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(一) 车辆轮轴型式和荷载 公路路面设计中,通常用轮组系数和轴数系数来考虑车辆的轮数和轴数。 机场道面设计中,通常以使用该机场的主要飞机的最大起飞质量作为计算依据
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Provide for data logging, remote control and automatic action-pneumatic electro￾pneumatic, and electronic equipment, self￾regulating apparatus, etc. The chapter will give a general instruction above system and function. The other chapters of the book focus on the oil handling devices onboard
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In motorships the oil, after passing through main and motion bearings and oil-cooled pistons, etc., is either retained in the bedplate or flows by gravity to a sump tank. In either case, the oil pumps, which may be self￾priming, submerged centrifugal or rotary positive displacement, draw the oil through magnetic strainers and discharge to: filters - oil coolers - engine lubricating and/or cooling manifolds
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Air at high pressure, i.e. at 25 bar or more, is required for starting main and auxiliary engines in motorships. Air at low pressure, say at 6 bar or less is required for much remote or temperature or pressure controlled equipment, for which purpose it must be clean and oil-free
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Oil fuel transfer arrangements provide for receiving stations at an upper deck level, port and starboard, furnished with valves, elbows, pressure gauges, filters and relief valves
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Open systems using gravity tanks, etc., are rarely met nowadays and Figure 1.8 shows a characteristic arrangement of pressure tanks, calorifiers and pumps for a large ship. The fresh water pumps are self-priming, drawing from storage tanks and discharging through filters to a rising main, branched to give a cold supply and a hot supply in closed circuit through a calorifier. A tank kept under pressure by an external supply of compressed air rests on the system and provides the head necessary
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A fire and bilge pump has suctions from sea, bilge main and engine room bilge, with discharges to fire main, oily water separator and overboard. A ballast pump has suctions from sea, ballast main, engine room , bilge direct and bilge main with discharges to overboard, the ballast main, the oily water separator and possibly, the main salt water circulating system
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There are branch pipes to the separators and occasionally to the settling tanks (blanked). Other branch pipes lead to the deck filling lines (also blanked) so that the oil can be discharged ashore
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In motorships there are two main circuits, one salt , one fresh. The salt circuit is: sea inlet box (seachest) - pump(s) - f.w. coolers in series (first LT then HT) – turbo blower aftercoolers in parallel (if any) – provision condenser in parallel (if any) - overboard
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3.1 脚手架工程 3.4 石砌体施工3.2 垂直运输设施 3.3 砖砌体施工 3.5 中小型砌块施工 3.6 砌筑工程的安全技术
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