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1.姚穆.纺织材料学.第二版.纺织工业出版社,1990 2.赵书经.纺织材料实验教程.纺织工业出版社,1989 3.李栋高、蒋蕙钧.丝绸材料学.中国纺织出版社,1994
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1 棉纤维长度的测定 2棉纤维马克隆值的测定 3 化学纤维含油率的测定
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一、纺织纤维及其分类 二、纱线及其分类 三、织物及其分类
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一、化学纤维制造概述 二、常规化学纤维 三、差别化纤维 四、功能性纤维
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一、棉纤维的基本特性 二、麻纤维的基本特性 三、毛纤维的基本特性 四、丝纤维的基本特性
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一、纱线的线密度 二、纱线的捻度 三、纱线的毛羽
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一、原棉的品质检验与评定 二、本色棉纱线的品质检验与评定 三、本色棉布与印染布的品质检验与评定
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Guangdong Instltute of Textile Technolegy Justification Textile materials are the basic materials. It is crucial to establish a basic understanding of the science governing the behavior of these materials. The course is taught in a bilingual system such that the students will have an opportunity to enhance their English ability while learning the key knowledge in textiles
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Guangdong Institute of Textile Technolegy Structures of wool fibers Submicrostructure Cotex core of the wool fiber: 90% of the fiber volume, consists of countless long, spindle-shaped- cells held together by intercellular cement
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Guangdong Instltute of Textile Technolegy Introduction Fibers in which forming substance is cellulose acetate where not less than 92% of hydroxyl groups are acetylated: replacing -OH groups with -COCH3. Acetate: 2 of 3 -0H groups in each 6- member ring are acetylated; ~2.5 Triacetate: Nearly all -OH groups are replaced 2.91~2.96
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