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1.定义 2.发展 3.组成及分类 4.包合原理 5.包合材料
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Theories of elementary reaction Simple Collision theory (SCT) for bimolecular reactions Transition state theory (TST) for bimolecular reactions
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pV= constant×nT=nRT gas constant R=8.31451JK-1 mol-1 perfect gas equation Ideal Gas State Equation
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1 理想气体状态方程 perfect gas equation pV= constant×nT=nRT
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Measurement of Work to determine the \direction\ of a process: \direction\--spontaneous--irreversible --non-spontaneous-- reversible --equilibrium
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简单混合物 Simple mixtures偏摩尔体积 Partial molar VolumeⅤ≠V1+Ⅴ2Partial molar volume of substance a in a mixture is the change involume per mole of a added to the large volume of the mixture
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第一节 产力异常 第二节 产道异常 第三节 胎儿异常
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第一节细胞形态结构的观察方法 光学显微镜技术
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一、被动运输被动运输( passive transport)是指通过简单扩散或协助 (outside) lipid-soluble molecules,扩散实现物质由高 O2, CO2, H2O浓度到低浓度方向的跨膜转运。(一)简单扩散 (inside)
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◼ 线粒体和叶绿体的初步知识 ◼ 线粒体与氧化磷酸化 ◼ 叶绿体与光合作用 ◼ 线粒体和叶绿体是半自主性细胞器 ◼ 线粒体和叶绿体的增殖与起源 ◼ 小结
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