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REMINDER: Computer Lab #1 is due on October 8 REMINDER: Quiz 1 will be held from 7: 30-9: 30 p. m. Tuesday, October 14 in Walker Memorial. The quiz will cover material in Chapters 1-3 of o W, Lectures and Recitations
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REMINDER: Quiz #2 will be held from 7: 30-9: 30 p. m. Thursday, November 13 in Walker Memorial. The quiz will cover materials in Chapters 4-7(through Section 7. 4)of O&w, Lectures and Recitations through October 29, Problem Sets #4-6, and that part of Problem Set 7 involving problems from Chapter 7 Reading Assignments
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例:图1所示冲裁件,材料为A3,厚度为2m,大批量生产。试制定工件冲压工 艺规程、设计其模具、编制模具零件的加工工艺规程
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principle[ pr i nsi pI]n.原理 be dependent on依赖,取决于 sample['samp1]vt..样;样值 quantize[ k won t z]v.量化,分层 ode[koud]v.编码;n.码 scheme[ski:m]n.方案,设计,安排 describe[dis'\ k r ai b]vt.叙述,描述 description叙述,描述
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uniT 8 The Development of Paging System means[mi:nz]n.方法,手段,工具 advantage[ad'wa:nti]n.优势,利益 availability[a' veila' b i t i]n.可用性,可得性 assume[a'sju:m]v.假定,设想 dramatic[dra' mae t i k]a.戏剧的,鲜明的
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Good Location can overcome Mediocre Strategy Mⅸ Poor location difficult to overcome Requires EXtensive Decision Making Least Flexible Element of Strategy Mix
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本工作页练习产生元素满足一定要求的特殊矩阵:主要方法有 1.使用内置函数 Matrix(m,n,)函数 2.直接定义矩阵元素 3.编写程序
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6-2相量法的基本知识 一、复数 (1)代数形式A=a+jba—实部b—虚部 a=R[A]=R[a+jb]R取实部 b=m=mla+jm取虚部 一个复数可以表示在复平面上
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Review Fundamentals of multibody dynamics Newton-Euler equation I;=-×工+n+nF =fw+ff Rely on free-body diagram. Constraint force involved Compact form m ti=-WiMti+w+wf
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1.解: sin l W W=W+ W w W 1-m 其折射光又从玻璃与空气的另一界面射入空气
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