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Handout 10: Notch compensation Eric Feron March 8, 2004 Notch Compensation goals: Kill nasty frequencies (eg resonant fre- quencies). Canonical Notch element:
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Handout 13: More about plants with right half-plane zeros Eric Feron March 15, 2004 Right half-plane zeros and sensor/actuator design Influence of sensor position on system dynamics: Star Market
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Handout 18: Dual-input describing functions Eric Feron April 5,2004 Dual-input describing functions are for mixed signals(sinusoid small constant signal) Approximating non-constant signals with constant ones
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Handout 19: More about Dual-input describing functions- Limit cycle stability analysis Eric Feron April 16, 2004 Dual-input describing functions for Toggle switch Another servo-motor application
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Handout 20: Phase Plane analysis: Introduction Eric Feron April 28, 2004 State space equations of second-order systems
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一、分:如何分:要考虑合 二、治:如何治:递归+临界条件下使用其它方法
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一、动态规划回顾 二、活动问题选择分析 三、贪婪算法要点
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一、Aggregate analysis 二、The accounting method 三、Amortized Analysis
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第一节维持阶段的小组动力 1、小组结构 (1)沟通结构 (2)社会计量结构 (3)权力结构 (4)角色结构 2、小组过程 (1)角色分化与运作 (2)目标转换与追求 (3)小组规范与凝聚力
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3.1正弦电压与电流 3.2正弦量的相量表示法 3.3电阻元件、电感元件与电容元件 3.4电阻元件的交流电路 3.5电感元件的交流电路 3.6电容元件的交流电路 3.7电阻、电感与电容元件串联交流电路 3.8阻抗的串联与并联 3.9复杂正弦交流电路的分析与计算 3.10交流电路的频率特性 3.11功率因数的提高
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