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一、电缆散热量一电阻率 二、电缆散热量一电阻率单位
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第一节生物学特性 第二节繁殖技术
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一、非血管性介入技术包括 二、影像学导向下各种抽吸或切割活检 三、囊腔、脓腔引流 四、造瘘术和成形术 五、支架放置 六、异物取及 七、肿瘤的治疗和腹腔神经阻滞术 八、修补术
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The origins of dehydration go back into. The preservation of food by drying has been an art for centuries but it is only in the middle of the present century that the art has been translated into terms of technology. The old methods of utilising the sun and wind to evaporate water
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Preparation plant for dehydration is very to that used by the canner and freezer, because up to the last stage of conservation the raw material is prepared in similar manner, other than to provide for the introduction of certain additives which are not common to either canned or frozen products
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Potato granules are more usually commercially designated as Instant Potato or Potato Mash Powder. This product was first manufactured in the UK, on commercial scale, some 55 years ago. As the name implies, precooked potatoes are dehydrated into granular form and, when hot water is added, they revert almost instantly to cooked mashed potato. This product has been widely developed as a convenience food in America and Europe
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The United States is by far the largest producer of dried fruits, raisins and prunes being the most important tonnage-wise, with figs, apples, apricots, peaches and pears following in order of tonnage produced Other countries with a substantial export trade in dried fruits are Greece(producing 90 percent of the world's currant supply), Iran, Turkey, Portugal,raq, Algeria, Australia, Argentina, Egyptand South Africa. Ofthe above, the Middle East countries are particularly in the drying of figs and dates
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The dehydration of meat and poultry in granule form for soup ingredients is dealt with in this chapter, as being of more practical importance than the drying of meat in larger cuts, such as slabs, dice, etc which can only be dehydrated by the AFD method. Outlets for the latter products are relatively limited in Europe, whereas there is market for soup-making- materials. Meat granules and powders can be air dried or freeze-vacuum dried
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The size grading of dehydrates is an important function, both in the interests of quality and presentation, and also for the purpose of obtaining the optimum return on products undersize, or less than the standard cut. With almost all cut vegetables and fruits, there will be off-cuts from the dicers or cutters, which can be effectively separated from the primary product by the use of effective sieving machines
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The food manufacturing industry, in general, has always been a highly competitive business but no branch of it is more so than dehydration. Profitability hinges on so many factors, some of which are outside the manufacturer's control. One of the main hazards in this context is that of climate. Total solids in raw materials are the key to a viable operation, and, if these are low, due to wet growing conditions, the plant throughput is going to be seriously reduced
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