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How experts make decisions in the real world Descriptive method Stress, time-pressure, dynamic conditions, ambiguous information, and ill-defined goals Heuristics may introduce bias but can be very powerful Other related research areas
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Probabilit Theory Objective Subjective Probability Probability SEU ·MAUT Axiomatic
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Consider Sensor System Display Or Threshold Sensor System Alert Radar Engine fire Detection
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Advantages of automation 16.422 · Improve efficiency productivity Task performance reliability Human safety both operators public Remote operations Reduction of human labor Technological advancements Improved quality of lif
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Outline Information Theory Signal Detection Theory Alerting Introduction
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Course objectives This is a graduate student class designed to examine the fundamental issues of human supervisory control, wherein humans interact with complex dynamic systems, mediated through various levels of automation this course will explore how humans interact with automated systems of varying complexities, what decision
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并联运行的优点 1、提高供电的可靠性 2、提高供电的经济性 3、提高电能的质量(主要是U和f)
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数字式传感器能把被测的模拟量直接转换成数字量。 与模拟传感器相比的特点是抗干扰能力强稳定性强;易 于微机接口便于信号处理和实现自动化测量
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7.1概述 一、配电装置的定义 a、按电气主接线进行集中布置和连接的一次设备。 B、同一级电压的开关设备、载流导体等,加上辅助设备、土建设备等。 C、正常情况下,用来接受和分配电能;故障情况下,能迅速切除故障部分恢复运行
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一、人体的触电 1、触电一一既手脚之间、两手之间或两脚之间受到电压的作用 在人体内产生电流 2、分类 直接触电一—可采用电气隔离,并且正确地执行电气设备安全运行的措施 间接触电一一加强绝缘的定期监测和维修,采用接地保护的办法
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