short and the Medium Run 9-4: The Effects of a Monetary Expansion 9-5: A Decrease in the Budget Deficit 9-6: Changes in the Price of Oil 9-7: Conclusions
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