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矿物的形成、稳定和变化 均无不受热力学条件所制约, 同时环境的物理化学条件的差异又导致矿物在成分、结构、形态 及物理性质上的细微变化
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一、矿物的概念(图片1)图片(2) 矿物(mineral):是由地质作用 或宇宙作用所形成的、具有一定的 化学成分和内部结构、在一定的 物理化学条件下相对稳定的天然 结晶态的单质或化合物,它们是 岩石和矿石的基本组成单位
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REGIONAL STRESS REGIMES (ANDERSON THEORY OF FAULTING) 2 is located parallel to the fault plane, normal to the direction of slipl 3 is located normal to o, and o2/ Earth's surface is a principal plane of stress Ideal fault geometry
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CONSTRUCTION OF VERTICAL SECTION 1 Select the location of the section and draw a section line (usually perpendicular to the strike of the main structures), right-hand end is its more easterly end 2 Draw a topographic profile along the line of section. Determine the base line on the squared
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一、研究意义: ①矿物的化学成分是区别不同矿物的重要依据; ②矿物化学成分的变化特点常作为反映矿物形成条件的标志; ③矿物化学成分是人类利用矿物资源的一个重要方面
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3.2.1 Concepts of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.2.2 Methodology of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.3.1 Lithostratigraphic unit-LU 3.3.2 Biostratigraphic u.-BU 3.3.3 Chronostratigraphic u.-CU 3.3.4 Stratotype & GTS 3.3.5 Relations between stratal u. 3.4.1 vertical aggradation 3.4.2 Lateral aggradation 3.4.3 Biological sedimentation 3.4.4 海进与海退 Transgression & regression
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Force Force is a kind of mechanical action between different objects, it tends to change the shape, volume or movement state of the object with a force upon it. Force is a vector quantity, and thus possesses both magnitude and direction; it can be represented by an arrow whose length specifies the magnitude and whose
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4.1 Methodology of historical tectonics 历史大地构造及其分析方法 4.2 What are a platform & geosyncline 地槽、地台的概念 4.3 Outline of plate tectonics 板块构造简介 4.4 How to reconstruct a paleoplate 古板块的恢复方法 4.5 Tectonic province, cycle & stage 大地构造分区、旋回和阶段
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•第一节 糖类化学 carbohydrates •第二节 脂类化学 •脂肪(真脂):甘油三酯(三酯酰甘油) •类脂 磷脂:含磷酸及有机碱的脂类 糖脂:含糖及有机碱的脂类 •类固醇 胆固醇及其酯 胆汁酸 类固醇激素 •脂类 (lipides) •第三节 氨基酸、多肽与蛋白质化学 •第四节 核酸化学 • DNA 遗传的物质基础 • 核酸 mRNA 作为Pr合成模板 • RNA tRNA 转运AA • rRNA 作为Pr合成场所
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1.学会在地形地质图上用三点法求倾斜岩层的产状; 2.学会求倾斜岩层的埋藏深度; 3.在地形地质图上熟练地求出倾斜岩层的厚度
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